No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

I have started on one planet, seems okay enough, LOTS of di-hrdrogen, carbon, copper deposits. Fair few burried technology units as well. Only annoying thing is the space station is a minute or so hyperdrive trip :p

Is there a selling terminal you can build do we know? For contact with the market etc
Not that I have seen or heard of.
Some people build there base near or around a trade station/anything with a terminal.
50hrs in and have not started a main base yet, just got Atlas pass V3 from a manufacturing base, thats nice I guess.

Yes you can build a Galactic Terminal once you have progressed along the 'base building' storyline. :)
If anyone wants to join my game feel free (want to test to see the limits of direct connection play). I have the game up and running most of the day plus I'm running on 1gig fibre, so latency should be low. Seems like 4 players is max with direct connection (you can see each other's avatar and share resources) or 16 players in an instance (random people shows as floating bulbs but its unlikely you'll ever meet unless you know the exact location of someone). You/we don't necessarily need to coop or do every mission together, you're welcome to do your own thing and/or carry on with your missions/exploring. But I'm keen to see how good it is with 4 players and what the limits are.

Just add me as friend on steam ( don't even have to add me as friend I think, as there is a launch button to join me in NMS), 3 players would be max but if its full will try to let you know when someone drops. Although I currently have in game chat on, it is not very good (plus its open mic not push to talk, real pain) so I prefer discord for voice. You can use enter and type text to people in the same game. I'm on discord (OCUK NMS channel) idling and might be afk if you're getting in my game, so you may not get a response from text or voice straight away.
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Think I need to spend some time going through the menus (X,Z). Folks doing stuff I didn't know you could do...

Shame I've been stuck at work the last two days, I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.

One thing I noticed the other day was with the terraform multi tool, you can changethe shape to a square haha
Went to the strangest of Galaxies last night. It was devoid of colour apart from shades of black and red. It did actually change in spectrum when the sun came out on the planet, but it certainly was weird. I hadn't done any photo editing or anything to them, these are straight out the box.



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