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NVIDIA 4000 Series

Because it runs out of vram. Why does it matter? The same way the 6800xt runs out of grunt (but I guess thats fine cause AMD) so it runs worse on lower presets, you know - presets you would actually use on 3 year old cards. Why don't you complain about that?

I mean you haven't discovered America here, I've said it multiple times in the past, on settings that you won't actually play cause your framerate will be low (ultra settings 1440p have both cards dropping to even below 60 fps) the 6800xt IS better. So sure, if you enjoy 55 to 65 fps, and don't like RT and have no use for DLSS, 6800xt > 3080. I don't like playing at 55 to 65 fps, so the 3080 at HIGH settings gets the same performance as the 6800xt at MEDIUM. Therefore it offers a better experience for my standards. Go dodge the point again so you don't admit that this is nvidia fine wine at it's greatest moments. It matches it's competition at higher quality presets, FACT

And that's we're talking about, running out of VRAM because NV cheaps out on it...and has been doing for years, and now those chcickens have come home to roost. FACT.

No-one cares about your own cherry-picked stats and your individual use case. No amount of your obfuscation, mental gymnastics and coping will change that, your use case doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things around this issue.

I'm sorry that HUB's recent videos have crashed your world-view but there it is...NV cheaps out on VRAM and has been doing for years, now even the biggest CC's in the space have seen the light, I know you never will because your still hiding under your big green blanket.

And that's we're talking about, running out of VRAM because NV cheaps out on it...and has been doing for years, and now those chcickens have come home to roost. FACT.

No-one cares about your own cherry-picked stats and your individual use case. No amount of your obfuscation, mental gymnastics and coping will change that, your use case doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things around this issue.

I'm sorry that HUB's recent videos have crashed your world-view but there it is...NV cheaps out on VRAM and has been doing for years, now even the biggest CC's in the space have seen the light, I know you never will because your still hiding under your big green blanket.

Hwunboxed video proved what I already know. That the 3080 @ 4k + DLSS Q at HIGH preset gets similar performance to the 6800xt at 4k + FSR Q at the medium preset. That's a FACT. The image quality between high preset + DLSS Q vs medium preset + FSR Q is vast, the 3080 objectively offers a much much better experience It is not even close in terms on image quality. Now argue against that instead of throwing the ball out of the field
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Hwunboxed video proved what I already know. That the 3080 @ 4k + DLSS Q at HIGH preset gets similar performance to the 6800xt at 4k + FSR Q at the medium preset. That's a FACT. The image quality between high preset + DLSS Q vs medium preset + FSR Q is vast, the 3080 objectively offers a much much better experience It is not even close in terms on image quality. Now argue against that instead of throwing the ball out of the field

Yawn, no-one cares about your use-case. Let that sink in, and then you won't have to bother posting endless cope.

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Running native 4K just under the in game vram limit on a 3080 with a mixture of medium, high and ultra settings, sure wish there was more vram to increase the vram intensive options that don't cost gpu power, considering some of the scenes put rt'ing to shame, wonder how much better it looks running the higher textures.
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Running native 4K just under the in game vram limit on a 3080 with a mixture of medium, high and ultra settings, sure wish there was more vram to increase the vram intensive options that don't cost gpu power, considering some of the scenes put rt'ing to shame, wonder how much better it looks running the higher textures.

Why are you running native 4k? DLSS and even FSR provide better IQ than native:

Both Nvidia DLSS and AMD FSR work very well in The Last of Us Part I. So good, in fact, that both upsampling technologies often look better than the native resolution in Ultra HD. In terms of reconstruction, FSR and DLSS are definitely superior to the game's own TAA, despite the significantly lower render resolution.

