No Man's Sky

Anyone been sent to a crashed ship location that is empty because you've already taken the crashed ship?

That's a bit annoying, I suppose I should stop trying to game the game though trying to get the 48 slot ship.
Finally got my 48 slot ship, ended up buying it for 50 million as exploring 3 planets in a row covered with graviton balls and vortex cubes. Time to get enough mats to get my ship upgrades done. Still plenty of blue prints I don't have though so lots of exploring left to do.
1.07 patch notes :

Objectives and stuck without Hyper-drive Issues

Player no longer able to redeem your pre-order ship at a point which would then prevent you learning the hyper-drive blueprint (and if you have done this, we save you).
Player no longer able to bypass being sent to find hyper-drive tech by reloading a save in game at a very specific point.
Getting Stuck in the world

Fixed a couple of low repro bugs that could result in you falling through the world and getting stuck underground.
A raycast in some space stations could hit a very specific point that would put the player inside the floor.
Fixed an issue that would cause your ship to be thrown in the sky at high speed when taking off (in rare cases could in turn lead to getting stuck).
Fixed an issue that would cause your ship to get stuck in terrain and prevent you from taking off, if the player managed to out run generation of terrain LOD 1, and land inside an overhang.

Some players were unable to achieve the extreme survival journey milestone, this has been resolved.
Fixed an issue where some players had some technology types being reported as “already known” when they weren’t actually known.
Under some circumstances a message was sometimes misinforming you that you learnt a blueprint when you hadn’t, this has been fixed now.
It was possible you could use up all available slots for waypoints on the galaxy map and be unable to set new waypoints. This is much better now.
There was a bug that could cause objective markers to disappear when you loaded a previous save. This is fixed now.
Fixed a rare issue when scanning creatures that would cause all planets to show as 100% complete even if you had only completed one.
Save / Load

Fixed a bug what could cause some corrupt save games to not be loaded, this is now fixed.
Fixed an issue where saves made with the system clock set in the future could cause problems.
Crash Fixes

Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when warping into a system with a space battle in progress.
Fixed a crash that could happen when interacting with an NPC.
Tweaks and Improvements

It is now easier to scan flying creatures.
Fixed height and weight stats being the wrong way around for creatures.
Gek towers can no longer be interacted with repeatedly.
The ‘You have unredeemed items’ message will now only show for the first 5 minutes.
Fixed getting 0% charge on Photon Cannon when buying a new ship and constantly being prompted to charge it.
Reduce Suit VO for life support warnings and only do life support VO on 25% and 50%.
Fixed grave being transferred to the new star system after you warp.
Fixed toxic protection 3 (theta) from having the wrong name.
Fixed incorrect marking of sea caves under floating islands.
Turning down music and SFX volume in the options will now work correctly (mutes the VO also).
If you change ship or multi-tool and then revert to previous save the ship should now be the one you had at the time.
Atlas station collision improvements to prevent you from bumping into them too much.
Fix for the stars not being discarded during load/warp (causing duplicate stars).
I can't say I have suffered any of those bugs that have been fixed but good to see patches regardless. It says something when an indie company of 15 guys can push out updates faster than huge companies *cough* Bungie *cough* Treyarch *cough*

I am finding it hard to put NMS on now though :( I have maxxed my suit and ship and still have more credits than I will ever useThe only things I have left to do is find a few blue prints and I need some exotic mats to build some of the upgrades. So I find myself planet hoping rather than spending hours walking around the same planet.
Yeah, since I maxed it I just dip in every now and then, warp a few times, check out the planets, drop in the space station to keep an eye out for any particularly nice ships, making my way slowly towards the centre. Nice to just sit and chill for 30 mins.
Blimey, had no idea James Buckley was doing a gaming channel on Youtube, seems to be a genuine gamer too, subscribed.
Depends on you really. I got about 2 weeks out of it before I'd had enough. Some others played for longer. It is fun to just explore and upgrade for a while but the lack of variety soon wears thin. I paid £42 and traded it for £35 so I got what I wanted out of it. CeX are only giving £8 cash for it now lol ouch.
I'm completely done with this game. I gave it a fair chance.

What I liked about it

- Scale, planets are large and there's obviously a lot of them
- Colours, the textures are meh but the colours are vibrant and interesting
- The idea of the game
- It's something different
- Space is relaxing to travel through for me

What I didn't like

- There's hardly anything to do
- Very uninteresting, it's boring
- Variation is lacking big time
- Doesn't feel like an environment, animals are robotic and basic.
- Audio is meh

I feel the idea of the game is great, but sinking some hours into it you realise how much depth it lacks. Animals are basically just there, there's no personality to them. They either attack you, or the docile ones just do the same thing. Animals don't react to the environment it's like they are just plonked there.

I'm going to use The Witcher as a comparison, yes it's different but I'm going to use it because I feel the game is very cohesive. In The Witcher, Animals feel a part of the word, they interact with the environment better. In certain parts of the game, you will hear certain birds make noises depending on the environment i.e Owls will hoot in woodland areas while open areas you will hear other birds like crows(also near war zones)

Bears will stay in environments that you would expect and wolves are in areas where there are prey like deers. When I find a cave in The Witcher, I know it's there for a reason whether it was an old den, or a beast liar. In No Mans Sky a cave is just stuck there with no thought.

This is where this this procedural generation just doesn't work for me. Yes it is great for scale but I feel it doesn't work with depth of a game. The soundtrack, when I'm riding roach through Skelliger, a beautiful women's voice will sing and blend into the environment and the environment sounds make the world seem real. In No Mans Sky, I feel the audio is out of place, you hear noises that are just stuck there for the sake of it.

I completely understand these are two different games but the exploration aspect of The Witcher is an example of thought and attention to detail and it does a perfect job as making you feel apart of a living breathing world. No Mans Sky makes me feel disconnected!
I'm totally undecided on this game. When I play it I feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over again; and then moving onto a different planet or system and doing it all again.

But then I look at the clock and 3 hours or so have passed. I haven't hated the time or felt like it has dragged but can't say it draws me back in. I feel like I've got to play it to get my moneys-worth but when I'm playing it the time flies. So indifferent.
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