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NVIDIA 4000 Series

Could use the same argument against you, right? What makes you think they have similar issues?

Personal experience of using both amd and nvidia cards for 20+ years. Plus the simple fact is I don't care what's in my system as long as it does what i want, hence why I switched from a 6900xt to a 3080ti as the video editor I use makes a lot more use of the nvidia card for rendering.

I've had issues with amd drivers in some apps/games and the same with nvidia drivers. They both have their good and bad releases.
Personal experience of using both amd and nvidia cards for 20+ years. Plus the simple fact is I don't care what's in my system as long as it does what i want, hence why I switched from a 6900xt to a 3080ti as the video editor I use makes a lot more use of the nvidia card for rendering.

I've had issues with amd drivers in some apps/games and the same with nvidia drivers. They both have their good and bad releases.
Man, i dont know w hat you are trying to prove but in this very forum there is a 1000 long page thread about amd drivers. Go check posts from just last month, plenty of people with black screens, drivers crashing, driver settings reseting, and the list goes on. Youll also find people that just "upgraded" from nvidia to amd and then the crashes begun. How can someone with a straight face claim that amds drivers are equal to nvidias is way beyond me
What are they doing exactly? People had mad expectations for the 7 series once they heard it was chiplet based and as usual the rumour mill went into overdrive long before amd's slightly shall we say "suss" way of drawing comparisons to older cards were published. But they now have a tech that nvidia (currently) don't have and rdna 3 is the starting point. Moving forward we might well get more powerful cards from amd as the tech evolves similar to how ryzen evolved from being "good" to kicking intel square in the knackers.


Hope next gen they do get the number one spot for best performing all round card, but even more importantly release a card that actually improves price for performance in a meaningful way without needing to splash out a four figure sum.
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Man, i dont know w hat you are trying to prove but in this very forum there is a 1000 long page thread about amd drivers. Go check posts from just last month, plenty of people with black screens, drivers crashing, driver settings reseting, and the list goes on. Youll also find people that just "upgraded" from nvidia to amd and then the crashes begun. How can someone with a straight face claim that amds drivers are equal to nvidias is way beyond me

Feel free to go through all 1000 pages of the thread and tell me the percentage of posts talking about issues vs random chatter about things like overclocking, voltage controls, the new control panel introduced several years back etc etc etc. The fact its 1000 pages on a near 10 year old thread really means nothing. There's also an nvidia thread with near 600 pages, are all those posts also about issues as well? Feel free to trawl through that as well while you're at it.

Until then.

Feel free to go through all 1000 pages of the thread and tell me the percentage of posts talking about issues vs random chatter about things like overclocking, voltage controls, the new control panel introduced several years back etc etc etc. The fact its 1000 pages on a near 10 year old thread really means nothing. There's also an nvidia thread with near 600 pages, are all those posts also about issues as well? Feel free to trawl through that as well while you're at it.

Until then.

I dont know why you keep insisting on something that you are obviously wrong about, but you do you.

Add gif here to make myself look cool
Personal experience of using both amd and nvidia cards for 20+ years. Plus the simple fact is I don't care what's in my system as long as it does what i want, hence why I switched from a 6900xt to a 3080ti as the video editor I use makes a lot more use of the nvidia card for rendering.

I've had issues with amd drivers in some apps/games and the same with nvidia drivers. They both have their good and bad releases.
Likewise, have used both for around the same length of time and have had very limited issues. I'm talking maybe 3-4 times I've had to use a different driver with both Nvidia and AMD. Over the last decade I've had no problem with either company and would use both without hesitation. People get set in their ways with things like this.
Likewise, have used both for around the same length of time and have had very limited issues. I'm talking maybe 3-4 times I've had to use a different driver with both Nvidia and AMD. Over the last decade I've had no problem with either company and would use both without hesitation. People get set in their ways with things like this.

Yup, some things are blown out of all proportion, the amd driver thing has been like a bogeyman for the company as people still regurgitate the same spiel and in a lot of instances they've never even used an amd card due to also falling for the bs. I routinely flip flop from one to the other depending on pricing etc and issues only very occasionally crop up.
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And yet even if AMD were to put out a gpu that beat nvidia's top end in every category, people would still buy nvidia because:

brand loyalty\stupidity\but muh drivers.

I've seen this bandied about from the pro-AMD camp for a while now and I find it a lazy excuse. The fact of the matter is that if AMD wants to pull people away from nvidia they cant be 'close' or even equivalent to nvidia's offering, they have to be clearly and decisively better. In at least a majority of facets. I have owned several AMD (ATI) gpus but not recently. If AMD wants me back, it's quite easy. Give me a card thats better. Make it consistently 15 to 20% faster than the equivalent nvidia offering and price it competitively if not aggressively. They need to INCENTIVIZE me to come back because nvidia is the incumbent. If AMD offers a product that is merely close to, or even 'just' equivalent to the nvidia competitor that's just not all that enticing. Lure me back. Make it a no brainer to leave nvidia.

