No Man's Sky

Engage beast mode :cool: Been tearing up 20-odd pirates at a time, not a bad way to earn units, although I don't need em now, ship is perfect, tears through enemies. Could do with a few more shield upgrades mind.



But the most pirates I've seen has been 3. Why do you have to make stuff up?

Joking aside, nice ship!
It's quite liberating having the ship maxed, now I can just tootle about exploring, no need to hang about or collect anything, just keep the plutonium topped up. I've got too much gold!

Only took a couple of hours to go from 33 slot ship to 48, plus half an hour finding that one particular ship for the 48 slot. Ended up with piles of mats from dismantling components, so I could bang in all the warp drive upgrades immediately once I got it, and only took a few mins to get all the other upgrades in.

Space combat is fun, the photonix core and pulse drive upgrades make the ship much maneuverable and the pulse cannon upgrades just rip through enemies. Think I might trigger the sentinels and see if I can survive a 5 star attack :)
Not been playing long but got over 10mil in the bank now. Found a planet literally covered in Sac Venom, results in about 450k (all I can hold atm) every 2-5 minutes. Not bad for my level!
Wait what??? is there ALWAYS one crashed ship per planet??? I've yet to see any!

There are loads of them on each planet, 50+ easily.

Use the red antennae that need a bypass chip. Select 'Transmission'....the ones you want are Transmission Towers, (not beacon's or observatories). Go to Transmission Tower, solve puzzle = get crashed ship location.

If it's a Gek transmission tower, you can just keep activating and solving the puzzle as many times as you like and it'll keep flagging up crashed ships.
I started in Gek space but didn't know about this and now I am not. I think I might have to try and jump backwards back in to Gek space until I have a max slot ship. It is annoying that you can't transfer upgrades as it makes it pointless upgrading early ships. I think my current one is 36 slots so reasonable but I can't see me having the credits to buy a 48 slot ship any time soon.

Do you literally just walk up to the activate, solve the puzzle, activate panel again, solve puzzle, activate panel, solve puzzle over and over. No weird save glitch thing needed like the duplicating your inventory one.
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I started in Gek space but didn't know about this and now I am not. I think I might have to try and jump backwards back in to Gek space until I have a max slot ship. It is annoying that you can't transfer upgrades as it makes it pointless upgrading early ships. I think my current one is 36 slots so reasonable but I can't see me having the credits to buy a 48 slot ship any time soon.

Do you literally just walk up to the activate, solve the puzzle, activate panel again, solve puzzle, activate panel, solve puzzle over and over. No weird save glitch thing needed like the duplicating your inventory one.

You don't need to backtrack, just keep going until you hit a Gek system, they aren't grouped as far as I can tell.

No glitches required, just keep activating it :)
Ah cool, I expected it to be segmented some how not just random which race is in which system. I have maxed out my suit some time ago and I have about 30 million credits currently which is good for about 43-45 slot ship. So I am thinking as a time and mat saver I might buy a ship then it leaves me only needing to find a few to hit the max. Though I am going to be picky for my 48 slot ship as I want a good looking one :D
In my current system I am seeing a lot of what I would call "mini Serenity". Sadly the actual ship itself has only ~21 slots and I want/need more.

I also couldn't find one in grey....
In my current system I am seeing a lot of what I would call "mini Serenity". Sadly the actual ship itself has only ~21 slots and I want/need more.

I also couldn't find one in grey....

The ship types are fixed per system. If you see a nice one in the space station or wherever, then you just have to keep snooping for crashed ships and you'll find it.

Crashed ships are always your current number of slots +/- 1. So it's pretty easy to upgrade to 48 with a Gek Transmission Tower and a bit of work.

Find Gek Transmission tower, locate 20 or so crashed ships. Find a +1 ship, get the pulse drive and launch thrusters working, fly to next crashed ship, repeat.
right ive got to a 34 slot ship and I'm still trying to upgrade via the crashed ship method, but ive come across 2 ship sites in a row now where theres no ship there when you find it. Anyone else had this happen?
Found the game really annoying with refilling my suit but when I started a new game I realised I had been unlucky with the rad level on my first one.
My god I wish I could shut that stupid AI suit voice up!

My life support systems aren't low they are at 75 ******* %! Tell me when they get to 10% or shut the **** up!

Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising

My god I wish I could shut that stupid AI suit voice up!

My life support systems aren't low they are at 75 ******* %! Tell me when they get to 10% or shut the **** up!

Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising
Radiation levels rising
Radiation levels stabilising


Think there is a mod
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