Norwegian rape victim sentenced to 1 year and 4 months of prison in Dubai for sex outside of marriag

26 Jun 2010
Well, I didn't even post in the thread, and you wanted me to apologise, so I thought I would add my 2 cents.

I was just presenting the, imo more realistic, alternative to the rape culture induced automatic assumption that a woman is lying about being raped because she "she followed the man to his room voluntarily".

You posted yesterday afternoon.

Personally I don't know the truth, what I do know is that this is one hell of a mess both for the woman and the UAE. In any case it appears that she wasn't convicted of rape, that she retracted those allegations herself and she was charged, convicted and ultimately pardoned for other crimes (at least crimes in UAE).

This Rape Culture you seem to have invented appears to be your own interpretation of events based on your own worldview rather than anything solid.

We can really only go by the woman's own words (as reported) as a guide:

In her own words, according to the prosecution, she said: "I told police he raped me while I was still under the influence of alcohol, but I then changed that and I confirm that he did not rape me, but had sex with me with my consent."

Why she choose to retract the rape allegations only she really knows, sadly she has paid the price for that decision despite her pardon as her company fired her (and the man) for improper and unacceptable behaviour. They state is was nothing to do with the rape allegation, but her failure to communicate.

Exactly why Ms Dalelv decided to change her account is still unclear.
In an interview with CNN, she says she began to suspect that the police did not believe her story after her first interview and was advised by a manager at her company that if she admitted the sex was consensual "it would all go away".

A spokesman for the company, Al Mana Interiors of Qatar, has denied this.

He said the suggestion came in Arabic from a police officer and that its representative acted simply as a translator.

Ms Dalelv has yet to give a more full account of what happened in the six days between her claim of rape and her retraction.

On April 9, the company terminated her employment for "unacceptable and improper behaviour", adding in a statement on Sunday that it had been "supportive and communicative" until she "ceased communication" with them.

Her sacking, it added, had nothing to do with the rape allegations.

Her colleague has also lost his job.

Ultimately we simply don't know what happened, whether she was raped or not, why she made the accusation or the retraction, or anything other than her decisions forced the UAE Authorities to charge her and her companion under their laws on extramarital sex and alcohol.
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7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
Or, she was raped (why does walking to the room with the man mean she consented to sex, thats really rape culture like and disgusting to imply), she reported it, they arrested her for sex before marriage and drinking, told her the best way for her to get out of it was to say she made it up, only to then arrest her for that as well.

You have proof for that right? I mean, you wouldn't just make it up?

You have a really worrying obsession with "rape culture". Not in a "I think you're a rapist" way. Just a little too into the idea, like the ones that follow David Icke like some sort of neo-messiah. It wont be long before you are telling us that any woman that ever had sex was raped.
8 Apr 2009
I'd also like to point out a bit of a double standard regarding the 100% belief in the most recent article & huge doubts cast on the previous ones.

Something I immediately mentioned. This case is so murky and the truth of it all so unlikely to come to light that the only thing that can be taken from it is that it was not handled well by all concerned.
17 Dec 2009
You have proof for that right? I mean, you wouldn't just make it up?

You have a really worrying obsession with "rape culture". Not in a "I think you're a rapist" way. Just a little too into the idea, like the ones that follow David Icke like some sort of neo-messiah. It wont be long before you are telling us that any woman that ever had sex was raped.

I said "or" quite clearly. I am not going to automatically assume she wasn't raped just because she recanted her story under clear duress nor am I going to say she was definitely raped.

Society has a worrying rape culture, I don't have a worrying obsession with it.
7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
I said "or" quite clearly. I am not going to automatically assume she wasn't raped just because she recanted her story under clear duress nor am I going to say she was definitely raped.

Society has a worrying rape culture, I don't have a worrying obsession with it.

Evidence of duress?

Innocent until proven guilty ... unless your accused of rape of course, then you probably did it, evidence or no.
8 Apr 2009
Meanwhile, in the bastion of moral and ethical decency a sex offender who admitted to repeatedly molesting young girls get an extremely harsh 30 month sentence.

I wonder whether people look at us and wonder whether we are backwards with that judgement.
17 Feb 2006
Meanwhile, in the bastion of moral and ethical decency a sex offender who admitted to repeatedly molesting young girls get an extremely harsh 30 month sentence.

I wonder whether people look at us and wonder whether we are backwards with that judgement.

Why does this always happen in these threads?

We point out how genuinely backwards these muslim places are, because day after day we see evidence of their disregard for human rights. Not once in a blue moon, but pretty much daily. Just have to read the news.

Then a muslim apologist comes along and says, "Get off your high horse! In your precious democracy, a priest once molested a child. Therefore you are just as bad (if not worse). So do not judge us!"

And this is supposed to then excuse all the stonings and imprisonment and injustice in these muslim regimes. Because bad things *occasionally* happen here. Or justice *occasionally* fails.

How is that supposed to compare to these muslim countries, where it appears to be almost impossible to find any justice, at all?
8 Apr 2009
Well I've been called many things in my time Muslim apologist however is not one of them. That's a first for me. As for the rest of your post - daft as usual for the read what I want to read rather than what has been written and move things out of context to satisfy my prejudice. There's a lot of that in this thread.

Anyway an interesting interview with her here:

I am still to sure we are not getting anywhere near the whole of the story here.
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30 Jun 2007
Meanwhile, in the bastion of moral and ethical decency a sex offender who admitted to repeatedly molesting young girls get an extremely harsh 30 month sentence.

I wonder whether people look at us and wonder whether we are backwards with that judgement.

well if they do we can point to the fact that we have since changed the scentences for the crimes, however he can only be scentenced to the punishment that existed at the time of his crime.
8 Apr 2009

I'm pretty sure you've been called a Muslim apologist in every Muslim thread you've posted in,
I reckon that's possibly connected to all the blame shifting you do ;)

I think your pretty wrong but feel free to prove otherwise. Off you go like all the other people who can't back up their claims in this thread. ;)

If you bothered to actually look I normally get moaned at by the Muslims for being antiMuslim but hey ho they are just like you - same coin different side - you can never garner favour from fanatics because you can never really fully agree with their cause and you can't argue someone out of a position they have never bothered to argue themselves into in the first place.
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