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NVIDIA 4000 Series

Just saw that - well better to buy before 31st October when Truss and that other guy announce their plans to further **** the economy.

You do understand that all the other currencies drop as well ! Euro has also dropped ! The Euro is at 1.14 to are UK pound ( Been that for the past 3 years ) and has been that way for a long time so its not just the UK pound dropping ! people need to understand how it all works. its not just the UK Economy having issues all of Europe is .
Just checked and the Euro has lost about 20pence in the last year over the USD
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The slashing started a while ago when 4000 series was rumored to be delayed. They were launched at 2k and did NOT sell further back on the timeline.

If these cards are intended for enthusiast who "only want the best" and "don't care about the value", the 3090Ti was it....and they didn't buy.(at least not in significant volume

Buy the best! When something better comes out...buy that. I mean if these cards are priced for the "Money is no object." enthusiast, the 3090Ti should have sold to *that market*. I think it actually did sell to that market, and I think the $2k 3090Ti buyers will also pony up for $2k 4090's as soon as they are available.

I just think that market segment is a lot smaller than Nvidia is trying to make its investors think it. That's why there were still a lot of 3090's sitting on the shelves after that market bought what they wanted.

When money is truly no object, the fact that something better is coming out doesn't matter, because they will just "splash the cash" for the next new shiny too....no need to settle for less than the best now if you have the cash right?

The thing is the people likely to want to buy a 3090ti already owned a 3090 and it just wasnt worth the £100s of pounds to upgrade. People who could only afford a 3080 were never going to buy a £2k 3090ti.

If Nvidia had released the 3090ti at the same time as the 3090 then i am sure myself and many others would have bought the 3090ti.

If the rumours are true about their gimped 4080 12gb performance then a 3090ti at £900 will be a much better upgrade for most people than a £1300 4080 12gb
Who has any cash?

Few people of the newer generations as compared to the the old croaks hoarding all the wealth and capitol.

Lisa Su and Jensen are related.. nothing more needs to be said.

"As a whole, boomers have fared better financially than Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1980) and millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) throughout every stage of their lives. Boomers currently boast more than half (57%) of the nation’s wealth, while Gen X owns just 16%, and millennials 3%."

Millennials are us 30 somethings who are in long term jobs and either have no responsibilities or do.

Unless old fogies start gaming more on computer? What are these companies gonna do?

I'm 54 and game :p
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The thing is the people likely to want to buy a 3090ti already owned a 3090 and it just wasnt worth the £100s of pounds to upgrade. People who could only afford a 3080 were never going to buy a £2k 3090ti.

If Nvidia had released the 3090ti at the same time as the 3090 then i am sure myself and many others would have bought the 3090ti.

If the rumours are true about their gimped 4080 12gb performance then a 3090ti at £900 will be a much better upgrade for most people than a £1300 4080 12gb

We are talking about different markets. When you say that the 3090Ti wasn't "worth it" to people who already had 3090's you are refering to value. If the $2k 3090Ti was for the people who "only want the best" regardless of cost or value for money, well what it's "worth" doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters to *that* market is "Is it the best?" It was the best and we saw how big the "best at any cost" market was after crypto mining tanked. (Not that big)
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