North Korea

Well all other presidents have refused to meet without first being given concessions. There's always been requests, trump just said yes without the prerequisite other presidents asked for.

This guy gets it.

Also it looks like T_D is leaking based on the posts above.... how people can think like that despite all evidence to the contrary will never cease to amaze me. I feel embarrassed for them.
2000: North Korea agrees to work towards a peace agreement and reunification. 2002: North Korea abandons these agreements.

2007: North Korea agrees to denuclearisation and a permanent peace agreement. 2009: North Korea abandons these agreements.
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Third time lucky.

Oh, we're long past third time lucky.

1992: North Korea signs an agreement with South Korea, committing to denuclearisation. 1994: North Korea signs an agreement with the USA, committing to denuclearisation. 1998: North Korea sends missile technology and parts to Pakistan. 2002: North Korea abandons the 1992 and 1994 agreements.

2005: North Korea signs an agreement with the USA, committing to denuclearlisation. 2006: North Korea abandons this agreement.

2012: North Korea signs an agreement with the USA, committing to the suspension of nuclear and missile testing. 2012: North Korea abandons this agreement.
Third time lucky.

Well, Trump does just work on a wing and a prayer, so luck will be the major part in all of this.

Honestly, anyone who thinks Trump isn't just a blustering witless buffoon is living in alternate reality world. As as for the Machiavellian approach he takes towards world politics then no, no matter what small successes he may gain in the short term is not worth it by the methods he uses. Being a bully and throwing your weight around on the world stage only works so far, then has a habit of blowing up in your face and causing a lot of damage along the way. And it's not how I want the world leaders to conduct themselves, especially not the ones supposedly coming from the civilised side of the world.

Look at what he did with Iran, he ripped up the treaty they had to curtail their nuclear proliferation, which all the advice and verification from the IAEA, inspectors, and other leaders were telling him it was working, but he gets up and says it wasn't working (based on?) and now with NK he's just come out of the meeting saying he 'knows' NK have completely stopped their nuclear research....based on what, Kim telling him? :D Because there is no international inspectorate, IAEA or verification process going on in NK at all.

It's just LaLaLand and it's hilarious people think he's actually achieved something today, apart from being played by Kim like a fiddle.
This is exactly what N Korea wanted and Trump just gave it to them without any concessions and a flimsy commitment to "work toward denuclearsiation"

They even made a propaganda video about it years ago with this ending.

They have always wanted a meeting like this with a US President and Trump just gave it to them easily .

If it is genuine and they do denuclearise and improve how their government works and their human rights record then that is great. If not, all Trump has done is legitimise his awful regime in public.

Only a fool (or someone ignorant of history) would not be sceptical right now.
So strange how we/they can be on the brink of a nuclear war one minute then agreeing wholeheartedly the next. I assume some deal in the background happened to spark things off, maybe reduced sanctions for denuclearisation?

Trump the greatest President of all time has made history, has changed history. Has done something that no one else has done in the last 70+ years.



Man, liberals heads must be exploding everywhere, am sure they trying to spin this into some Russian narrative.

When Dear Leader Mr Kim visits the White House at some future date, that will be the death blow.

THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT SAID. I don't think North Korea should give up it's Nuclear Weapons, that be crazy, but I can see them siging treaties to keep their stockpile small and "defensive" and things like that.

We also shouldn't forgot that North Korea has a very terrible human rights record, hopefully this is the first steps to them resolving that.

Can't stop winning.

Very MAGA times.

Trump has done one good thing. Which consists of a meeting and an exchange of words. We have no idea what has been signed and what if anything of substance will come of this. So don't jump the gun on congratulating Trump and yourself just yet.

And the whole 'liberal's heads exploding' thing is so stupid. Both sides of the spectrum in US politics are almost solely about point scoring. Just as bad is those on the far left labelling everyone who supports Trump as alt-right, it doesn't achieve anything and it's pretty pathetic.

If you zoom in, you can read what was signed. (* ^ ω ^)

The document contains four key statements, bullet-pointed as you can see in the image in the previous post. Zooming in a bit, they are:

  1. The US and North Korea commit to establish new relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work towards the complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.
  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.

Realistically number 3 will take a long time.

Not exactly a ground breaking 'agreement' is it.

It'll be interesting to see how quickly sanctions against DPRK are relaxed in the short team, especially by the US. As surely that's what their priority in all this is.
I think anyone expecting a serious concessions after such a hurried progress to a meeting was being a little hopeful. The purpose of this meeting for Kim is the pay off of being seen as a World player by meeting the President of the US. The Americans are hoping to build rapport for some meaningful discussions to follow. This will take months if not years. The fact the meeting has taken place at all would have been unexpected only a year ago.
I have the feeling that NK has basically played Trump. They were never going to use nukes, they would be wiped out. So they make themselves into a "threat" as they know they will be taken seriously.
North Korea knows that the support they have had from China in the past is waning and they need new friends. Trump still deserves credit for putting this meeting and agreement into effect, but this is the easy part done.
seems in this day and age and agreement isn't worth the paper its written on

not sure why anybody thinks this will be any different
Never forget that South Korean President Kim Dae-jung won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for his diplomatic efforts with North Korea, including a historic summit in Pyongyang with Kim Jong-il.
I love how every Trump hater are doing mental gymnastics to make this a non-event when they basically threw a nobel peace prize at Obama for being black :D

The hypocrisy around the world and in this thread is bare for all to see
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