No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

14th is Wednesday, my apologies if that spoils your day :D


Is the game not boring anymore?
Depends on what you find boring.
I've had some good enjoyment from the game since the they made it possible to link up with a couple of friends, usually find it a lot more fun when we look for the most hostile planets possible and make it our goal to survive on them.
I want fun and exploration without the grind.

It's a bit like that ARK survival evolved, it looks fun but seems there is a lot of grind? I can't hack the grind,.
Unfortunately I think with the nature of the game it'll always have a fairly large amount of grinding, if you're exploring the building on planets then there'll be a lot of repetitive resource gathering.
It should be a little bit less so with the new update as they're making improvements to the basis and the ability to automate mining and crafting, but I reckon there will still be a fair amount of grind before you can get a reliable amount of automation going.
I want fun and exploration without the grind.

It's a bit like that ARK survival evolved, it looks fun but seems there is a lot of grind? I can't hack the grind,.

See i am the opposite. i am fine with grind *at the start* so long as it is possible to build machinery to reduce the grind later on , to me that is just goals to aim for - ie saving up for a .. i dunno, "iron ore extractor" may take 20 hrs... but once it is done and i can build it it then extracts it for me... and then i can go on to looking to build a water purifier or what ever.

to me that is the game and i can think of nothing more mind numbingly tedius than having all the toys available from the get go..... I guess i do not really like pure sand box games and much prefer role play with a "feeling" of being there and it being plausible.

OTOH my absolute pet hate is a game where i can spend hrs building something, log off for a few days aand when i come back a band of players have come along and ransacked it... I can tolerate and even enjoy a certain amount of grind but the moment players can ruin my stuff i am out. I must admit i am not 100% on whether NMS will be a fit for me.... if i build my own base somewhere the last thing i want is a player i do not know changing it - even if they are helping rather than breaking.

It is good we are all different imo
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