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NVIDIA 4000 Series

4 Jun 2009
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System

I don't like the way they lump Polaris, which is an 8 year old GPU to RDNA 3 all together, basically everything from AMD in the last 8 years as one meaningless blob.
They don't think AMD matter to break it down in the same way they do Nvidia, while they might not be wrong about that for someone who actually is looking for data this chart fails entirely, its an Nvidia pie chart with "other"

So in delivering a data set in what it is titled and with that purports to be i give it a D-, its useless, go back to school.
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4 Jun 2009
I don't like the way they lump Polaris, which is an 8 year old GPU to RDNA 3 all together, basically everything from AMD in the last 8 years as one meaningless blob.
They don't think AMD matter to break it down in the same way they do Nvidia, while they might not be wrong about that for someone who actually is looking for data this chart fails entirely, its an Nvidia pie chart with "other"

So in delivering a data set in what it is titled and with that purports to be i give it a D-, its useless, go back to school.

From the person who created the graph:

I think there's a lot of ways to present SHS data. I filtered out all the integrated graphics to get a better picture of the discrete graphics market. Someone here once made a chart based off performance, but it was hard to do with laptop gpus so I didn't do that here. Couple things to note:
  • 30 series is the most popular of all time, given the pandemic and massive surplus. 3050s and 3060s are still being sold new today
  • 64% of users with dgpu are able to use DLSS
  • The survey does not have most of AMD's RDNA3 gpus listed, only the 7900XTX is there. This points towards a bug so they are probably under-represented by 10-20%
The lowest reportable number is ~0.08% on the API page. It's just not feasible for no other RDNA3 card can clear that low bar when the $1000 7900XTX surpasses 0.34%. The simplest explanation is that reporting is just broken. When I have my integrated graphics enabled, SHS doesn't detect my dgpu.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I will add tho he is right about Steam, i had a Steam Hardware Survey request a couple of months ago, it absolutely did recognise my 7800 XT, and yet it or anything other than the 7900 XTX shows up in the Survey, as if that's the only RDNA 3 card that sells, we all know the 7800 XT is the best selling RDNA 3 card and yet according to Steam it doesn't even exist.

Clearly for whatever reason that Survey is ignoring everything but the 7900 XTX.
4 Jun 2009
Thanks but it doesn't say anything more than the chart, he say's RDNA 3 might be underrepresented but... and lol.... he doesn't provide any of that or any other specific AMD data anyway.

I think you're missing the points/reasoning he provided for doing the graph this way.... You might not like how AMD has been represented here but that doesn't change the facts such as:
  • 30 series is the most popular of all time, given the pandemic and massive surplus. 3050s and 3060s are still being sold new today
  • 64% of users with dgpu are able to use DLSS
I personally think it's quite interesting to see as we have had people for ages saying how ampere and ada wasn't popular with gamers for xyz reasons yet as shown, they have proven to be pretty popular.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I think you're missing the points/reasoning he provided for doing the graph this way.... You might not like how AMD has been represented here but that doesn't change the facts such as:
  • 30 series is the most popular of all time, given the pandemic and massive surplus. 3050s and 3060s are still being sold new today
  • 64% of users with dgpu are able to use DLSS
I personally think it's quite interesting to see as we have had people for ages saying how ampere and ada wasn't popular with gamers for xyz reasons yet as shown, they have proven to be pretty popular.

The point is simply that if you wanted a breakdown of AMD's sales, like to see how bad or not RDNA 3 is doing you can't get that from this chart.

Its fine if all you want is a breakdown of Nvidia's share, but that's it, that's the full extent of its usefulness.
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4 Jun 2009
The point is simply that if you wanted a breakdown of AMD's sales, like to see how bad or not RDNA 3 is doing you can't get that from this chart.

Its fine if all you want is a breakdown of Nvidia's share, but that's it, that's the full extent of its usefulness.

I think we all know by now that it's safe to say RDNA 3 hasn't done well....
4 Jun 2009
We don't know that, that's the point.

What do you consider to be "doing well"? As for RDNA 3 to be doing well from my POV, especially to be considered a success from AMDs POV, it would need to at the very least be 30% and if amds dGPU market share was at that, I'm sure it would have been reported elsewhere via news outlets etc.
22 Nov 2020
What do you consider to be "doing well"? As for RDNA 3 to be doing well from my POV, especially to be considered a success from AMDs POV, it would need to at the very least be 30% and if amds dGPU market share was at that, I'm sure it would have been reported elsewhere via news outlets etc.
Does it really matter if it’s done well at all? All that matters is that with Intel it’s an alternative to Nvidia’s monopoly and that is always a good thing: choice.
4 Jun 2009
Does it really matter if it’s done well at all? All that matters is that with Intel it’s an alternative to Nvidia’s monopoly and that is always a good thing: choice.

I don't disagree, no one wants a monopoly but it seems a bit silly to almost hold out hope that AMD have somehow managed to "do well" with rdna 3. For AMD to stick around in the dgpu space, they need to be doing well and meeting their targets, if they aren't, well they'll pull out as is rumoured to have happened at the high end for rdna 4 and imo, that means, they need to be hitting at least 30% with rdna 3 alone. I suspect their main focus is going to be primarily on consoles now especially with the refresh consoles coming at some point.

Either way, point of the graph given it's posted in the 40xx series thread.... is to show that in the end 40xx looks to have been somewhat of a success in the dgpu space from steam stats (on here, some people seem to think the 40xx have been sitting gathering dust on shelves.....) so people shouldn't be expecting much to change for 50xx price per performance now as why change when the people have voted with their wallet.... (especially when we're not even looking at the business side of the market where such gpus are even more sought after....)

I can see 50xx being much the same as ada pricing now, if a 5080 doesn't come in at <£1k, a second hand 4090 for 1k could be the next best bang per buck at the high end.
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22 Nov 2020
I don't disagree, no one wants a monopoly but it seems a bit silly to almost hold out hope that AMD have somehow managed to "do well" with rdna 3. For AMD to stick around in the dgpu space, they need to be doing well and meeting their targets, if they aren't, well they'll pull out as is rumoured to have happened at the high end for rdna 4 and imo, that means, they need to be hitting at least 30% with rdna 3 alone. I suspect their main focus is going to be primarily on consoles now especially with the refresh consoles coming at some point.

Either way, point of the graph given it's posted in the 40xx series thread.... is to show that in the end 40xx looks to have been somewhat of a success in the dgpu space from steam stats (on here, some people seem to think the 40xx have been sitting gathering dust on shelves.....) so people shouldn't be expecting much to change for 50xx price per performance now as why change when the people have voted with their wallet.... (especially when we're not even looking at the business side of the market where such gpus are even more sought after....)

I can see 50xx being much the same as ada pricing now, if a 5080 doesn't come in at <£1k, a second hand 4090 for 1k could be the next best bang per buck at the high end.
I agree with you, AMD will see if they can make mid range segment a “success” (whatever that means) but they may just pull out of that and stick to consoles and CPUs.

Most who have hung on will be forced to upgrade to lesser versions (smaller die are vs historical) of 70 class 80 class chips in the future.
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