Unfortunately not It's a right faff. I swapped ships twice last night finding better ones and luckily I have the blueprints for everything to craft it so it's not too hard, but it's still annoying
I just dismantle what I can and leave the rest. I don't think you can transfer drives. At this early stage I'll take the extra slot over a warp drive - I am even considering dismantling broken items in ship inventory rather than fixing them now as I know that I'll just ditch this ship when I find another one. I just need it to fly and get to hyper speed. Inventory management is a pain but I am getting there (suit 23 ship 21).
Also I am trying not to spend anything because I know what's coming from the prices of some of the ships out there (I am only buying slots from drop pods)! I'm currently on a moon with gold everywhere so I might farm here for a bit now that I've got my new ship up and running.
Probably had 2 crashes back to dashboard in 25+ hours. No lock ups.
Gold is a pretty slow way to gain units. You want Vortex Cubes/Graviton Balls/Albumen Pearls. You usually only get them on fairly hostile planets, so find a cave system that'll protect you from the elements and go hoover them up.
I would say you're better off upgrading your ship first, you only need to hold a few things to keep your suit and multi tool powered while exploring. Everything else can be transferred to the ship and each inventory space on a ship holds twice as much.
Can you increase ship slots like you can suits? If so, how?! I have just been taking the crashed ships I find.
I've put about 30hrs in so far and not had any crashes. Wonder whats causing them, perhaps different hardware revisions? Mines a CUH-1200
Really enjoying this, not spending too long in one session just a good 30min to an hour filler.
So far no crashes and probably spending too much time on each planet.
Really enjoying this, not spending too long in one session just a good 30min to an hour filler.
So far no crashes and probably spending too much time on each planet.