I've been weighing up the same decision of which 4090 to get for a while now. I'm going to be doing a whole new build, to upgrade from a 4770K/1080.
I've ruled out bothering to try and get an FE, seems like too much hassle.
The annoying thing I've found is that it seems like it's mostly the most expensive model for each brand that they've sent out to tech reviewers. Certainly less reviews on Youtube for the cheaper models, like the ones you've listed.
Reading the reviews hasn't gotten me to a real place of certainty either. When you can find reviews for cheaper models their weak points against the more expensive models get mentioned - build quality/materials, types of fans, temps & noise levels. When the more expensive models (especially in the case of Zotac) are like only £30-£60 more given you're already looking at £1700+ a got more £'s is really very little difference.
Where I've currently landed is with the Zotac AMP Extreme AIRO. The 5 year warranty swings it and of all the companies it's the cheapest premier model. The price is yoyo-ing up and down, was £1800 at OC for a few days and now back up to £1890 but can be found cheaper elsewhere.
I think I'm going to give it a few weeks and see what the reality of a January where money is tighter and maybe CES announcements does to the prices.