I want to remodel my base, but to do that I need to move my specialist terminals.
What happens to my NPC's if I delete their terminals?
To hire a scientist you need to travel to a Kovax system - that is where the scientist originate. Not sure if you could get a Kovax scientist from any other Space Station (SS) in another system, but I got mine from a SS within a Kovax one.
AS YoungBlood noted - you do also need the mission to be active.
Has anyone managed to scan all the animals on a planet?
Can never find them all.
I have read about bases being buried or vegetation needing to be cut back in several threads. Most tend to agree not to use the terrain tool to dig out any sections to build a base as the game seems to not consider the base is there when it regenerates the terrain, even tho this was supposed to have been addressed in one of the patches IIRC.
So far my basic base, needed for the Overseer and the others....
seems to be fine. I have only gone so far in the game and have limited materials and resource gathering. But the above suits what I need it for up to now. Unlocking more stuff to use will require finding more buried technology.
Building tends to be a bit clunky, maybe I need more practice.
Even tho the land was flat where I built that base I still decided to build it on a boarded platform, hoping that mine would not have terrain glitching issues.
By not using any foundation other than the wooden boards you can see an odd part plank showing through parts of the floor inside the base. I thought that was strange.
The circular ones come with a foundation, altho I find them difficult to get the heights right for each building if used. I'm not sure if the square ones have foundations..?
Do the insides of your ground floor get full of what was there before the building was built..?
30 mins, lol. I spent about that long gathering enough carbon to build the floor boarding and wooden walls for that meagre base.
You might want to raise yours next time.
Anyone having a problem with it building with out clicking? When i go into the build menu, if i wanted to build a signal gen, for example, i find that when i press up to go to the the menu, it builds it without me pressing F, i can go left and right without it doing anything, but its getting annoying, have found myself looking down at the floor now, so that it can not do it
Damn that looks good, tsunami proof for sure.
That means it will collapse when they release the next experimentsl, lol.
How long did that take you to build ?
Look even better without the scanlines.