No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

I think in this day and age it is utterly imperative we are critical of new games. If we just accept any old crud then we are more likely to accept the same level of crud in the future. Its a bit like EA not giving a **** about making real and massive enhancements to FIFA because they just need to do the same old thing as last time with small improvements because people will buy it anyway.

E.g. NMS is supposed to be massive and open world game. However that doesnt mean its actually a GOOD open world game. I dont want this game to sell a ton of copies if it has one of the poorest and most shallow open world game experiences. Developers should be looking at games like Witcher 3, GTA V or Skyrim(maybe) as the yardsticks to beat regarding open world content gaming.

They shouldnt just post a ton of crap (random world/creature/plant environment creator) and try to flannel/big it up as being something they think they have re-invented the wheel or something.

Do you see what i'm getting at? I just want pc gaming to get better not go backwards in the kind of content delivered.

Thankfully we have DEUS EX Mankind Divided coming soon looks EPIC! :D- that imho is in another league to NMS. It looks very story rich, immersive and open world also. Proper open world...not fannying about in pretend RNG open world.

You've just said we should be critical of new games like NMS, and you're right....then gone on to say Deus Ex:MD looks EPIC, with a lot less evidence to form an opinion with than is available for NMS.
I suppose so but within a near infinite amount of parameters I guess rather than a handful.

Whilst not super hyped about this it looked really quite cool so kept a quiet eye. Sad to see it isn't being received too well. I think if it had come at half the price I'd dip in anyway just not sure at this price point it offers enough.
Think I'm going to wait til' the price comes down or until it's available cheaper elsewhere. £40.00 seems pretty steep for a PC game. I'd go £30 tops.
Yeh looking that way but still £40. I was hoping I would find it for £30 somewhere.
Give it a few weeks, might drop a bit but i dont see any price cut coming soon, especially before launch, game is region locked with prices varying a lot between regions, you'll find most of the key sites are selling for over UK price, dont think ive seen that before, usually you can save £5-£10 easy.
With no preload im hoping the old changing download location will work, i remember the days of switching to singapore during the steam sales for nice download speeds
Give it a few weeks, might drop a bit but i dont see any price cut coming soon, especially before launch, game is region locked with prices varying a lot between regions, you'll find most of the key sites are selling for over UK price, dont think ive seen that before, usually you can save £5-£10 easy.

Yeh I reckon I'm just gonna go for it at £40. Probs buy credit for a discount somewhere and jump in.

EDIT: Got credit and bought it on Steam.
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It just procedurally generates the rest of the 10gb :D.

Must admit I do like the look of this but it's price tag is putting me off buying without reading others opinions on the PC edition.
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