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NVIDIA 4000 Series



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Still yet to play a game that actually stretches the legs of a 4090, where those UE 5.2 games at... Current new titles are out of the running because they are all so poorly optimised and will remain so for months.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Still yet to play a game that actually stretches the legs of a 4090, where those UE 5.2 games at... Current new titles are out of the running because they are all so poorly optimised and will remain so for months.

They will be out when the 5000 series releases, just in time for me to grab a 4090 or equivalent 5000 series card at half price discount :D
6 Feb 2019
That would be my guess too, they already have an AIO with a traditional radiator that bolts to the case.

So either it's a card with an AIO and radiator built into the card like they did with the 2080ti matrix - the other option is just a higher TDP/Voltage card.

It could also just be a card with a custom waterblock on it that needs to be used in a custom loop

Any of these are possible with ASUS, and all of these options will be stupidly overpriced
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6 Feb 2019
I don't think this is the new Asus card announcement but it is interesting

Asus has showed off an rtx4070 with no pin out power connector on the card. Instead, the card uses a little extension on the pcb that plugs into a second slot on the motherboard for power - since this is not normally found on boards Asus had to make a z790 board that works with this GPU design

So the GPU gets all its from the motherboard, the ATX power cables that would normally go into your GPu connect into the motherboard, the power then transfers through the board into the GPU and this is eliminating any cables hanging from your GPU and looking ugly

I'm a bit concerned about this design, despite how clean it look. This concept transferring power through the mobo works with CPUs because the power requirements are standardised for the cpu socket ahead of time so the manufacturer knows exactly to what spec they need to build the board. But you don't have that luxury with GPUs and so if Asus tried to sell this as a product the motherboard would need to accommodate for future GPU power requirements and designs, thus increasing the cost of the mobo
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6 Feb 2019
Nvidia announces ULMB2, 1000hz backlight strobing

Nvidia says this new version of its ULMB tech offers extremely smooth images with 1000hz strobing, and it's also much brighter than ulmb1. ULMB2 will be available to the newest 1440p 360hz Gsync monitors through a firmware update and also coming to new future monitors

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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
So this is just for LCD monitors and you can update the firmware yourself.

OLED need not apply because there is no need for backlight strobing.
6 Feb 2019
So this is just for LCD monitors and you can update the firmware yourself.

OLED need not apply because there is no need for backlight strobing.

Yeah looks like it. LCD is falling behind OLED in smoothness due to OLEDs now getting up to 240hz and up to 480h models coming next year - so LCDs needs something to keep them competitive and this 1000hz strobing seems to be trying to do that
6 Aug 2009
Yeah looks like it. LCD is falling behind OLED in smoothness due to OLEDs now getting up to 240hz and up to 480h models coming next year - so LCDs needs something to keep them competitive and this 1000hz strobing seems to be trying to do that
Yes, if OLED gets cheaper the argument for LED will get even weaker. I wouldn't upgrade from an LED panel to another LED panel. I'm just waiting for OLED to hit the right price\size\resolution combination.
1 Jan 2003
Still yet to play a game that actually stretches the legs of a 4090, where those UE 5.2 games at... Current new titles are out of the running because they are all so poorly optimised and will remain so for months.

I started playing Dying Light 2 a few weeks ago (late to the party, but it looks good with RT and is good fun so far) and I was quite amazed to see the gpu usage finally tip the 100% reading in afterburner. The game runs really well (over 100fps) with all its settings maxed out and I'm using dsr to downscale from 4k, this is the first title to peg the gpu core at 100% while the game plays super fluid with zero frame drops, and I can tell its pushing the gpu as the core temps are quite a few degrees higher than any other game (before the weather changed). Quite refreshing to play something that actually works :D
4 Jun 2009
Nvidia announces ULMB2, 1000hz backlight strobing

Nvidia says this new version of its ULMB tech offers extremely smooth images with 1000hz strobing, and it's also much brighter than ulmb1. ULMB2 will be available to the newest 1440p 360hz Gsync monitors through a firmware update and also coming to new future monitors

Nvidia killing it with their features :cool:

31 Dec 2008
So this is just for LCD monitors and you can update the firmware yourself.

OLED need not apply because there is no need for backlight strobing.
Black frame insertion on OLED displays still helps massively with image sharpness in motion the problem is they are not bright enough for this feature.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I started playing Dying Light 2 a few weeks ago (late to the party, but it looks good with RT and is good fun so far) and I was quite amazed to see the gpu usage finally tip the 100% reading in afterburner. The game runs really well (over 100fps) with all its settings maxed out and I'm using dsr to downscale from 4k, this is the first title to peg the gpu core at 100% while the game plays super fluid with zero frame drops, and I can tell its pushing the gpu as the core temps are quite a few degrees higher than any other game (before the weather changed). Quite refreshing to play something that actually works :D
Problem is DL2 is turbo-boring after several hours of play, I have it on Steam and gave up after 11.5 hours. Is it a game that gets better later on? I'm willing to give it another try, but 11 hours should be more than enough to see if a game picks up later or not lol.
22 May 2010
Nvidia says it's next architecture is on track to launch in 2024

And another massive leap in price

Jokes aside, i really hope they bring those prices back down to some normality. They absolutely butchered the 4000 series, being one of the worst line ups in gpu history! Surely they can't fall flat twice in a row.
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