Nurse arrested for murdering babies

God if i was priminister i would make serious changes, death penalty eventually for cases like this, and cut off benefits for immigrants that come straight into the country and get benefits straight away, have it like the old days if you dont work you dont eat, i dont mind benefits because there are a lot of genuine cases out there, but there are far 2 many taking advantage of the system, i would probably be assassinated

Chill, JFK :p

Should be getting death penalty

I think sentencing is taking place this coming Monday (21-08-2023).

It will probably be a whole-life order i.e. no parole. In the same basket as Rosemary West and Mark Bridger.
I can’t imagine many, if any, worse crimes than hurting and killing babies… that’s seriously sick.

An incredibly unhinged individual. Should never see the light of day as a free woman.
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I am not at all on her side, to me it seems pretty clear cut.

But what is the advantage in releasing her identity? The media are now doing guilt by association, some echos of the Joanna Yeates case where they accused the wrong person.
Well she could have spared the entire trial by pleading guilty at the point she was arrested.

Would love to hear the conversation between her and her lawyer.
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Yes but her family and friends aren't guilty. And they are being treated as if they are.
That's on her for not admitting to what she did.

She caused the story to be dragged through the media.

I wonder if she told her lawyer the truth and how they must feel in that situation representing a child killer.
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Do you feel this way about all murderers?
Do you think they should be protected?

I actually think so yes, because as I said it impacts their families and their friends. Just see what the Daily Mail is reporting now.

Let her rot in jail for good - but anonymity for life. As somebody else said, she will get murdered inside because people know her identity.
Yes posting a link with no discussion really adds to the thread:rolleyes:

None of this witch hunt article suggest she killed these babies, of course now she has been found guilty every man and his dog are going to think that keeping some mementos and pictures of notes to the parents of the babies she may of cared for makes her a monster.

This is why they should have anonymity. They'll now come up with links to family and friends and mark my words somebody is going to end up getting hurt.
Her identity would have been leaked anyway even if they didn’t name her.

It’s naive to think otherwise in this day and age with a case as big as this involving a serial killer of babies.
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