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NVIDIA 4000 Series

23 Feb 2009
Still waiting on a waterblock for the 4090 FE :(

Spoke to OcUK and they're unsure on delivery dates, so pulled the plug and went to EK directly. It's been sat in my office for 2 weeks, crying in the corner.
Same here. I see the block has been showing in stock on the EK site. Kinda hoping that means OCUK are due stock.
18 Oct 2022
Same here. I see the block has been showing in stock on the EK site. Kinda hoping that means OCUK are due stock.

They're due stock but when I called earlier the customer service rep told me they're having issues with EK constantly pushing delivery dates back.

I didn't fancy waiting another week in hope of getting a dispatch email (it's also holding up other items on my order), so have just cancelled them and gone direct to EK.
6 Apr 2011
Definitely worth putting power consumption to 80%. Lost 4fps and saved myself 80w in a demanding scenario (Control Native 4k Max RT settings).

Recommend having a play around with undervolting too. My Zotac Trinity non-OC chilling pretty nicely at 2730 Mhz @ 950mv. Can hit 2820Mhz @ stock settings but that's pulling 100w additional power!
8 Sep 2020
Still waiting on a waterblock for the 4090 FE :(

Spoke to OcUK and they're unsure on delivery dates, so pulled the plug and went to EK directly. It's been sat in my office for 2 weeks, crying in the corner.
Which block did you go for ? I have ordered the Active backplate version but apparently gets dispatched 18th for deliver 25th .... how come you are not just using the 4090 on air for the minute ?
18 Oct 2022
Which block did you go for ? I have ordered the Active backplate version but apparently gets dispatched 18th for deliver 25th .... how come you are not just using the 4090 on air for the minute ?

Had the regular FE waterblock on order from OcUK but ordered the ABP FE waterblock from EK.

Can't use the card on air as a) my system is hardline watercooling and I wouldn't want to disassemble b) I've got upgraded CPU, motherboard and RAM coming too which I'd have to re-do too :(
8 Sep 2020
Had the regular FE waterblock on order from OcUK but ordered the ABP FE waterblock from EK.

Can't use the card on air as a) my system is hardline watercooling and I wouldn't want to disassemble b) I've got upgraded CPU, motherboard and RAM coming too which I'd have to re-do too :(
Ah nice another ABP user , i don't think they will do much at all for cooling but certainty do look much better and since i can't do a vertical mount on my setup will actually see the backside of the card more than the front so although a bit superficial i want it to look nice :cry:

A) Poor excuse , get that system drained and some new hard pipe bent as i had to :p
B) Although with all your new bits arriving i can understand why you would rather not but still an hours works and you can be playing on your new GPU now :D

8 Sep 2020
I don't know if I'm impressed or concerned that people are happy to drop £2000 on a GPU.
I cant speak for others but personally swapping from a 3090 to a 4090 has cost me £600 , the big hit will be if you currently have nothing and want to buy a 4090 from scratch but i imagine most people will be upgrading and thus selling their old gpu to gain back some of the cost and depending on what you had previously will dictate how much extra you have to lay out :)
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27 Jun 2006
Not here
I don't know if I'm impressed or concerned that people are happy to drop £2000 on a GPU.
Yeah but times have changed. Look at the price of the first iPhone, less than £400. Now people will happily drop over £1000 on an new iPhone without going the lengthy contract route.

Even with these so called hard times, new GPU's, CPU's, game console still sold out for months and were not the cheaper models. People must have disposable income somewhere or slap it on credit.

I cant speak for others but personally swapping from a 3090 to a 4090 has cost me £600 , the big hit will be if you currently have nothing and want to buy a 4090 from scratch but i imagine most people will be upgrading and thus selling their old gpu to gain back some of the cost and depending on what you had previously will dictate how much extra you have to lay out :)

Worth the upgrade? I'm thinking of doing the same.
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26 Dec 2005
Can I ask, do your fans sound like this when they start spinning up? https://youtu.be/PZ9v3rgE9r0?t=100
Kinda hard to tell, i dont find them offensive when they switch on.

Using my decibel app when i put fans to 30% my pc goes from 31-32dba, at 100% it goes to 50dba from my seating position, at 50% which is about as loud as they go in game its 36dba
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8 Sep 2020
Worth the upgrade? I'm thinking of doing the same.
personally i wold say yes its 100% worth the swap , it has given me the ability to run all the games i play at native 4k/120fps at max settings with more to spare if needed , i also play at 1440p on a 240hz monitor and again enough power to drive that at native fps to the point of the cpu becoming a bottle neck if uncapped. Performance uplift wise i am getting an 85% bump in performance at native 4k on SOTR compared to my old 3090 Strix ( which was no slouch! ) , i see a very similar gain in the rest of the games i play and that is without even touching DLSS , no regrets at all from me :)

31 Aug 2021
Zotaks almost always run about 30-40% fan so pretty much cant hear it either way!
Which Zotac have you got?
I’m on my 3rd Airo and the bearing noise is driving me nuts..

Does yours sound like this?



23 Aug 2017
So as per my sig upgraded to the Samsung QD-OLED 55" over the weekend.
Have it on my racing rig and is probably a bit too big.... if that's possible :D Can just push a bit back on my TV stand though.

Was origionally after an LG 48 OLED but couldnt resist the recent Sammy EPP deal.
Anyway looks fab, colours & HDR amazing.
Even over-clocks to 144 Hz so do need the 4090 to drive it!
So much recommended if anyone thinking about it.
14 Oct 2022
Ah nice another ABP user , i don't think they will do much at all for cooling but certainty do look much better and since i can't do a vertical mount on my setup will actually see the backside of the card more than the front so although a bit superficial i want it to look nice :cry:

A) Poor excuse , get that system drained and some new hard pipe bent as i had to :p
B) Although with all your new bits arriving i can understand why you would rather not but still an hours works and you can be playing on your new GPU now :D

I love this, but for a split second I thought you had no RAM :cry:
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