No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

The performance in the game with this update has been hugely boosted for me. It's now smooth and I've set most things to high or ultra. Before I'd be getting 16 - 24fps with settings set quite low, but now it's perfect. Now maybe I can actually try and enjoy the game, but I need to relearn everything first!
The performance in the game with this update has been hugely boosted for me. It's now smooth and I've set most things to high or ultra. Before I'd be getting 16 - 24fps with settings set quite low, but now it's perfect. Now maybe I can actually try and enjoy the game, but I need to relearn everything first!

Its not bad mate they changed quite a lot

A portable refiner is used now so you can refine elements on the go, you pop it down and refine things into whatever you need. Some of the main elements in the yellow systems (starting ones) are:

Ferite - used to build everything, can be refined into pure and magnatised ferite, most abundant element on the game.
Heridium - used to build launch fuel, blue crystals everywhere
Carbon - used for wooden buildings and for a secondary material in pretty much everything
Copper - used to make chromatic compound, very common element used to produce most components

The pulse engine fuel is still found from the asteroids as well as silver and gold for upgrading and building in your freighter (you get a free freighter through the story)

They are the basic elements, you will come across many more that make more complex modules, structures etc.

Also everyone starts in the Eculid galaxy, there are 255 galaxies on the game.. most people stay in Eculid thus it has the most discovered parts, it has some very populated areas and hubs you can visit and using portals you can use the coordinates provided by other players to reach them.

There are 18.9 quintillion planets on the game, would take you 514 billion years to discover them all and there is some far improved variation compared to a year ago in planets, i can spend hours now exploring them and it isn't just the same barren planet with a different skin.. Planets have their own character now. This is a screenshot i took the other day:

Seems like what Elite should/could be. I understand its changed significantly since the release debacle they had. How does it compare to Elite ?
Seems like what Elite should/could be. I understand its changed significantly since the release debacle they had. How does it compare to Elite ?

It is a lot more accessible, honestly for many people just leaving the space station in Elite is a barrier to entry.. Its a game that you can sit back and just chill, collect, explore, build.

There is a real sense of achievement in collecting ships that you can store multiple in your freighter, trying to find an S-class multitool, Hauler, Fighter, Shuttle, Exotic ships... Upgrading all your ships with S-class modules, building a super-base with a farm that can make you a ton of money, fully upgrading your exosuit etc.

There is so much to do its ridiculous, it takes around 100 hours to complete the stories on the game.
have you played it since NEXT released? if not then the statement of being bored of it is based on a game it used to be.

I did actually try with the NEXT update but due to getting in to VR not long after i've much more fun games to play with. Which is why I said I am looking forward to the Beyond update.
same here i got it when NEXT came out. played 10h of it but got bored as i felt i had no real purpose or objectives after i fixed up my ship and gone to a view planets to get beacons etc.

The main mission now says "explore the galaxy in search for new species" :(

Im like ok.... where?

Toss in the fact that i seem to can only carry like 20 items it makes crafting and collecting stuff impossible. especially when most of the stuff i collect i need to actually refuel the ships hyper speed and to also fuel my suit and the weapons and hand tools.....

All i seem to do is land in a planet. collect cooper etc and fly back out again....

No real purpose of this game and each planet looks bare boned with sometimes animals lurking around but thats about it. emptiness with a few tree branches, hills and very rarely a hidden cave that doesnt have anyting interested inside....
same here i got it when NEXT came out. played 10h of it but got bored as i felt i had no real purpose or objectives after i fixed up my ship and gone to a view planets to get beacons etc.

Exactly the same here, even with NEXT add on. I did actually get to the end before NEXT dropped and so restarted a brand new game when it did.
Couldn't get past the inventory management and recharging everything, all. the. time.

I'll still give the VR a go when it's released (assuming I don't have to pay for it...)
My idea of a space exploration game is one that are full of things to do and have a lot of stuff going on. This game isn't it.
My idea of a space exploration game is one that are full of things to do and have a lot of stuff going on. This game isn't it.

You wont find that on any space game, space is too big to add rich content everywhere.. At a push, maybe Eve?

NMS legitimately gets the closest with their new stories and missions.
What extras will Beyond include? Can't see video sorry blocked

Will it make it more fun rather than, off to work boring?
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