No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

If this was a film would people take it so seriously? It reminds me of Prometheus (sp? the alien film) which I thought was ok. I got lectured by a grown man who could have written an essay about how wrong I was and why.

I can only guess that most of the complainers are very young and haven't got much else to worry them :D

I've given the update a couple of hours and it's kept me interested amongst the competition. It is still impressively stylish. I would guess it's a big hit with stoners!
Hah yeah I quite like Prometheus, sure it's got a few silly moments but it's a decent film nonetheless. Ditto NMS, a little disappointed but played 50 hours or so, now it's got a bunch more stuff to do I'm dipping back in and enjoying it again.

Internet = drama bandwagon. Full of people looking for the next meme.
I see the "I played for X hours and I think it's not that bad" brigade is back on the field.

This wasn't just a bad game, there are plenty of those. It started out as a promising indie but as its popularity surged, the promised features snowballed well beyond what the game offers. The hype became so intense that it seems even the developers themselves became deluded and started to believe their own exaggerations. This game thus turned into scam, much like legit financial services have sometimes turned into frauds when the service provider overextended beyond the point of no return.
Nothing like fraud at all. You bought it, you got a game, not just an exe that doesn't do anything. Nobody got scammed or hurt, they just got a little too excitied, probably including the developers. Please let it lie and and discuss the game...maybe there should be a NMS moan thread for this stuff?
Nothing like fraud at all. You bought it, you got a game, not just an exe that doesn't do anything. Nobody got scammed or hurt, they just got a little too excitied, probably including the developers. Please let it lie and and discuss the game...maybe there should be a NMS moan thread for this stuff?

Of course people got scammed, the advertised product wasn't what they received. If you'd take your fanboy blinkers off for a moment you'd see that.
Nothing like fraud at all. You bought it, you got a game, not just an exe that doesn't do anything. Nobody got scammed or hurt, they just got a little too excitied, probably including the developers. Please let it lie and and discuss the game...maybe there should be a NMS moan thread for this stuff?

It is being investigated by official bodies. Slight whiff of fraud.
If the guy in a car park offering you a laptop for £100 opens the box and shows you the bricks is it still a scam if you still buy it? People who didn't like it got refunds. It is not a scam. Next time, don't pre-order it's obviously not for everyone.
The ASA ruling is in: Hello Games did not mislead gamers.

Hilariously, only 23 complaints filed...

The full ASA ruling report here:

We investigated the ad under CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 3.1 and 3.3 (Misleading advertising), 3.7 (Substantiation) and 3.11 (Exaggeration), but did not find it in breach.

Can we put this to bed now and get back to discussing the actual bloody game?
What a fantastic and thorough investigation by ASA. I could have sworn there was no multiplayer in my game, apparently there is according to the ASA report that they found no misleading advertising.

Just wow lol.
Not sure what you expected from a company that banned an advert for using an empty tin of beans because it was a death trap. They are as pathetic as they are useless and this judgement is simply an easy way out for them, wouldn't surprise me if they had been lobbied as well by certain interested parties.
Well reading the complaints it looks like no-one actually complained about there being a lack of multiplayer in the game...
People complained mostly about the graphics,loading screens, animal and npc behaviour, which Hello Games apparently proved was close enough to the ad to be broadly representative.
In the end, it's no more fraudulent than movie trailers showing the best parts of movies and sometimes using deleted scenes. It's spin.
I thought the report was in depth and clear. They actually played the game for at least 4 hours, a lot more than some of the whiners did. There were lots of examples given of the stuff they saw and reasonings etc.

Still that won't stop people ****ging it off as it does not justify there point of view, these days another opinion that doesn't match yours is not allowed, it's a lie a travesty or just total ******.

I am off to put my tin foil hat back on.
Ruling seems fair, and in line with my experience. The only truly missing feature was multiplayer. Everything else people complained about is in the game, just not that frequently.
Not entirely happy with the result for a number of reasons:

Complainants had questioned whether the structures and buildings shown in the screenshots and videos could be found in the game. Hello Games provided footage of buildings and structures that were a similar type to those pictured.

This was with reference to the functional portals, but hey showing a working portal in the trailer and it not being in the game is fine, no false advertising there.

We acknowledged Hello Games’ assertion that the larger battles were more unusual, and noted the footage they provided of a materially similar type of battle. In relation to these features, we considered that the ad did not depict gameplay that differed materially from the footage provided by Hello Games, and that it was therefore unlikely to mislead.

Has anyone seen a large space battle yet that wasn't just 10 pirate ships attacking an unarmed freighter for eternity?

In relation to the claim “factions vie for territory”, Hello Games said that this was part of the story or narrative of the game and manifested itself through the player’s journey and interactions with three factions during gameplay.

So they don't 'vie for territory' then, you just get to read about it?

As for everything else, its all in the game apparently you just haven't found it yet...

I'm glad that there are people still enjoying this, and it's something I will go back to as overall I didn't think it was 'bad' as such, but it definitely isn't the product that was sold.
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