No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

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I realised I'd messed up hugely during it's launch when I delved into the menu and attempted to rebind keys. It was a futile move as the newly bound keys wouldn't take for some reason and kept snapping back to their defaults.

It was all downhill from there. I'm glad I got a refund as it was one of the worst games I'd seen since Daikatana. I still feel saddened when I think of the game.
Wonder where all the rabid fan boys have vanished to who were defending the game when people were saying not to preorder? Funny that.
The No Man's Sky multiplayer controversy shows no signs of slowing down, as Sony weighs in on the online scandal.
Sony has denied ever advertising No Man's Sky as anything other than a single-player game, claiming that the media portrayed it as having multiplayer elements.
This is according to an email sent to PixelVulture by Sony: "We have double checked with the relevant team: In the description it always said 1 player, but it was portrayed in the media that it might have it.
"There was no mention of multiplayer within the product description on the PlayStation Store."
While Sony is right to say that No Man's Sky was never advertised as a multiplayer game on the PlayStation Store or on the game's box art, Hello Games co-founder Sean Murray seemingly confirmed it in multiple pre-release interviews.

This is their Twitter page now

This account's Tweets are protected.

Only confirmed followers have access to @hellogames's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

although there Facebook page is quite funny and open to abuse.

Hello Games website, note the tweet which was mentioned previously

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Most of those who legitimately enjoy the game are simply avoiding the resounding negativity that overshadows any meaningful discussion.

There is a subreddit for those who actually enjoy No Man's Sky:

If people weren't lied to I wonder how much of this resounding negativity would still exist? One of the biggest gripes isn't that it's a crap game, (which it is) but that players were flat out lied to, and then when confronted about it, the slimey devs went completely silent.
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