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NVIDIA 4000 Series

15 Sep 2009
Considering it was only just revealed by Nvidia a week ago I doubt Cyberpunk will get this until next year but it will be interesting to see.
Yes, new tech is nice but we can't currently even get DLSS 2/FSR/XeSS consistently implemented in PC games - let alone even more niche features.

I'd love to see DLAA in every new PC release but even The Last of Us (supposedly Sony's crown jewel) doesn't have it (and has needed to have DLSS 3 modded into it).



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Cyberpunk might get the update soon, the next update pending is in June/July as the media get hands on with Phantom Liberty and rumours were around the new neural update to ray tracing being patched din too since Nvidia are using the game as a tech showcase for path tracing so it makes sense really. Phantom Liberty will also include path tracing as it's a DLC to Cyberpunk so expect to see other stuff to show off what's possible on RTX, and Nvidia will want this to happen to create an even bigger gap against AMD no doubt.

Also reading the release notes on the new neural radiance update, it's said to be really easy to to implement so existing RT enabled games should be capable assuming they aren't AMD sponsored titles. The develoeprs have to do even less work as they're not telling the engine to calculate all says sent, 96% of rays will be
predicted in realtime by the Tensor cores whilst only the last few % of rays are fully traced - That's a significant performance uplift where you're scaling down from having to trace thousands of rays down to just a handful leaving all that extra headroom for performance as the Tensor cores are doing the AI calculations.

The only snag is that the more tensor cores a card has the bigger the boost will be, so lower end RTX cards won't see as big a boost as the higher end 40 series cards I guess which makes sense.

the thing to remember is that nvdiia are trying to make it easy for developers to implement this stuff into games, and make it easy to patch it into existing games. it's down to the devs to choose whether they want to get some kudos for existing titles with a quick patch update to support it, or not. Don't expect these to be supported anything AMD sponsored though.
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19 Feb 2007
Cyberpunk might get the update soon, the next update pending is in June/July as the media get hands on with Phantom Liberty and rumours were around the new neural update to ray tracing being patched din too since Nvidia are using the game as a tech showcase for path tracing so it makes sense really. Phantom Liberty will also include path tracing as it's a DLC to Cyberpunk so expect to see other stuff to show off what's possible on RTX, and Nvidia will want this to happen to create an even bigger gap against AMD no doubt.

Also reading the release notes on the new neural radiance update, it's said to be really easy to to implement so existing RT enabled games should be capable assuming they aren't AMD sponsored titles. The develoeprs have to do even less work as they're not telling the engine to calculate all says sent, 96% of rays will be
predicted in realtime by the Tensor cores whilst only the last few % of rays are fully traced - That's a significant performance uplift where you're scaling down from having to trace thousands of rays down to just a handful leaving all that extra headroom for performance as the Tensor cores are doing the AI calculations.

The only snag is that the more tensor cores a card has the bigger the boost will be, so lower end RTX cards won't see as big a boost as the higher end 40 series cards I guess which makes sense.

the thing to remember is that nvdiia are trying to make it easy for developers to implement this stuff into games, and make it easy to patch it into existing games. it's down to the devs to choose whether they want to get some kudos for existing titles with a quick patch update to support it, or not. Don't expect these to be supported anything AMD sponsored though.

I wonder with it using Tensor cores if that would also impact DLSS and Frame Generation performance ?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I doubt it will make an impact, they are immensely fast AI/ML data processing cores designed for real-time calculations so all of those features should be capable of running at the same time across the Tensor core estate tbh.

Like for example frame gen being enabled has not resulted in any performance drop, you can enable FG with and without using DLSS, enabling it increases fps as expected with no hit to other components of the board or system.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
How can it be bs is that's literally what you can see on ebay right now under buy it now? If they go for less then it's an auction and the final price was that, doesn't mean that's the norm, I'm going by the majority of buy it now prices for used cards.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Obviously exceptions apply to everything, but it's not the norm. The average selling price seems to be up to £850 buy it now, some going for £900, some for £700 - Ratings on the lower priced ones aren't too favourable however so maybe that's why, take a risk and chance it etc.

My 3080 Ti sold for £725, again this was an exception, not the norm.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Hopefully they will be going for around the same prices in 12 or so months time. If I am not gaming much I might sell it and just use my laptop in the meantime and use the money towards a 5070/5080 or a few months later :cry:
26 Aug 2004
South Wales
I honestly won't be surprised if jenson comes out with "it's safe to upgrade ampere friends" and has the 5070 matching 4090 for £600/700 :cry:
But will it come with 12GB or 16GB of memory?
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