Nuclear War! What would you do?

11 Sep 2013
Their submarines are crap, They are diesel types, which means they are short range, noisy and easy tracked, they also classed as "coastal submarines" so they not deep water worthy.
Can they not trade them in under a diesel scrappage scheme?
I'm sure a nice Tesla Sub will solve everything - Green energy, silent, fast... oh, wait, you want range as well? Ah, never mind... :p:D
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Diesel submarines are actually diesel/electric anyhow - they work something like Tesla when submerged. That is the problem of these types of submarines and creating something like our nuclear deterrent as they are limited to underwater running time and will need to surface at regular intervals - while there are some advanced designs for electric subs they still need to return to port every ~90 days (even if you staggered multiple subs every time one leaves a predictable location it makes it easier for a potential enemy to shadow it so you want to minimise that) - for something like our Vanguard/Trident setup they'd need advanced nuclear power generators never mind some of the breakthroughs required in silent running to evade detection by modern Western systems - even the Russians struggle with that despite having some pretty advanced subs (part of the reason they still maintain full triad).
8 Jan 2009
Diesel submarines are actually diesel/electric anyhow - they work something like Tesla when submerged. That is the problem of these types of submarines and creating something like our nuclear deterrent as they are limited to underwater running time and will need to surface at regular intervals - while there are some advanced designs for electric subs they still need to return to port every ~90 days).

Reading about their submarines, seems they can't even do 90 days underwater.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
So long as it remains a local conflict we don't need to be that concerned, might not see any new Samsung phones for a while though. :mad:

Not sure that is a bad thing - after the brickbug with my Note 1 and the high potential for eMMC failure with my Note 4 I highly doubt I will be going with Samsung in the future unfortunately. Not to mention the Note 7.
30 Nov 2007
Bristol, UK
Surely for London the answer is the deepest underground station/line you can get to in the time given?

I live and work in or very near the centre of Bristol so I'm not sure of the danger. North Bristol's factories might get hit (Airbus, Rolls Royce) which are only a few miles away but otherwise not sure what strategic targets there would be other than human. There is a basement at work but doubt that'd do much. There's also some caves under the centre and tunnels under Temple Meads which could be a good bet if they were opened up in this scenario but you'd be stuck down there for some time. Otherwise cycle as fast as I could south into Somerset if I had maybe half an hour plus.

Nitefly, as a fellow Bristolian, where would you go?

Currently in Filton so vapourisation for me, I agree theres Rolls, Airbus plus that massive MOD building so north Bristol going to get paid a visit I'm sure. To be honest though Bristol isn't that big so what ever hits us will pretty much wipe out much of Bristol. The Vegan festival will survive on the waterfront though
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Currently in Filton so vapourisation for me

Annoyingly where I am now is right on the edge for the most likely range of devices especially if I'm at work. There is an airbase in the general vicinity but not close enough it would be guaranteed death or survival. Also some manufacturing facilities a bit closer but they'd unlikely waste a nuke on them as the disruption/fallout from hitting the airbase would pretty much render them unusable anyhow.

In respect to NK most analysis suggest the amount of resources they've imported/smuggled and have locally would support something like 20-60x 10-20kt devices or a smaller number of larger devices - even if they went completely rogue its unlikely they'd do more than maybe direct one of them at London - though who knows where it would actually land and if we invested properly in our Type 45s they'd have a decent chance of intercepting a single device especially with the upgrades coming to the Aster platform (EDIT: Looks like the Raytheon SM-3 is under consideration for ABM use).
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22 Nov 2006
iirc back in the 80's the uks main fear of a strike was of a weapon concealed on a trade ship and sailed up the thems.

thats something NK might be able to pull off.

if they can get a bomb out of the counbtry they could spend a fair bit of time merrily welding a nuke inside a ships hull and setting sail for the uk

Ships are pretty well monitored these days. It wouldn't be easy to get a large ship in without being seen. They do have nuclear material detectors in ports as well afaik.
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25 Jan 2008
Peterboro, Distro:Ubuntu
Diesel submarines are actually diesel/electric anyhow - they work something like Tesla when submerged. That is the problem of these types of submarines and creating something like our nuclear deterrent as they are limited to underwater running time and will need to surface at regular intervals - while there are some advanced designs for electric subs they still need to return to port every ~90 days (even if you staggered multiple subs every time one leaves a predictable location it makes it easier for a potential enemy to shadow it so you want to minimise that) - for something like our Vanguard/Trident setup they'd need advanced nuclear power generators never mind some of the breakthroughs required in silent running to evade detection by modern Western systems - even the Russians struggle with that despite having some pretty advanced subs (part of the reason they still maintain full triad).

You forgotten that oil tanker that nicks subs in 007 ?
Who's to say they don't have a "Nuked up" sub in a Freighter and stealth launch in the channel ?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Who's to say they don't have a "Nuked up" sub in a Freighter and stealth launch in the channel ?

An interesting concept but you wouldn't need a sub really then just hide the missile launching capabilities in the Freighter.

As above shipping is pretty heavily monitored these days though.
25 Jan 2008
Peterboro, Distro:Ubuntu
As for what I'd do ?

Well, I'm a Night Trucker so if it hits then hopefully (if I'm south) I could let it roll into the Dartford/Bell common/ Hatfield tunnel.
My trailer is full of food and Sunny D

Hmmm.. That might make me a moth to light !!
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
If there is one place almost certain to be gone come nukes hitting the UK it would be the Dartford area tunnel or not :s
30 Jul 2007
I have a large cellar in my house. So i'd maybe bunker up in there? Connect up my PC then just eat and game all day everyday. (Unless the EMP permanently messes up everything?) Let the world sort out its crap, and rise one day during the sunset and grab a horse and ride away.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I have a large cellar in my house. So i'd maybe bunker up in there? Connect up my PC then just eat and game all day everyday. (Unless the EMP permanently messes up everything?) Let the world sort out its crap, and rise one day during the sunset and grab a horse and ride away.

Cellar as good as anything as long as you have a good supply of clean water and seal it up well enough to block out the worst of any fallout/direct radiation. EMP would likely have a high impact on the power grid which depending on conditions may or may not be repaired quickly.
25 Jan 2008
Peterboro, Distro:Ubuntu
Ok.. I might not answer for a while..

1 disc left in the box set and Bolton has just got eaten by his own hounds !!

Mwahahaha.. How fitting.

Off to Westeros we go.... To face the White Walkers... & dragons & *hit !!

I may be some time !!
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
The biggest problem the survivors will have is..

Other survivors.

People will be going hungry and you in your cellar/bunker and us with our food trailers will be guaranteed "secondary victims"

Yeah - trailers especially you'd want to find somewhere off the beaten path to hide away - guaranteed one of the first things people would loot once they started becoming desperate.
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