No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

If you don't like it, then don't come into a thread about a game you have no interest in.

And using the 'i'm standing up for gaming - cos this guy lied to us' flag is a little weak. You're just using that as a reason to flame.

I hope the same people littered the Fallout 4 thread when it was released - The most over-hyped piece of rubbish of the decade.

If you are not going to buy it, then fine - Move on

I think in this day and age it is utterly imperative we are critical of new games. If we just accept any old crud then we are more likely to accept the same level of crud in the future. Its a bit like EA not giving a **** about making real and massive enhancements to FIFA because they just need to do the same old thing as last time with small improvements because people will buy it anyway.

E.g. NMS is supposed to be massive and open world game. However that doesnt mean its actually a GOOD open world game. I dont want this game to sell a ton of copies if it has one of the poorest and most shallow open world game experiences. Developers should be looking at games like Witcher 3, GTA V or Skyrim(maybe) as the yardsticks to beat regarding open world content gaming.

They shouldnt just post a ton of crap (random world/creature/plant environment creator) and try to flannel/big it up as being something they think they have re-invented the wheel or something.

Do you see what i'm getting at? I just want pc gaming to get better not go backwards in the kind of content delivered.

Thankfully we have DEUS EX Mankind Divided coming soon looks EPIC! :D- that imho is in another league to NMS. It looks very story rich, immersive and open world also. Proper open world...not fannying about in pretend RNG open world.
Saw a little bit on the game recently and it look's decent. Question is as it's all instanced and single player, but apparently runs on some form of Megaserver... Under heavy load would you not be able to play the game at all? Sounds like it would be like Diablo 3 release all over again.
I think in this day and age it is utterly imperative we are critical of new games. If we just accept any old crud then we are more likely to accept the same level of crud in the future. Its a bit like EA not giving a **** about making real and massive enhancements to FIFA because they just need to do the same old thing as last time with small improvements because people will buy it anyway.

E.g. NMS is supposed to be massive and open world game. However that doesnt mean its actually a GOOD open world game. I dont want this game to sell a ton of copies if it has one of the poorest and most shallow open world game experiences. Developers should be looking at games like Witcher 3, GTA V or Skyrim(maybe) as the yardsticks to beat regarding open world content gaming.

They shouldnt just post a ton of crap (random world/creature/plant environment creator) and try to flannel/big it up as being something they think they have re-invented the wheel or something.

Do you see what i'm getting at? I just want pc gaming to get better not go backwards in the kind of content delivered.

Thankfully we have DEUS EX Mankind Divided coming soon looks EPIC! :D- that imho is in another league to NMS. It looks very story rich, immersive and open world also. Proper open world...not fannying about in pretend RNG open world.

I don't see why we have to compare nms to witcher, GTA or deus ex. The development haven't made a game like that, nor have they marketed it that way.

Taken from the nms site:

Here is what No Man’s Sky definitely is:
Exploring a universe of pretty procedurally generated worlds, with beautiful creatures
Trading with NPCs
Combat against robots/mechs and cool space battles
Survival/crafting in a universe sized sandbox
An awesome procedural soundtrack from my genuine favourite band (check the NMS album out here)
For one small moment, you might feel like you’ve stepped into a sci-fi book cover

That means this maybe isn’t the game you *imagined* from those trailers. If you hoped for things like pvp multiplayer or city building, piloting freighters, or building civilisations… that isn’t what NMS is. Over time it might become some of those things through updates.

For instance, freighters and building bases *are* coming! Read about updates coming here.

At launch though, it’s an infinite procedural sci-fi-space-survival-sandbox unlike anything you have ever played before. If you decide to play it, you’ll see just how closely it plays to those trailers, and to our original vision. It’s a weird game, it’s a niche game and it’s a very very chill game.

For those of us who want this, it'll be good. For those of you who want a proper open world rpg, we already have great games for that (loving witcher 3 myself now my gfx card handles 1440p uw) and other great games coming up. I too am looking forward to deus ex.