Also, not missing anything by using high over ultra for the texture settings:

If you run into VRAM problems, you can set the detail levels "Texture quality of dynamic objects", "Texture quality of characters", "Texture quality of surroundings" and "Texture quality of graphic effects" from Ultra to High without hesitation. Because even if you look for it with a magnifying glass, you have to look very closely to see even the smallest difference. For example, Joel's shirt shows slightly more details with Ultra, apart from that no differences were noticed, at least in the test scenes used by the editors.
Funny as ****, but apparently these happened on the console version, canny blame the PC for these! :p

Oh seriously?! So after all these years and the what, 4th version/remaster of the game? They reintroduced these bugs? :D :cry:

I played the remaster on the ps 4 pro and all was good, can't say I've had any of them glitches on pc yet though. Only had 2 crashes before the last patch, been relatively good for me so far. The jitter with mouse is annoying as **** though so have to use controller :(
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Oh seriously?! So after all these years and the what, 4th version/remaster of the game? They reintroduced these bugs? :D :cry:

I played the remaster on the ps 4 pro and all was good.

That's what the comments were saying before they were removed, I have no idea as to the veracity or not TBH.

I only played TLOU a few hours on the PS4 and never saw any glitches either.

Well said Alex, very well said.

Time to buy a ps5 instead of a midrange pc.. check out the parts where they show signs with text on them are not even readable on a midrange pc and many other issues, basically a game for people with a pc that has 12GB VRAM and more. Weird to see so many low textures and I remember parts they showed even on the ps4 pro they were readable and better textures from what I remember playing this (need to go back and check as I still have it and the ps4 pro).

Anyways enjoy.. sadly the way we are meant to be played.

So now we have to ask why they had 10GB,12GB and 20GB VRAM models for their 3080 family but had some AIBS even make the 20GB versions but couldn't sell them..

Also why was there a 3080ti with 12GB and 20GB too, but again we never got the 20GB version to buy as again Nvidia canned them..

VRAM has been trending for days now on twitter too..

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Time to buy a ps5 instead of a midrange pc.. check out the parts where they show signs with text on them are not even readable on a midrange pc and many other issues, basically a game for people with a pc that has 12GB VRAM and more. Weird to see so many low textures and I remember parts they showed even on the ps4 pro they were readable and better textures from what I remember playing this (need to go back and check as I still have it and the ps4 pro).

Anyways enjoy.. sadly the way we are meant to be played.


Yup so essentially as a couple of us have said all along, a game which was designed for PS 5 hardware setup thus a terrible unoptimised port for PC but nope, not the game, you just need more vram :cry:

My problem with the people who go on about "zOMG VRAM" is that they are completely ignoring the fact that so far the games which are problematic on 8gb etc. gpus are broken/unoptimised (hence all the reviews slating them for this, hence all the patches released to address said issues), the core reason vram is problematic is because of them "game" issues/not being catered for how PC works, essentially those with 24GB vram aren't actually getting any real tangible benefit to their gaming experience other than paying a premium to "avoid" encountering such issues as often.... This is where HUB show as being extremely amateur and unprofessional when compared to the likes of DF, they don't look into or rather care about what the root cause is other than "zOMG not enough vram", them clickbait titles/graphs are more important for their ad revenue.

VRAM is no doubt important going forward especially for certain use cases i.e. 4k and/and you refuse to use dlss/fsr etc. but ultimately people should be striving for better optimised PC ports/versions rather than putting the fingers in the ears and as usual blaming the big bad, that and it's obvious now, that the lack of direct storage (good implementation) is holding back PC gaming now rather than lack of vram..... Until this changes, PC is the worst platform if you just want to sit back and game.

Having said all that, TLOU 1 is running great for me with everything on max except texture setting to high and dlss performance, not noticed any texture issues and performance is smooth and good too (with controller), ultimately it's another game where "ultra" settings and even high often make little to no difference but remember "pc master race"....

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How is that 10GB card holding up now in RT? The 12GB card was the buy, smart people waited...

I bought two cards last gen actually, a 3060ti I bought for £480 during the great card drought, which I later flipped for £1100 to a miner...and then a 6700XT which I bought with the proceeds, that's how I roll...;)

How much was the 12GB cared over the 10GB? Smart buy? In terms of getting more VRAM yes, 2GB for how much!

You moaning about price and you are punishing NV & AMD by not buying, yet scalped a 3060ti @ £1100!!! :eek::cry:
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