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Nvidia gameworks - Game over for you

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4 Feb 2006
I see Damage control has arrived in here.
Those in denial, can you provide a video or evidence that disproves the analysis in this video?
12 Sep 2013
The HD7870 has aged far better than the GTX660 has! :(

Even in games where the GTX660 does well against the AMD cards still,the GTX960 is matching cards like the GTX680!!

Why is that bad?

A 680 became a 770 which became a 960, That sounds right to me...

Matching a 780 in FO4 is bad but if it's overall performance now puts it in line with having gone 680/770/960 I'd say that's about right.
28 May 2007
Yeah if, if you look at AMD's performance on stuff like the 7990/7970/7950, they aren't exactly stellar either

Well considering the 7950/7970 are the original release cards with low clocks they are still doing well. Check out the 280x which is around the same clocks as a 7970ghz edition. It's beating a gtx780 in some. Amds performance is holding up really well.
4 Feb 2006
Why is that bad?

A 680 became a 770 which became a 960, That sounds right to me...

Matching a 780 in FO4 is bad but if it's overall performance now puts it in line with having gone 680/770/960 I'd say that's about right.

You 're missing the point all together. The Fallout 4 benchmark shows that a 680 is being beaten by a 7970 which was around 20% slower than a 680 at the time when they were launched. Heck the 7970 is beating a TITAN which was as fast or faster than a 290X at the time.

This shows that either the drivers have been gimped for the Nvidia cards or AMD drivers have significantly improved performance. I'd say it's the former since the technically superior 780ti is being beaten by a lesser gtx 960. The 780Ti should be on par with a 970.

A per the video Planned Obsolescence is most likely at play here. The Nvidia faithful are being exploited by their gpu manufacturer of choice.
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28 May 2007
I'm not convinced with any that bull in them charts. A real world user should test some of the supposedly effected cards for a comparison.

There have been plenty of threads about the declining Kepler performance with charts to back it up. I don't know how many threads and reviews I have shown. It just seems some don't want to believe it for whatever reason.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
I had totally forgotten the GTX680 was faster at release than an HD7970.

man the way your are looking at this is so weird.
to you having a company with a GPU that delivers 1000 compute made overtime to deliver 600 compute (through alteration rather than having the effective 1k) is good.
but the company that has a gpu that delivers 1000 compute and strugles to keep that compute as is, is shooting itself on the foot ?
i swear the world is backward nowdays, not only thats morally bankrupt, and deceitful to consumers, even ecologicaly wasteful, you dont need to consume more than what you need or be tricked to do so, and they say the world doesnt have enough resources to sustain the population :p
my support or boycotte to company isn't just matter of their product, but also their politic.

But from a business side of view,ie,making more money it works better for Nvidia.

AMD having longer lasting cards means,people are more likely to hang onto them,which is great for the consumer. Not so good for AMD.

Why is that bad?

A 680 became a 770 which became a 960, That sounds right to me...

Matching a 780 in FO4 is bad but if it's overall performance now puts it in line with having gone 680/770/960 I'd say that's about right.

The problem is that a GTX780 should be able to whip a GTX960 and remember that FO4 is using an old engine,not some swanky DX12 one where Maxwell might be able to do better.

Plus in the other games - the GTX660 was within 10% of an HD7870 and look where it is now.

The HD7970 started as 20% slower than a GTX680 and look where it is now.
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12 Sep 2013
You 're missing the point all together. The Fallout 4 benchmark shows that a 680 is being beaten by a 7970 which was around 20% slower than a 680 at the time when they were launched. Heck the 7970 is beating a TITAN too which was as fast or faster than a 290X at the time.

This shows that either the drivers have been gimped for the Nvidia cards or AMD drivers have significantly improved performance. I'd say it's the former since the technically superior 780ti is being beaten by a lesser gtx 960. The 780Ti should be on par with a 970.

A per the video Planned Obcelence is most likely at play here. The Nvidia faithful are being exploited by their gpu manufacturer of choice.

My question was why is 680 performance going 770 then 960 not expected? It was not about the subject in the video, It was about a particular comment in the posts that I quoted.
It's nothing to do with the topic everyone seems to be raging at each other over. It has nothing to do with my opinion on that topic either.
28 May 2007
My question was why is 680 performance going 770 then 960 not expected? It was not about the subject in the video but a particular comment in the posts that I quoted.
It's nothing to do with the topic everyone seems to be raging at each other over. It has nothing to do with my opinion on that topic either.

Maybe because the GTX960 is Maxwell and not the same card like the Kepler clones gtx680/770. The GTX960 is slower than the 280x which was the competitor to the gtx770.
4 Apr 2011
I see Damage control has arrived in here.
Those in denial, can you provide a video or evidence that disproves the analysis in this video?

Let's say everything in the video is correct and all the conspiracy theory's are spot on.


Hope that helps :)
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
TBH,I think it is more the case that Kepler onwards used things like software scheduling,etc. It means AMD,even if they neglect the cards probably need less software optimisation to maintain performance on a decent CPU.

IIRC,it was reading the Anandtech article at the time(or another one),software scheduling has the disadvantage of needing more fine tuning for games etc,so as cards go second rung for support status there are probably less people assigned to them.

Its probably not an "active gimping" but the case of how companies work.

It will be interesting to see if AMD move to software scheduling with Polaris or later GPU because I believe we will see that same thing happening.
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4 Feb 2006
We'll need more benchmarks to prove or disprove the benchmarks in this thread but so far the FuryX is beating the 980Ti and only the lack of crossfire support is the problem for cards such as a 7990 and 295X2.

If there is no foul play once the 1.3 patch is deployed in it's final state and the results for the Nvidia cards don't improve, then AMD will have a clear lead in this game.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area

Well thats just idiotic. If AMD disappear expect to pay £2000 for a basic graphics card from Nvidea that after 12 months will be gimped with drivers forcing you to buy another £2000 card that has the same performance of the previous one. Is that a situation you want to be in?

We should ALL be hoping for a near 50/50 market share between Nvidia and AMD and any company found deliberately gimping cards, dirty tricks against competitors punished severely.
Even better would be to have more than just Nvidia and AMD making GPU's.
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18 Aug 2005
I moved from a 7970 to a GTX980 a few months back, both companys are good, but Nvidia need to get their **** together and play fair, I'm not a fan of gameworks.

I just want a fast GPU that gives me reliable years of gaming.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Well thats just idiotic. If AMD disappear expect to pay £2000 for a basic graphics card from Nvidea that after 12 months will be gimped with drivers forcing you to buy another £2000 card that has the same performance of the previous one. Is that a situation you want to be in?

We should ALL be hoping for a near 50/50 market share between Nvidia and AMD and any company found deliberately gimping cards, dirty tricks against competitors punished severely.
Even better would be to have more than just Nvidia and AMD making GPU's.

Not going to happen. If AMD disappear, the market will still dictate what they are prepared to pay and if Nvidia charge £2000 for a base card, they won't be selling any.
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