North Korea

Trump is the President of the most Powerful Military machine on the planet, yet he seems to have no filter between his brain and his mouth, he's about as "Presidential" as 6 year old child! He seems to think diplomacy is constantly bragging about "how big his red button is" and calling a rather pathetic despot names.

I don't expect anything else from North Korea, I do expect more from the "Leader of the Free World"!

North Korea has at least done something to facilitate the meeting, freeing the 3 US detainees and blowing up some old mine (sorry Nuclear Testing Facility), I do think the US could have done something in return to show "good will" (maybe canceling some of the military drills)
It makes me laugh when people try and equate Trump to Kim, as if they're some how moral equivalents as bad as each other. Trump said a bad thing about Women once in a private conversation, and at worst could be considered a bit of an idiot when it comes to speaking and writing things publicly. Kim is an actual murderer who is the sole dictator of a country he is leading to starvation while he lives a lavish life, he's responsible for untold suffering and human rights abuses. There's no equivalence between them.

Also, Trump actually knows what he's doing when it comes to negotiating with people, so I'd trust him in that area.

Your mistake is thinking that people are comparing Trump and Kim,
Its about compairing Trumps NK diplomacy with his predessors NK diplomacy

We all know NK is a terrible regime - the important part is how do you get them to do what we want? as the military options all condemn SK to death as well
Trump and his followers all crowed that Obama was a failure and Trump was going to fix everything, but trump is clearly out of his depth and should stick to being a terrible businessman with a history of failure and conman schemes
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you your saying you have more success and money than trump?

Can you quote the line where I said that? :D

Trump was given $1 Million dollars to start a buisness
I think thats a fairly good headstart over me, but also im a lot younger than Trump so I have plenty of time to catch him up ;)

He also would have inherited a massive amount of money upon the death of his father

Trump has lots of money, because he hasnt lost it all yet, but he is very very good at losing it so maybe wont take too long
He has a huge list of failed businesses and scams

Fair dues though - His biggest success seems to be in conning his way into the White House
It's a sad state of affairs when you get to the point where in a room consisting of the USA and NK, NK are the only one acting like an adult in the room.

NK blows up it's nuke research complex, USA having gotten what it wanted pulls out of talks, quite childish/sad.
I'm with @Rroff on this one.
Clearly another agenda at play here.

I suspect they're attempting to drive a wedge between the US and South Korea. Trump is nothing but predictable in his temperament. They get to look like the good guys (if that's not a sad indictment I don't know what is) making all the overtures for peace while he flails around like an imbecile with his massive arsenal.

If South and North start talking again there could be renewed trade so the North gets a big economic boost AND keep it's nukes.
Despite all of the criticism Trump has still achieved more in 16mths than Obama, Bush or Clinton did in 24 years. The people criticisng his tactics of pulling out now were claiming he'd start WW3 earlier in the year before NK rolled over to please him. Do you guys honestly think Trump is acting without advice from his military generals and strategists that his government is packed with? If he acted desperate NK would walk all over him like the EU is doing with Theresa May.
Despite all of the criticism Trump has still achieved more in 16mths than Obama, Bush or Clinton did in 24 years. The people criticisng his tactics of pulling out now were claiming he'd start WW3 earlier in the year before NK rolled over to please him. Do you guys honestly think Trump is acting without advice from his military generals and strategists that his government is packed with? If he acted desperate NK would walk all over him like the EU is doing with Theresa May.

There's nothing about Trump that's nuanced - so they've either been seriously cowed by his rhetoric or they've spotted an opportunity to play him like a fiddle.
I know what way I'm leaning on that.

Or option C there's something else at play that's forcing them to play nice, China?! Domestic issues? Bit of column a, bit of b?

No doubt he'll soak up the praise regardless of the real reasons why.

EU can walk over May because she has no negotiating position - but that's for another thread.
Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for bombing half the Middle-East into dust and having an old bloke murdered during a home invasion. What will Trump get if he manages to end the Korean War and kick start reunification?
The minute trump and Kim shook hands I thought, I can't wait to login to ocuk and read what the trump haters are saying lol

Doesn't matter what trump does, he will always be in the wrong. Damn that's bias.

Can't remember another president of recent times meeting the head of North Korea.

Wait, wait, wait..... You think this is all CGI don't you, like the moon landings.
Trump the greatest President of all time has made history, has changed history. Has done something that no one else has done in the last 70+ years.



Man, liberals heads must be exploding everywhere, am sure they trying to spin this into some Russian narrative.

When Dear Leader Mr Kim visits the White House at some future date, that will be the death blow.

THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT SAID. I don't think North Korea should give up it's Nuclear Weapons, that be crazy, but I can see them siging treaties to keep their stockpile small and "defensive" and things like that.

We also shouldn't forgot that North Korea has a very terrible human rights record, hopefully this is the first steps to them resolving that.

Can't stop winning.

Very MAGA times.
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The minute trump and Kim shook hands I thought, I can't wait to login to ocuk and read what the trump haters are saying lol

Doesn't matter what trump does, he will always be in the wrong. Damn that's bias.

Can't remember another president of recent times meeting the head of North Korea.

Wait, wait, wait..... You think this is all CGI don't you, like the moon landings.

Well all other presidents have refused to meet without first being given concessions. There's always been requests, trump just said yes without the prerequisite other presidents asked for.
I wonder if Galloway will now follow through his promise he made to a listener to - after rubbishing Trump for failing to meet - was challenged on air to pay £1,000 to a charity if the meeting did in fact go ahead.

It's now gone ahead so St Vincent de Paul should be quids in
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