I've just done a search on this and can't find her parents being targeted, any links?
I can find stories where they want to move to be closer to her which is weird, if it was my daughter I now wouldn't have one.
Lucy Letby's parents 'to move closer to prison to be near their daughter'
A neighbour reportedly said: 'She’s their life really, and they’re convinced of her innocence.'metro.co.uk
I'd let them move and then transfer her to the other side of the country.
Just like to say I don't think they should shoulder any blame, she was probably bought up right as far as we know however they have their heads in the sand.
But then again we have posters above who think it's all curcumstantial evidence even though it's one of the longest court cases and the Jury were out for six weeks with Experts.
So they shouldn't take any blame (I agree) but you're ok with them being punished by moving their daughter to the other side of the country after they have moved closer to her?

No it really isn't circumstantial evidence.
Perhaps circumstantial until you've been in the Jury room for six weeks with the Experts being called in.
I work in a Trust Legal Department so I'm very aware of Circumstantial Evidence, however when you've sat in a Jury room for six weeks with Experts stitching it together it turns into overwhelming Circumstantial Evidence and Proof of Guilt as in the case of Letby.
So is it circumstantial evidence or not?

Your arguments/POV seem to change like the wind...
(I've bolded the relevant bits as don't want to be accused of missing entire quotes regardless if the rest is actually relevant)