Was looking for an nvidia card and was recommended a Zotac GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super Solid 16GB Graphics Card around £700 in a new build I'm putting together.
Is this the best around that price?
If I was to add another £100-£200 to the budget, where should I be looking?
just stay with the super solid if going 4070tiS. it's no frills, no rgb, just a big cooler and fans so will do the job. goinbg £200 more, forget the 4070tiS, and just go 4080sup such as the zotac trinity..it'll outperform any 4070ti there is
below was based on HU averages for games they tested(someone looking at 4070 or expensive 4070tisuper..so put the 4080super in)...now if your thinking of getting a super solid then the price between that and a trinity 4080super is £200, or 28%, but you'll be getting 21.4% better performance than the 4070tisuper...which isn't too shabby...buying a more expensive 4070tisup will more than likely get you 1-2% at most my guess...they're all pretty much on a par
of course going less than 4k, you're just talking more frames, but performance % diff prob wont change that much
for example...all 4k
4070 super 60fps (50 0.1% lows), (ray tracing 1440p (they dont supply 4k) 76, 0.1% low 64)
4070ti super 70fps(59 0.1% lows)...ray 81/68
4080super 85fps(72 0.1%lows) ray 101/86
so 4070tiS is 16.6% faster than the 4070S, 18% faster 0.1% lows, and in ray tracing 6% faster
the 4080 is 21.4% faster than the 4070tis or 42% faster than the 4070, it's 1% lows are faster than the 4070ti normal av, and 20% faster than the 4070tis lows and 44% faster than the 4070...in ray it's just under 27% faster than the 4070ti, it's lows 26% faster
for the £830 you're paying for the 4070tisuper, I'd just pay £900 for the zotac trinity triiple fan..it has a 5yrs warranty is a damn site faster and only 8% more expensive
4070tisuper is just too expensive for performance compared to the 4070super