No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

Sean Murrays twitter is so sickingly cringeworthy it's funny, the level of self grandeur is hilarious like comparing themself to Susan Boyle.

Difference is Susan Boyle can sing...
Its an impressive sounding patch to be fair, but the damage has been done. It should never in a million years been released in the state it was and the lies surrounding the release simply made it all the worse and tainted, forever, peoples impression of Hello Games.
Meh too little too late. Lost interest due to the 3 month silence after so many criticisms, not just from players but from the gaming press.

Might go back to it one day but not until theyve done another few patches like this, I want to play the game they sold.
Adding in 'faux' player built bases just seems to be yet another thing that you have to mindlessly collect the same **** over and over and over again for. Then, the base you build actually produces even more **** that you have to collect over and over and over again.

Hell, you can't even choose where to build your base. They're already pre-positioned.
Ah well, at least they're still trying, I figured they'd just give up on it.

Hopefully those of you who bought it get something you're happy with eventually.
Hopefully those of you who bought it get something you're happy with eventually.

A very kind sentiment but unfortunately I can't say the same. I hope onlookers and people who pre-ordered this in a method that didn't allow a refund learn a very clear lesson.

It's pretty obvious everyone know's how preorders are seriously damaging the gaming industry and yet folks can't help themselves, even from waiting 24 hours after release.

You should see some of the conversations around Battlefield 1 pre-orders, essentially:
X: why did you preorder
Y: ah it's only smaller companies that screw people over
X: nonsense they all do it
Y: well Battlefield is a guaranteed
X: BF4 was a mess for one year so not only is that a massive franchise but their last release was junk
Y: errr well I'm only doing it this once
X: so you still think it's a good idea
Y: yeah
X: charmin'
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A very kind sentiment but unfortunately I can't say the same. I hope onlookers and people who pre-ordered this in a method that didn't allow a refund learn a very clear lesson.

It's pretty obvious everyone know's how preorders are seriously damaging the gaming industry and yet folks can't help themselves, even from waiting 24 hours after release.

You should see some of the conversations around Battlefield 1 pre-orders, essentially:
X: why did you preorder
Y: ah it's only smaller companies that screw people over
X: nonsense they all do it
Y: well Battlefield is a guaranteed
X: BF4 was a mess for one year so not only is that a massive franchise but their last release was junk
Y: errr well I'm only doing it this once
X: so you still think it's a good idea
Y: yeah
X: charmin'

Seriously ? :rolleyes:

Battlefield 1 is a great game, I pre-ordered and have had no problems and no regrets.

If I buy a game that sucks, it sucks but I generally only buy the stuff I'm sure I'll enjoy. No Man's Sky, I've racked up about 40-50 hours, it was an avg experience but not the worst imo. NMS was a failure, I acknowledge that but in know way will I publically 'throw toys out the pram' and proclaim it's the downfall of an industry.

This was one game out of the tons I've bought that didn't live up to the hype, ahwell. The Division, I tried the beta bought the game+season pass and after a few hours in I realised I hated it. A few months down the line I'm loving it and have spent over 80+hours and hope for many more.

I'll buy what I want when I want. Cheers :)
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I had a fair bit of hype for this game but strayed away from pc gaming for a while, what exactly happened with this why did it flop the way it did, can someone summarise?
Okay I've just read up, I'll grab it when its a tenner, no more. The patch seems promising however shame they couldn't just bide their time and release it when the game was ready not when THEY were ready.
I had a fair bit of hype for this game but strayed away from pc gaming for a while, what exactly happened with this why did it flop the way it did, can someone summarise?

Certain features were notably absent from the game, like being able to interact with other players etc. Sean Murray contradicted himself in various interviews also. Many felt the game was sorely lacking in content, and was far from what was advertised in the original trailers.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the game, and put over 50 hours into it. The most recent update is just icing on the cake for me. I appreciate that I'm in the minority.
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Certain features were notably absent from the game, like being able to interact with other players etc. Sean Murray contradicted himself in various interviews also. Many felt the game was sorely lacking in content, and was far from what was advertised in the original trailers.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed the game, and put over 50 hours into it. The most recent update is just icing on the cake for me. I appreciate that I'm in the minority.

Thanks for that, I'll bite when it's around £10, shame it went the way it did!
I'm being totally serious here. I wouldn't play this if Hello Games/Steam gave ME £10 to play it!

Awful, awful game.
I'm being totally serious here. I wouldn't play this if Hello Games/Steam gave ME £10 to play it!

Awful, awful game.

I am totally totally serious here, in 40 years of gaming I have played 100's of worse games, wasted thousands of pounds on stuff and NMS as an issue is so small that those getting their panties in a bunch are a little odd.

It's like a big bandwagon you feel you should be on because other people are. Yet you only had to wait 1 day for reviews which highlighted the game and any issues, but nope I have zero self control, pre ordered and the game sucked, unlike any other game that came out before or will again.

Oh yeah remind me to bitch about it any chance I get, any patches, discussions etc I am letting you bitches know how aggrieved I feel over this heinous crime, Sean is sure burning in hell when he dies.

Or it's just a game, wish I hadn't pre ordered, wish I had waited for review and player feed back, I learnt my lesson and won't do it again. of course sheep are and always will be sheep.
I put 93 hours into NMS so I obviously got a fair bit of enjoyment out of it and might re-install now that big update has arrived. Was it all I hoped it would be? Of course not but it was also not the life changing disaster that some make it out to be.

It's just a game that didn't live up to the hype and in that, it is far from alone.
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