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NVIDIA 4000 Series

yeah man he earns a lot more on the same part when sold to enterprise clients, the 4090 is like a server part packing in just 5% less transistors than the h100, which i believe would be priced at $10k for low volume purchases
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Anyone esle not even in the slightest bit interested in this round of cards? Maybe it's me and my age (late 40s) but this just looks like a joke from my viewpoint. Perhaps also that as I've got older, my gaming has decreased to a point where there is no time to game and I've lost interest. Plus there are no good games out that even slightly pique my interest these days :( I guess I'll stick to what GPU I have and just mosey on....
Anyone esle not even in the slightest bit interested in this round of cards? Maybe it's me and my age (late 40s) but this just looks like a joke from my viewpoint. Perhaps also that as I've got older, my gaming has decreased to a point where there is no time to game and I've lost interest. Plus there are no good games out that even slightly pique my interest these days :( I guess I'll stick to what GPU I have and just mosey on....

The pricing makes it a very poor value. Most (myself included) are waiting to see what AMD comes up with.
Anyone esle not even in the slightest bit interested in this round of cards? Maybe it's me and my age (late 40s) but this just looks like a joke from my viewpoint. Perhaps also that as I've got older, my gaming has decreased to a point where there is no time to game and I've lost interest. Plus there are no good games out that even slightly pique my interest these days :( I guess I'll stick to what GPU I have and just mosey on....
I can neither confirm or deny I’m a similar age to you but I’m also not interested at all but I think it’s more down to the state of games these days than the price.

Hardly used my 3090 and I’m going to keep it for years at this rate. Prices are silly though.

I like to think my gaming time has decreased because of the above and not my age :D
Very much watching and seeing on this too.

It's not just a case of "earning more money" which some suggest... some of us on this forum are in the top % of earners. I can't see how the average joe will be able to justify this along with inflation, interest, energy costs and possible (currently in) recession that could affect job security.

There is a part of me that wants them lumped with the stock, unable to shift 3000 or 4000 series due to change in market conditions and have them burned a little. Very much interested to see what AMD do with the sentiment we're seeing around the 4000 pricing and things like the confusing 4080 sku. Unfortunately, I think they'll just join in and we'll see similarly but slightly lower prices...

PC gaming for me is heading away I think.

Totally agree, it's certainly not a case of earning more, as any extra money I earn just goes back into the house/mortgage and additional pension contributions. Only time I'm likely to drop these by any amount is further cost of living increases, certainly not for a graphics card.

Like you I'd like to see them stuck with excess stock of both series, even if they drop the price I still would like to see that happen. Same for AMD, who again are no better in my view. I'm no anti capitalist, I get there needs to be a balance, but both of these companies can afford to take a hit to keep their greed and ego in check.
Anyone esle not even in the slightest bit interested in this round of cards? Maybe it's me and my age (late 40s) but this just looks like a joke from my viewpoint. Perhaps also that as I've got older, my gaming has decreased to a point where there is no time to game and I've lost interest. Plus there are no good games out that even slightly pique my interest these days :( I guess I'll stick to what GPU I have and just mosey on....
No you're not alone. I look on in disbelief at gaming kids willing to pay these prices... When you compare the sort of value of a steam deck to a standalone GPU I just can't make the numbers work in my head now as a value proposition.

Keeping my 1070 also I think.

Well at least he's honest that he plans to raise prices every generation now.

Game Over...

Reminds me of a graphic from visual capitalist I saw the other day, two actually. Jensen is one of the longest serving CEO's in the SP500 and Nvidia are 2nd biggest business solution and tech provider in the world, only 2nd to microsoft.

I remember walking into Currys in 1999 and picking up a then top of the range 3DFX Voodoo 3 AGP for the price of £190 , that was for my 1st gaming pc i ever built .... how times have changed for prices :(
Lol, showing your age here! I still fondly recall my first discrete GPU, the mighty Matrox Mystique. I got grief by gamer mates at the time who opted for the more expensive Matrox Millennium, but the joke was on them once D3D 3d acceleration came in and only the Mystique supported it lol.
Just a thought,

Given the excess glut of 3000 series cards still available, has Jensen killed two birds with one stone?

Has he deliberately priced the 4000 series so high, that people will baulk at the price and go buy a 3000 series card, clearing stock, while at the same time maximising the money fleeced from the fanboi crew that MUST have the latest and greatest 4000 GPUs. Until such times as 3000 card stocks are done, then he can reduce the prices of the 4000 series cards to snare the people who sat waiting for prices to come down, around the time the 4080ti is launched?
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Lol, showing your age here! I still fondly recall my first discrete GPU, the mighty Matrox Mystique. I got grief by gamer mates at the time who opted for the more expensive Matrox Millennium, but the joke was on them once D3D 3d acceleration came in and only the Mystique supported it lol.

VGA to VGA cable method brings backs memories. 2mb S3 Virge FTW!
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