They've done exactly this a few times in their history, unfortunately few and far between. And here's the kicker, the hard part. They need to string together at least a couple generations in a row of having the superior offerings. To be number one you have to be the best and prove to people it isnt a fluke. Thats how you move the dial.
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I've seen this bandied about from the pro-AMD camp for a while now and I find it a lazy excuse. The fact of the matter is that if AMD wants to pull people away from nvidia they cant be 'close' or even equivalent to nvidia's offering, they have to be clearly and decisively better. In at least a majority of facets. I have owned several AMD (ATI) gpus but not recently. If AMD wants me back, it's quite easy. Give me a card thats better. Make it consistently 15 to 20% faster than the equivalent nvidia offering and price it competitively if not aggressively. They need to INCENTIVIZE me to come back because nvidia is the incumbent. If AMD offers a product that is merely close to, or even 'just' equivalent to the nvidia competitor that's just not all that enticing. Lure me back. Make it a no brainer to leave nvidia.

They've done exactly this a few times in their history, unfortunately few and far between. And here's the kicker, the hard part. They need to string together at least a couple generations in a row of having the superior offerings. To be number one you have to be the best and prove to people it isnt a fluke. Thats how you move the dial.

You can find it a "lazy excuse", you just have to look at tech forums and comments on reviews etc to see people's mindset about gpu's, and that generally seems to be "stick with nvidia amd have bad drivers".

If amd did have a card that was 20% faster than the equivalent top end Nvidia people would still expect to buy it for less than the Nvidia card, that's how people have been conditioned to think about gpu's.

As for moving the dial, I think they are in that place with the chiplet setup, its a tech that nvidia don't have currently and if amd leverage it right it could be a large step in the right direction.
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If amd did have a card that was 20% faster than the equivalent top end Nvidia people would still expect to buy it for less than the Nvidia card, that's how people have been conditioned to think about gpu's.

No I dont think this would be the case. I think the enthusiast segment would quite readily switch for a demonstrably superior card. I know I absolutely would.

The masses follow the enthusiasts but it's not a quick or immediate process. For the masses to switch you need the mindshare and that doesnt come by winning a single generation. You need to string together several generations of wins for that to happen. Like I said, thats the hard part because nvidia is a ******* excellent engineering company and rarely lose a single generation much less back to back generations.
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The mods where the ones that closed it off so doubt they would re open it
How else do you expect it to get re-opened then? :confused:
Im sorry, not going to argue about self evident stuff. If you think nvidias drivers are worse, aint gonna even try to change your mind. Sure, whatever :D
Yeah you have to have some level of delusion to say Nvidias drivers are worse than AMD's when we all know since years that regardless of brand preference Nvidias driver and software in general is objectively better. At this point it can just be considered common knowledge within the community.
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No I dont think this would be the case. I think the enthusiast segment would quite readily switch for a demonstrably superior card. I know I absolutely would.

The masses follow the enthusiasts but it's not a quick or immediate process. For the masses to switch you need the mindshare and that doesnt come by winning a single generation. You need to string together several generations of wins for that to happen. Like I said, thats the hard part because nvidia is a ******* excellent engineering company and rarely lose a single generation much less back to back generations.

Either this. Or just actually do what they did with Ryzen and offer competitive prices when not in the lead. But nope, they want to just copy nvidia’s looney prices and just discount it by $100 and be done. All that does is erode market and mindshare.
Why close it off if your just going to re open it again, seems pointless.
That was the specific question that Brostradamus asked. If he wants the tjread opened, he needs to ask them why they closed it and petition to have it re-opened. This is not rocket science.
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And yet even if AMD were to put out a gpu that beat nvidia's top end in every category, people would still buy nvidia because:

brand loyalty\stupidity\but muh drivers.
Not if they followed a similar pricing strategy as last gen when their 80 competitor card was priced at $649 and 70ti competitor card was priced at $579.
Even if AMD dropped their prices massively I'd still think twice about getting an AMD GPU. I spent days trying to sort out my mates pc with a 5700xt GPU which would randomly black screen either in games or simply Web browsing. That was a blower card, so it was eventually RMA'd and he got a full refund only to get another non blower edition card (Gigabyte iirc) and that was slightly better but still did it.
If they undercut nvidia enough I'd give them a go again, but as things stand I'll be stuck with my 3060ti FE for some time now as I refuse to pay these stupid prices from either manufacturer. I still have my CPU, board, ram and GPU budget sat there waiting, but I think I'll spend it on something else instead.
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