But for now. I will play nms with an open mind, knowing in advance what I've bought and not hyped it up in my head as anything it's not.
I read on the steam front page that it has online play? and you can actually come across other users if you are lucky enough to stumble into each other.
I think in this day and age it is utterly imperative we are critical of new games. If we just accept any old crud then we are more likely to accept the same level of crud in the future. Its a bit like EA not giving a **** about making real and massive enhancements to FIFA because they just need to do the same old thing as last time with small improvements because people will buy it anyway.

E.g. NMS is supposed to be massive and open world game. However that doesnt mean its actually a GOOD open world game. I dont want this game to sell a ton of copies if it has one of the poorest and most shallow open world game experiences. Developers should be looking at games like Witcher 3, GTA V or Skyrim(maybe) as the yardsticks to beat regarding open world content gaming.

They shouldnt just post a ton of crap (random world/creature/plant environment creator) and try to flannel/big it up as being something they think they have re-invented the wheel or something.

Do you see what i'm getting at? I just want pc gaming to get better not go backwards in the kind of content delivered.

Thankfully we have DEUS EX Mankind Divided coming soon looks EPIC! :D- that imho is in another league to NMS. It looks very story rich, immersive and open world also. Proper open world...not fannying about in pretend RNG open world.

NMS is open universe if anything. Have you played it? Its not random, its generated with rules. The only people flanneling it up are those with uneducated expectations.

You don't think procedural generation is a step forwards? If anything the games you mention, whilst good are very formulaic.
E.g. NMS is supposed to be massive and open world game. However that doesnt mean its actually a GOOD open world game. I dont want this game to sell a ton of copies if it has one of the poorest and most shallow open world game experiences. Developers should be looking at games like Witcher 3, GTA V or Skyrim(maybe) as the yardsticks to beat regarding open world content gaming.
I understand where you are coming from, but in reply to the bit i highlighted.
I dont see any possible way in which that level of content and depth could be produced over and entire universe, at least not from a small indie company with the limited resources it has.
the three games to which you referenced their worlds although large in relation to their predecessors, are completely minuscule in relation to NMS.
I've not played NMS yet, I dont know to which depth the story actually goes bar what i have seen in reviews so far and even those only really scratch the surface, but from what I think you are getting at surely to have the level of depth and detail in the main story mission etc would require some scripting of persistent or planned planets that effectively everyone would have to visit at some point in the journey.
which in essence is completely not what the Dev set out this game to be.

I dont know if i've got my point across properly, but what i will say is that i see this game as stepping stone, a proof of concept as it were for this dev or future devs with more money/resources/staff etc to build on and flesh out in years/decades to come, i'm not talking about development of NMS but of subsequent titles to take hold of the reigns or this type of game and add the meat to the bones.
NMS was a game with HUGE ambitions, will these be realised at release or in the years to come with development? only time will tell, until then i just hope to get enjoyment out of what has been provided so far.
:eek: You're bad! I almost answered you legitimately :p

Sorry :p

Yeah looks a good game though. Not really played many space Rpg games. Sounds like some unique implemented ideas, Certainly got my interest in that respect.

Just got it pre-ordered for tomorrow. Damn at £40 though. Hope it's worth it :D.
Sorry :p

Yeah looks a good game though. Not really played many space Rpg games. Sounds like some unique implemented ideas, Certainly got my interest in that respect.

Just got it pre-ordered for tomorrow. Damn at £40 though. Hope it's worth it :D.

If you got it from steam, you can always refund within 2 hours :)
Saw a little bit on the game recently and it look's decent. Question is as it's all instanced and single player, but apparently runs on some form of Megaserver... Under heavy load would you not be able to play the game at all? Sounds like it would be like Diablo 3 release all over again.

Doesn't need a server to play. The servers are very flaky at the moment, unavailable most of the time on PS4. Doesn't affect your play at all, just the sharing of discoveries.
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