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NVIDIA 4000 Series

8 Sep 2020
Was playing with overclocking the FE. So far got +310 and +1900 on memory clock. Clocks a lot higher than both my Suprim 4090s.
Sounds like you got a stunning card then , mine will do +300 core on sotr (3090Mhz) and +1600 memory ... if i try to push anymore results in crashing . In heaven which is a lighter load can get the core to 3135Mhz stable , will touch 3150Mhz but drops due to temp . Looking forward to getting this watercooled and seeing if it can boost any higher due to the lower temps :D
26 Dec 2005
Which Zotac have you got?
I’m on my 3rd Airo and the bearing noise is driving me nuts..

Does yours sound like this?

Deleted member 258511


Deleted member 258511

Ah nice another ABP user , i don't think they will do much at all for cooling but certainty do look much better and since i can't do a vertical mount on my setup will actually see the backside of the card more than the front so although a bit superficial i want it to look nice :cry:

A) Poor excuse , get that system drained and some new hard pipe bent as i had to :p
B) Although with all your new bits arriving i can understand why you would rather not but still an hours works and you can be playing on your new GPU now :D

Very nice.
6 Feb 2019
First RTX4080 review

Appears to show the 4080 is 20% to 30% slower 4090 (average 23% slower at 4k).

The 4080 can also be undervolted; lowering the card to 260w from its stock 320w results in just 1% performance loss for 20% power saving and lowering to 280w from 320w results in 0% performance loss for 13% power saving.

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8 Jun 2018
Not sure how to take this cryptic statement about the 4080 review (from TechYes). He states that the 4080 will push people to buy the 4090.

Start at 28:14

And yes, water is wet. It just seems like he was saying more negative about the 4080.
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17 Mar 2017
And so we have 2 manufacturers of these connectors, Not checked mine yet but knowing how stiff mine was to plug into my Inno I'm pretty certain it's from NTK as there is an audible click but will check it anyway once I remove it when my Cablemod cable finally arrives.

Also this is why I wait for a quality PSU and not these cheapo brands that rush out the gate to be the first to gloat about being on the market with their ATX 3.0 PSU's, Yes you MSI, It's now being reported the dedicated MSI PSU's that have the 12 pin cable that melted at the PSU end is because MSI cheaped out and used under spec copper wire. This just goes to show why some PSU's are coming later than others, Some get it right from the off.

Something I have learned from the past, I'm not saying everyone does but a lot of people don't pay too much attention to what PSU they're getting or maybe cut a corner or 2 to save a few quid, There is nothing more important to the PC than reliable power delivery and a brand you can trust, Something I will never cheap out on and that's the PSU, It is the heart of your system and paying a little more for a quality brand will save you some unnecessary headaches possibly in the life of it (Or short life in the case of MSI's ATX 3.0 PSU)
25 Apr 2015
Hmm. Mine is the Astron and it made an audible click but it did feel a bit mushy compared to the PSU PCI connectors.

Had mine maxed out 10hrs a day none stop for about a week using substance painter and vray as well as a bit of evening gaming (doesn't ever break 400w in games due to my threadripper being a bottleneck though). No sign of heat damage/melting. I'm on the 90 degree cablemod waitlist since i can't shut the door to my case without it...

Seeing how things progress but I'm definitely going to see if Nvidia will send out an NTK cable if the Astron ones turn out to be the cause.
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