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NVIDIA 4000 Series

21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Ampere also launched at a time when a lot of people were sitting around at home/working from home and built a pc.

Lets face it if your on a half decent ampere then you don't really need an Ada card. As this point stresses most folk don't upgrade every generation so I would expect similar to the Turing flop era when they command higher than realistic prices and the economy pressures mean people are counting the beans rather than splashing on luxuries.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Updated my GPU tracking chart. Now has latest timespy scores as per the 3Dmark website for each GPU, plotted against MSRP and by series.


This is a mixed bag for me tbh. I know all the criticism about prices, but what this says to me really is 3070 performance in the 4060Ti for a bit less money, 3080 performance in the 4070 for a bit less money, but when you get to 4070Ti you're getting 3090 Ti performance for quite a bit less money, and of course 4080 and 4090 are setting the new performance frontier.

4070 Ti here, might be the pick for optimum card imo.

Something that graph doesn't reflect - the 4060ti in some games falls flat on its face versus the 3060ti... I'm still laughing hysterically about that...
4 Feb 2009
Updated my GPU tracking chart. Now has latest timespy scores as per the 3Dmark website for each GPU, plotted against MSRP and by series.


This is a mixed bag for me tbh. I know all the criticism about prices, but what this says to me really is 3070 performance in the 4060Ti for a bit less money, 3080 performance in the 4070 for a bit less money, but when you get to 4070Ti you're getting 3090 Ti performance for quite a bit less money, and of course 4080 and 4090 are setting the new performance frontier.

4070 Ti here, might be the pick for optimum card imo.
I realise it's an ask, but, have you ever done something similar with AMD?
11 Sep 2007
from the internet
£800 for the same memory config as the £600 4070 is a terrible buy.
Yeah but when you buy the 4070 ti if you can squint your eyes and believe really hard then it's actually a kind of 4080 lol. That said for those that we've seen technically go slightly under £700 it starts to make some sense, but I don't think we can really judge its value based on pricing errors.
6 Oct 2009
Do we have any info on when the 4090Ti will be released?
I'm presuming there will be one as there usually is and it seem companies that might be in-the-know keep mentioning it in what seems like slip-ups.

3090 Ti was released in March 2022, about 18 months after 3090. If they have the same release schedule they will release it early next year.
8 Nov 2006
Do we have any info on when the 4090Ti will be released?
I'm presuming there will be one as there usually is and it seem companies that might be in-the-know keep mentioning it in what seems like slip-ups.

The 3090 Ti, was an attempt to justify a moneygrab during the crypto boom, where the 3090 was underpriced to miners.

I'd be surprised if nvidia were that eager to launch a 500W+ 4090 Ti. Especially given the 4090 is easily the best card in the market already.
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1 Nov 2002
It will be what, 2k+ for the FE and then beaten by the 5090 for less within six months?

I think they should revive the Titan name and go mad giving it 48GB…
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31 Jan 2022
So an awful value card from the previous generation makes the cheaper-to-make next generation card better value?

That Nvidia marketing is on point, i'll admit that.

I don't think that NVIDIA care about the PC upgrade market. They are making their money in AI and server cards, from what I hear, so they can sit there and be as arrogant and greedy as they want. The market is primed for an AMD, intel takeover, except AMD seem to lack the will and intel lack the experience.
16 Sep 2018
It's not that they don't care IMO, it's that they care more about AI and server cards as that's where the money is. I also don't think AMD/Intel will takeover, Nvidia will just start hitting a wall when it comes to the PC upgrade market, we're already seeing it to a certain degree.

The incoming problems facing Nvidia's PC upgrade market is (IMO) that 'gamers' are a lot more cost sensitive than businesses, it's easy to justify spending $100k on hardware if you'll earn $200k from it, whereas for a lot of 'gamers' it's hard to justify spending more than $500 in some cases. That and what they demand from the hardware is different.

I'll probably live to regret saying this but I'm expecting the Nvidia 'gaming' side of things to become increasingly difficult for them, aside from the vastly overinflated prices we're currently seeing I'm expecting it to become more expensive for Nvidia to make GPUs as node sizes continue to fall and they reach the maximum size of the reticle (800mm square 3nm dies are not going to be cheap). While there will always be the whales who are willing to pay whatever for the best, the majority of people will simply stop buying if prices keep rising. It's part of what's driven PC upgrades for the last 50+ years, Moore's law, but the important part most people leave out is that while the number of transistors in an integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years that it's based on the size of the IC being the same size. And because it's the same size it costs roughly the same. More performance for the same amount of money without that there's little incentive to upgrade.

IMO they're already hitting that wall and added to that is the demands from gamers and the business worlds are different, the business world is where the monies at so when it comes to where to invest (time or money) what the business world want is increasingly going to win out, gaming will start to take a back seat. We're already seeing that with Tensor & RT cores, those are things the business world has been demanding for quiet sometime but are arguably of less use to the gaming world (note: before the hate i did not say they're of no use).
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