Nuclear War! What would you do?

28 Mar 2005
Drunken badger punching
I've got several hundred bottle caps I've been saving, so that coupled with my ~45 mile proximity to central London I'd say I've got a pretty good chance of living as a ghoul for a fair stint.
30 Sep 2005
What would happen is this

The mobile networks all close and only accept emergency government signals
Your mobile would receive a text saying to look after yourself and find shelter
You have a maximum of between 10 and 20 minutes depending on where the missile launched
TV channels would be taken over with messages of advice

Your wife/girlfriend would probably be at work and your kids at school. There would be no way to reach them in time before the blast.

The time you would have left would be thinking about them and if they are safe or with anyone to look after them. Despite knowing all this, you and everyone else starts their journey towards them knowing it will be futile.

Mass panic, crying, shouting then death.
17 Jan 2006
Head to the second floor and have my wicked way with a young lady up there. Do a real supermarket sweep in a convertible.
Get shot.


Probably drive north to get my daughter (happy birthday little miss Bickaxe). Then hit the Cairngorms and hope the mountains block as much as possible.

I had to laugh at the wonderful contrast between caring father and potential rapist (it may be that you know the young lady in question but it doesn't sound that way) and looter...:D
8 Jan 2009
I think if the US hit NK with a nuke first, it would get very nasty with China, they wouldn't stand for it.

China wouldn't do anything military wise. LOL

Their missiles cannot. But they could stick a warhead in a submarine and sail around here to blow it up.

Their submarines are crap, They are diesel types, which means they are short range, noisy and easy tracked, they also classed as "coastal submarines" so they not deep water worthy.

Not to say it's not impossible for them to somehow sneak one out with some payload, but they will need to figure out how to refuel it and supply it while under the watchable eyes of every modern day Navy and tracking systems in the oceans to detect submarines that the US deployed back in the Soviet era.

Atomic bombs can wipe whole countries out. The damage will never be so local.

You need multiple nuclear attacks to destroy a city fully, let alone a whole country. For a city the size of London, Moscow, New York and Seoul etc you going to need dozens.

And any attack of US against NK without Chinese consent will lead to WW3 and be better we keep away from their conflict

No. lol
8 Jan 2009
If war breaks out between NK and USA/Alllies.

The conflict with remain in the Korean peninsula. North Korean nuclear stockpile is small, we talking at best a few dozen devices and even then any that can be loaded on a missile wouldn't reach us.

That's changing with their latest missile tests have shown, but they still need nukes to put them on and from what I read, the best reports say they can only make a few per year.

Even if they fire a few at South Korean or even Guam, am pretty sure the Americans and our other allies in the area can shoot them down.

Even if they miss a few, the death rate won't be any worst then the deaths that have happened elsewhere in the world, like Syria and Iraq, the only difference is that it be a lot in one go instead over time and then we talking few 1000 or 100k at the worst.

Doesn't make it anymore terrible, but let's be logical.

Not worried at all.
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30 Jun 2007
Each Trident missile carries enough warheads to hit the 12 biggest cities in Europe. And we have few dozens of them. Yeah NK is 60y behind, but neither the Russians nor the Chinese are.

And any attack of US against NK without Chinese consent will lead to WW3 and be better we keep away from their conflict

kinda they can take 12 warheads but theyre only alowed to put 8 on and you can bet each sub has a few missiles with only 1 warherad on too which reduces the total warhead count by a lot.

onbe thing im curious about though is whats the biggest "spread" a trident can achive? ie max distance between the targets for 2 warheads from one missile
30 Jun 2007
Not to say it's not impossible for them to somehow sneak one out with some payload, but they will need to figure out how to refuel it and supply it while under the watchable eyes of every modern day Navy and tracking systems in the oceans to detect submarines that the US deployed back in the Soviet era.

iirc back in the 80's the uks main fear of a strike was of a weapon concealed on a trade ship and sailed up the thems.

thats something NK might be able to pull off.

if they can get a bomb out of the counbtry they could spend a fair bit of time merrily welding a nuke inside a ships hull and setting sail for the uk
24 Feb 2004
iirc back in the 80's the uks main fear of a strike was of a weapon concealed on a trade ship and sailed up the thems.

thats something NK might be able to pull off.

if they can get a bomb out of the counbtry they could spend a fair bit of time merrily welding a nuke inside a ships hull and setting sail for the uk

True, but the UK is hardly the biggest target of NK. We are a very small fish in this stage.
8 Jan 2009
iirc back in the 80's the uks main fear of a strike was of a weapon concealed on a trade ship and sailed up the thems.

thats something NK might be able to pull off.

if they can get a bomb out of the counbtry they could spend a fair bit of time merrily welding a nuke inside a ships hull and setting sail for the uk

Yeah, for sure, it's possible. I believe anything is possible, but I doubt it.

The Americans are very good at tracking stuff, that said, will they miss anything they track due to human error?

Like newman said, I don't think we are a very big target to them. If anything, they will try to do something against the US.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
If its NK nuking US or SK then very unlikely to be any immediate danger where I am so I'd just keep an eye on the news incase things escalated.

If it was more threatening local to me for instance came on the news that NK was apparently in preparation to launch dozens of missiles around the world including Europe then I'd leave work pretty quickly and start making preparations in case of things like fallout and food shortages, etc.

onbe thing im curious about though is whats the biggest "spread" a trident can achive? ie max distance between the targets for 2 warheads from one missile

Dunno what the spread is but the RVs are usually released somewhere around 700 miles up or so giving them a fairly wide spread with very small motion. That probably gives them a few 100 miles of spread if desired.
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31 Oct 2004
kinda they can take 12 warheads but theyre only alowed to put 8 on and you can bet each sub has a few missiles with only 1 warherad on too which reduces the total warhead count by a lot.

onbe thing im curious about though is whats the biggest "spread" a trident can achive? ie max distance between the targets for 2 warheads from one missile

It has to be pretty far as the warhead RVs are separated from the post-boost part of the missile in space.
26 Aug 2010
What would happen is this

The mobile networks all close and only accept emergency government signals
Your mobile would receive a text saying to look after yourself and find shelter
You have a maximum of between 10 and 20 minutes depending on where the missile launched
TV channels would be taken over with messages of advice

Your wife/girlfriend would probably be at work and your kids at school. There would be no way to reach them in time before the blast.

The time you would have left would be thinking about them and if they are safe or with anyone to look after them. Despite knowing all this, you and everyone else starts their journey towards them knowing it will be futile.

Mass panic, crying, shouting then death.

the scary thing is this is what will happen. I have often thought about where I am and where my loved ones are at the time and if I would ever get to them.
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