Non traditional board games

Snagged waterdeep (just finished playing the first game, lost by ten points after my gf ran out of resources and had the lead so kept knocking the quests I could complete or blocking my agents, so I horded adventruers and gold to boost me in the final tally), also got toxic city mall zombie ode expansion (looks fun), the reaper talisman expansion and elder sign.
Yeah it has shot up around 100k in the last few days. I just purchased munchkin deluxe edition as well. Can anyone recommend me some good 2 player games, coop preferred
I'm sure there's a thread for thus somewhere but I'd agree with the above.

Just increased my Rum'n'Bones pledge to include the expansions and some extras. Mrs Bickaxe encouraged me :)
Back it. Look at all the loot you get. And, you only have to wait til summer to play it.

Go on, do it......

I looked at Rum and Bones and decided against. It's trading too much on theme and bling, and I'm already having regrets about Xenoshyft.

The Christmas haul was Temporum, Hyperborea, a real copy of Red7 to replace my PnP, and the new expansion for Eldritch Horror. Only EH has yet to hit the table. :D

(On the down side, I also appear to have got norovirus. :()
Word of warning for anyone that gets Imperial Assault. Prepare for some frustration assembling the lower gun on the AT-ST!


Also really excited, having owned it for over a year now unboxed my friends have committed to playing a game of Twilight Imperium with me a week on Saturday!
Got quite a few this christmas.
  • Two expansions to Settlers of Catan. Only played Knights and Barbarians so far but really enjoying it.
  • Archipelago - just read the rules on that so far.
  • Eldritch Horror - not touched it yet
  • Twilight Struggle - actually this is from last Christmas! Still not taken the time to sit down and figure it out. Started watching a youtube video of how to play and that has helped my understanding of it.

It's too easy just to break out Settlers of Catan as I know how to play rather than start a new game.
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