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NVIDIA 4000 Series

3 Apr 2013
Lowestoft, Suffolk
Asobo Studio and Microsoft are bringing NVIDIA DLSS 3 to the game on October 17th


also what do u mean by SU11 beta?> is that somting in the game or needs downloading seperate?
17 Oct 2007
Some where in England
I looked in too it the beta only at the moment and final release in Nov ! To be honest I need it I'm getting like max of 20 to 30 FPS MAX at high or ultra settings ! The games playable but its not smooth at all so that DLSS 3 is going to make a massive different.
3 Apr 2013
Lowestoft, Suffolk
I looked in too it the beta only at the moment and final release in Nov ! To be honest I need it I'm getting like max of 20 to 30 FPS MAX at high or ultra settings ! The games playable but its not smooth at all so that DLSS 3 is going to make a massive different.
I use mostly high settings with msfs other than clouds on ultra, balance of quality and quantity with FPS although mines mainly in a g2 vr headset.

Crazy as it sounds even with the latest and greatest. It's also heavily CPU bound, what cpu you got, mines a 12700k @5p4e cores.
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10 Jan 2013
I like it but does that give enough support? Surely its giving support at the end not needed?
Nah the other end is screwed into the case or pcie bracket if using a riser

Maybe they did it to sell more risers? It seems most of them come with a support stick or whatever they want to call it anyway aha
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10 Jan 2022
Nah the other end is screwed into the case or pcie bracket if using a riser

Maybe they did it to sell more risers? It seems most of them come with a support stick or whatever they want to call it anyway aha
I like it but does that give enough support? Surely its giving support at the end not needed?
Yep, I have been using it without issues. Its stealth and gives more than enough support. Its screwed to the case so its more stable than support sticks you put at the bottom of the case.
11 Jan 2016
Blimey not only do you have to fork out for a 2000 pound graphics card you also need to spend over a thousand more for a new CPU motherboard and memory just to play games not worth it in my opinion.
You absolutely do not need to fork out anything more. Out of all of those games, I have and have tested most of them, and playing at 4k 120fps on an oled with a frame cap at refresh rate only 3 of those games do not hit it (cyberpunk, far cry 6 (though this is damn close) and watch dogs legion).

Are you suggesting people pay £1000+ to unlock 2-3fps maximum? Put that into context with the people that say a 4090 absolutely annihilating all other GPUs by almost double at £1700 is bad value!!!
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7 Dec 2010
You absolutely do not need to fork out anything more. Out of all of those games, I have and have tested most of them, and playing at 4k 120fps on an oled with a frame cap at refresh rate only 3 of those games do not hit it (cyberpunk, far cry 6 (though this is damn close) and watch dogs legion).

Are you suggesting people pay £1000+ to unlock 2-3fps maximum? Put that into context with the people that say a 4090 absolutely annihilating all other GPUs by almost double at £1700 is bad value!!!
Depends on game, the 4090s are heavily cpu bound at 4k even and when not and using a 4k 120hz screen and dlls 3 the games go over 120fps and cause screen tearing now. Also msfs is not showing even any worthwhile uplift at 4k from a 3080 to 4090 sadly at native and DLSS 2, most people use msfs in dx11 not 12 even as it causes issues with it being still beta in dx12 and you need to run dx12 to use dlss3 and then you get different issues. I'm still not finished testing msfs with the 4090 yet on my work mates new pc as we ran out of time in weekend when building the new setup. Will finish testing this weekend but so far only promising increase was with turning smt off and using one ccd on a 7950x and that gave us 10-20% better frame rate depending on the plane and airport we were at. Same happened when we stuck my 3090 in to test so not seeing the benefits without dlss3 yet. Need to wait for the dlss3 update for it as we couldn't download it on his new pc as he's not part of the beta testing. I think they are saying November now it will be released to the public.

Cpu bound games are suffering still on new cpus and previous cpus.

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29 Jan 2019
So 100% Stay away from AMD if you have 4090 then ! Massive different. Ill keep my eye on there 13gen review over the next coming days and work out what CPU to get.
I was very interested in this comparison, as I have the 5800x. What this does for me is shows that later processors are quicker. But the true value is not the % but the actual frames I get with the 5800x and a 4090.

And the consensus seems to indicate that the 4090 at 4k is no slouch with a 5800x or equivalent gen CPU.

No need to upgrade yet.
15 Oct 2019
I looked in too it the beta only at the moment and final release in Nov ! To be honest I need it I'm getting like max of 20 to 30 FPS MAX at high or ultra settings ! The games playable but its not smooth at all so that DLSS 3 is going to make a massive different.
While it'll look smoother it won't feel smoother and with DLSS 3.0.
17 Dec 2010
Anyone having utlisation issues with their 4090? Had a google elsewhere and there seem to be quite a few people with issues? I am getting nowhere near the benchmarks that reviewers posted across a number of titles but can't understand why. Doesn't appear to be a CPU bottleneck (7700X) as I am running equivalent/near equivalent cpu specs to reviewers. Power draw etc seems fine and there seems to be nothing inherhently wrong hardware wise with the card, just doesn't seem to be performing as expected or as others have experienced. I wonder if it might be a case that the card is not playing nicely with Zen4 as yet.
31 Jan 2022
Anyone having utlisation issues with their 4090? Had a google elsewhere and there seem to be quite a few people with issues? I am getting nowhere near the benchmarks that reviewers posted across a number of titles but can't understand why. Doesn't appear to be a CPU bottleneck (7700X) as I am running equivalent/near equivalent cpu specs to reviewers. Power draw etc seems fine and there seems to be nothing inherhently wrong hardware wise with the card, just doesn't seem to be performing as expected or as others have experienced. I wonder if it might be a case that the card is not playing nicely with Zen4 as yet.

Are you sure it's not CPU bound? The 4090 is limited by even the most powerful gaming CPU available, so it sure as heck is going to be limited by one that is five years old.
7 Dec 2010
Are you sure it's not CPU bound? The 4090 is limited by even the most powerful gaming CPU available, so it sure as heck is going to be limited by one that is five years old.

AMD 7700X he has you clearly read it as 7700K Intel.. I think the question to ask is what games is he using and seeing these issues with as there are many cpu bound games showing not massive uplifts from previous gen depending on resolution used too.
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7 Dec 2010
Anyone having utlisation issues with their 4090? Had a google elsewhere and there seem to be quite a few people with issues? I am getting nowhere near the benchmarks that reviewers posted across a number of titles but can't understand why. Doesn't appear to be a CPU bottleneck (7700X) as I am running equivalent/near equivalent cpu specs to reviewers. Power draw etc seems fine and there seems to be nothing inherhently wrong hardware wise with the card, just doesn't seem to be performing as expected or as others have experienced. I wonder if it might be a case that the card is not playing nicely with Zen4 as yet.

What games are you testing with ? Also what is the GPU Utilisation sat at for these games and what resolution are you gaming at ? Also check if any cores on the CPU are getting fully maxed out for these games too, because then you are CPU bound.
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