3 series have been sitting around a while.
Also to answer this, top end 3090 series are all sold out and only ones left are the 3090ti FE and the odd 3090 AIB at even more silly prices than a 3090ti FE, 90 series is basically gone. Now they will soon be rid of 3080's next and down, stocks in UK are not as large as people think they are if you watch retailers with 30 series stock. The problem is Nvidia has forced the prices up and played again with card naming, AMD is doing the same too.
Like I said at the start of all this mess, it's become a scam from the manufactures of these devices to the AIBS and the retailers all taking their part of the scam, then go watch the 4090/4080 YouTube reviews and watch how youtubers squirm to keep Nvidia happy, Hardware Unboxed Steve has finally been bought by Nvidia and too scared to lose the free Nvidia cards coming his way as what happened last time when he spoke up, this time the 4090 is amazing value "for a stupid card" while 99.9% of everything he states is positive in the review and .1% ohh yes it's really a stupid card but I want one and you should get one too and DF the full time Nvidia shills and then nobody youtubers this time getting free 4090s and 4080s to sell the scam even more and never seen before youtubers ... The whole industry now is corrupt and the youtubers are disgusting this time and the review media as they don't have to pay for these things and scared nvidia will stop them getting freebies so play along with nvidia while the real paying people get scammed.
Want this to stop ? Stop buying and stop falling for FOMO for something that is probably not much better in your real world gaming compared to what you currently have. Sorry Andy I agree with you 99% of the time but this time this post is way off and your so called retail prices you have near you.
The greed of these companies is now past the point of being normal and you can't even say anymore well they are a company and trying to please their shareholders, naah sorry this is theft now and unethical business and no one should be feeding these people that run these companies and retailers taking their customers for a ride too.
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