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NVIDIA 4000 Series

27 Jan 2020
West Sussex
Sad isn't it. Looks like things won't get interesting again until 2025.

People keep going about about Super cards, but don't Nvidia have loads of these cards sitting in warehouses waiting to be sold?

What would the point in making super cards be anyway? That is only worth it when you have competition. AMD don't seem to want to compete, so what is the point? They are better of shifting the current crappy offerings and hopefully we get something decent in 2025.
We need an opposite of 'Super' cards for this generation, maybe 'Lousy' would work.
14 Aug 2009
TPU tested the 4090 with a 5800X and even though they retested later with a 13900k it never got updated for the database so I would take a pinch of salt with those numbers.

Looking across a multiple reviews the 4080 is on average 48% faster than a 3080 while the 4090 is 96% so for a 4080 if you divide 1200/48 your paying $25 for every 1% performance improvement over a 3080 while for the 4090 divide 1600/96 gives you a figure of $16.60 for each 1% point of improvement so as a 3080 owner the 4090 offers hugely better value.
Then as per TPU adjusted:

4080 is 49% faster, 71% more expensive.
4090 is 96% faster, 129% more expensive. (perf adjusted as per you)

71/49 is 1.45
129/96 is 1.34
Difference is 7,59%.

The lower the ratio the better and should be seen as a better price/performance gain vs 3080.

Now take into consideration that you'll need the latest CPU to take advantage of that, maybe add the cost for 4090 of a newer PSU, possibly A/C unit :))

Anyway, under 8% difference is nothing. Ergo, if 4080 is awful, so is 4090.

LE: my numbers look at the general picture. For 3080 owners I guess isn't that great.
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7 Jul 2016

Looks impressive. Not sure a 4070 or below can handle it in its glory? Surely 4060 won’t be able to run this?!

Really want to play this, but I'm a Playstation man so PC it will have to be. Surely this will need some grunt though the old 1070 is going to have to be upgraded but to what, uurrgggghhh! Was going to wait for an actual GPU that was not a complete rip off but who knows how long that will be, worst timing ever!
22 Nov 2020
Really want to play this, but I'm a Playstation man so PC it will have to be. Surely this will need some grunt though the old 1070 is going to have to be upgraded but to what, uurrgggghhh! Was going to wait for an actual GPU that was not a complete rip off but who knows how long that will be, worst timing ever!
Maybe 7900xt or 4070ti
14 Aug 2009
Really want to play this, but I'm a Playstation man so PC it will have to be. Surely this will need some grunt though the old 1070 is going to have to be upgraded but to what, uurrgggghhh! Was going to wait for an actual GPU that was not a complete rip off but who knows how long that will be, worst timing ever!
Wait until the game is launched and buy the GPU that performs best considering your budget.
15 Oct 2019
No idea. We will see. What we can count on though is AMD copying whatever Nvidia does and giving a tiny discount. Lovely.
Yeah I imagine if Nvidia is delaying till 2025 then as if by magic AMD will delay also as they can't release a GPU until Nvidia sets the price, Lisa probably calls Jensen before each release and asks him what the MSRPs should be.
20 Aug 2006
wondered what people's thoughts please on something demanding like FS2020

3060 TI more grunt - less VRAM
3060 - more VRAM slightly less grunt
4060 - only 8gb VRAM - but could DLSS 3 frame gen really help on a title like FS2020 ?

they are all +/- £30-40 from each other
15 Sep 2009
wondered what people's thoughts please on something demanding like FS2020

3060 TI more grunt - less VRAM
3060 - more VRAM slightly less grunt
4060 - only 8gb VRAM - but could DLSS 3 frame gen really help on a title like FS2020 ?

they are all +/- £30-40 from each other
What CPU do you have? FS2020 is heavily CPU-limited.

On a Ryzen 5600X with an RTX 3070 I think I got around 40-60 fps @ 1440 with max settings (this was a while ago, no DLSS).
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Really want to play this, but I'm a Playstation man so PC it will have to be. Surely this will need some grunt though the old 1070 is going to have to be upgraded but to what, uurrgggghhh! Was going to wait for an actual GPU that was not a complete rip off but who knows how long that will be, worst timing ever!

I would also make sure you get a decent NVME SSD too.
15 Oct 2019
Really want to play this, but I'm a Playstation man so PC it will have to be. Surely this will need some grunt though the old 1070 is going to have to be upgraded but to what, uurrgggghhh! Was going to wait for an actual GPU that was not a complete rip off but who knows how long that will be, worst timing ever!
Seeing as its going to be an AMD sponsored title without DLSS then a 6700XT, 6800/XT or 7900XT depending on your budget are likely to be the best options.
12 Jun 2021
Then as per TPU adjusted:

4080 is 49% faster, 71% more expensive.
4090 is 96% faster, 129% more expensive. (perf adjusted as per you)

71/49 is 1.45
129/96 is 1.34
Difference is 7,59%.

The lower the ratio the better and should be seen as a better price/performance gain vs 3080.

Now take into consideration that you'll need the latest CPU to take advantage of that, maybe add the cost for 4090 of a newer PSU, possibly A/C unit :))

Anyway, under 8% difference is nothing. Ergo, if 4080 is awful, so is 4090.

LE: my numbers look at the general picture. For 3080 owners I guess isn't that great.

I am not going to argue with your numbers but you are not taking into consideration that the fastest card available always has a price premium.

If you are buying a 4090 there is nothing faster that you need to consider but with a 4080 there is and it has to be clear and obvious it offers better performance/£ or why buy it. With previous gens there was an exponentional price increase with performance but with this gen it is a much flatter curve and much worse value in the mid range when compared to the top dog.
20 Aug 2006
What CPU do you have? FS2020 is heavily CPU-limited.

On a Ryzen 5600X with an RTX 3070 I think I got around 40-60 fps @ 1440 with max settings (this was a while ago, no DLSS).

Thankyou yes to be fair that will be the limiting factor this is on my HTPC that may occasionally be used for FS2020 but I think I should stick for that game to my Series X as the CPU in my HTPC is a Xeon 1225v3 4 core no multithreading so by far limiting factor
16 Sep 2018
Nvidia is at fault, no doubt about that. However, one cannot just say is nVIDIA's fault for AMD's high price. No, AMD chose that path themselves.
Personally I'd say customers choose these paths, on the Nvidia front customers have shown they're willing to pay inflated prices and on the AMD side customers have show they weren't that interested in cheaper cards.

As demonstrated by Nvidia gaining and AMD loosing market share over the past decade when that was typically the trend.
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