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NVIDIA 4000 Series

AMD problem is not the performance of the new cpu or the price of it, I would buy one tomorrow but its looking at spending £700 on a mobo and another £800+ on memory that is putting me off.

It was time to change mobo socket, granted, after 6 years but unfortunate that it had to be this year. If zen 4 was socket am4 and used ddr4 then the cpus would be flying off the shelf.
Can't you get a granny kit DDR5 kit and overclock it? Or do you really need a lot and the best?
Can't you get a granny kit DDR5 kit and overclock it? Or do you really need a lot and the best?

I need 64gb. I am not downsizing and I prefer decent ram from the off. Otherwise you are still spending £400+ now and then later only getting a fraction of that money back when you upgrade your memory later.

Mobo has to be decent as I run lots of nvme in raid plus lots of normal SSD as data storage etc

The thought of spending another £2k to upgrade the cpu when I have just spent £1700 on the gpu is not appealing atm. If it had been a straight £700 cpu swap out then I would have grabbed one.

I am even looking at just buying an eol socket intel board atm and one of their new cpus as I can reuse my memory as it comes in at a more affordable price even though there is no longevity.
Seeing the 3090 are now selling secondhand for £700 kind of lets you know you’re going be losing around £1300 when it comes time to sell a £2000 4090 :(

I see stock at a competitor nearly £400 more than MSRP they had on Day1. Whether that's gouged by the middlemen or just them, I dunno.

No lockdown to waive me to a higher FOMO price this time round. Can't understand the £100's differences in the 4090 cards either. They are near as makes no difference all the same when considering just gaming. Benching OK - I get the requirement for the top end cards if that's your thang, but silly money for very little performance in the gaming world.
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Somebody's adapter getting scorched.

Here we go with these silly connectors that no one really needs and should have stuck to the old style 8pin, the only reasong they wanted these silly connectors is so in time they would stick two or more on gpus in less space than the 8pins, reality is the power use levels are just too silly for gpus now and will be even more silly in the future if we carry on this way.. 2 x 12+4pin = 1200w which is insane.
Seeing the 3090 are now selling secondhand for £700 kind of lets you know you’re going be losing around £1300 when it comes time to sell a £2000 4090 :(

People are losing that now with 3090s as a lot ended up getting theirs at the gouged prices, I know this for a fact as I have 3090s that I spent over 2k on and not willing to sell them for these rates some are getting rid of them at. Rather keep them as spares or for other builds. I own 3 3090s at the moment and was thinking of selling the one in the htpc for a 4090 but keep getting turned off at the loss on it, the other 2 have to stay for now as in a workstation and need the NVLINK and 4090s don't have them and if they did I may have just sold up and got 2 x 4090s and kept the htpc 3090.. but it's not making any sense at the moment to do that at current prices even to replace the one htpc 3090.

I would have changed them for a 4090 if second hand pricing was more realistic so far people begging people to get rid of £2k+ cards for a 1/3 of the paid price is insane in my book and if people are silly enough to sell them at that well their loss and they keep fuelling these price increases.

People with 3080s want £550 for their second hand 3080 10gb but 3090s that cost over 2x the 3080 at msrp people want for £700 ? LOL nooo rather stick them up as a display gpu than give them away like that. Once the 4080 FE 16GB comes out at £1269 and showing to be slower/slightly faster then people will realise what the 3090's are really worth and especially when the AIB models come out at over £1500.

The worlds gone mad really and I'm not playing into these games anymore as for now have what I need for work and gaming is slowly killing itself with these insane prices and even the pricing of games and console pricing of games is insane too and example right here.. :-

Ubisoft thinks you should pay $120 for Far Cry 6 GOTY Edition even though it didn't win a GOTY award​

Does this mean I can declare myself Employee of the Month?​

The whole industry has become pure greed and gouging. Until customers stop buying their wares it will not change.. Then to insult their customers more they do all these extreme prices in a time the world economy is a mess and people struggling to feed themselves and family and heat their homes. Really had enough of all this now and the blatant games being played by an industry I liked all my life and now just see them as crooks.
It's just nice to see 4090's sitting about without selling on auction site

There are still some idiot scalpers about. If you look on ebay for example, just a quick search and there are 91 cards up for sale. Two I saw are founders editions, one is 1900 so sucks to be the idiot trying to sell his at £2500! There is one moron trying to sell his at £3500.
I mean it doesn't take a genius to work out that right now people have other priorities and there just isn't the shortage there was with the 3000 series.
The sad part is that these people have bought these cards from the likes of Overclockers and NVIDIA and are now just sitting on them, waiting for them to sell, but no one with a brain would buy one. Card wasted. Sad.
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I need 64gb. I am not downsizing and I prefer decent ram from the off. Otherwise you are still spending £400+ now and then later only getting a fraction of that money back when you upgrade your memory later.

Mobo has to be decent as I run lots of nvme in raid plus lots of normal SSD as data storage etc

The thought of spending another £2k to upgrade the cpu when I have just spent £1700 on the gpu is not appealing atm. If it had been a straight £700 cpu swap out then I would have grabbed one.

I am even looking at just buying an eol socket intel board atm and one of their new cpus as I can reuse my memory as it comes in at a more affordable price even though there is no longevity.
I feel you, thats the only reason im considering a 13900k as i've already adopted Alder Lake so raptor lake seems like a decent uplift either now or in the future.
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