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Nvidia gameworks - Game over for you

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20 Apr 2004
Here we go AGAIN...

Threads like this are not going to change anything and will only deepen the battle line and the trenches between the Holy Army of AMD and The Dark Nvidia empire.

We all know the start the middle and the end game of this thread, we should just skip it and close it.
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28 May 2007
Hear we go AGAIN...

Threads like this are not going to change anything and will only deepen the battle line and the trenches between the Holy Army of AMD and The Dark Nvidia empire.

We all know the start the middle and the end game of this thread, we should just skip it and close it.

The Video is not a bad watch. It lays out the evidence pretty well and is not just about Amd v Nvidia it's about Nvidia v Nvidia older Gen hardware. It's not only Amd users that don't like GameWorks there is plenty of Nvidia users who are not keen on it.
12 Sep 2013
They spend billions in R&D, years of trials and await government approval on many medicines only when they have one they can market they have to charge a large amount at first to recoup the costs already incurred.

errrr, that's why.

Off topic but incorrect, A particular drug recently in the news (months ago?) was initially available for a fair price but then had the price increased ten fold. It wasn't new to the market and the owner of the company got a lot of flak over it. I don't know where it went from there but it was a deliberate money grab based on an "I'm the only one with it" attitude.
His overpricing got it removed from NHS lists potentially causing serious health problems for those who had been receiving it. I think it might of had something to do with relieving MS symptoms or Alzheimer's maybe?
12 Sep 2013
Funny he refers to FO4 which ran fine on my 680 but has artifact-ing on the map and in other places on my new 390.... Which is on the latest drivers

I'm getting this random red blob flashing here and there too, I spent a couple of hours on it last night after having not touched it since the 1st of December according to Steam.

I'm not on beta patches but it seemed to run as it always has, mostly at 60 fps with random dips into the thirties.
4 Feb 2006
The Video is not a bad watch. It lays out the evidence pretty well and is not just about Amd v Nvidia it's about Nvidia v Nvidia older Gen hardware. It's not only Amd users that don't like GameWorks there is plenty of Nvidia users who are not keen on it.


We know Nvidia is gimping some games so they work badly on AMD hardware but the video also shows the older gen Nvidia cards running quite a bit slower than their AMD counterparts. I know I'd be pretty peeved off if my 290X dropped 20% compared to a 970 or similar over time.
20 Apr 2004
The Video is not a bad watch. It lays out the evidence pretty well and is not just about Amd v Nvidia it's about Nvidia v Nvidia older Gen hardware. It's not only Amd users that don't like GameWorks there is plenty of Nvidia users who are not keen on it.

I understand that but there’s no new information and just as much speculation, circumstantial information and theory as that “Fornicate” Nvidia video and thread a couple of months back. Big company’s use underhanded tactics all the time Nvidia and AMD, Gameworks or not.

This thread and video adds nothing to the debate.
5 Oct 2009
The world is not a fair place. If you want to be fair, you'll always lose out. If you are intelligent and want to be fair about graphics cards and understand that Nvidia are criminals that are hard to catch, you can boycott all of their products, including affected games. In return you'll have less games to chose from and will always have some more problems with your graphics performance and a second choice graphics card.

Make sure you do not argue your position publicly, as it will only cause you frustration. Stupid people are not able to understand your arguments and will laugh and belittle you in their masses. They only buy Nvidia, because they are losers. Gaming is such a cheap hobby. Anyone feeling proud about owning an Nvidia card should really up their game and get out of home for a start.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006

I'd say Ian is BS'ing....

Running some of these cards IRL and owning a 780 as I've posted before the 780 benchmark numbers often don't seem to reflect what I see in day to day use. (I'm not shy of spending money on GPUs when I feel the need to so believe me this isn't me being defensive of the 780 - if it wasn't performing to my requirements it would be gone without a second thought).

Doing a little experimenting the other day they often seem to match up with what would happen if you pretended the 780's fairly healthy actual boost clocks out the box (not overclocking) didn't exist and limited them to the on paper reference clocks. Which would suit both AMD and nVidia :S

However - Maxwell does have some changes to the shader architecture that will give it an upto 35% increase in efficiency over Kepler in an otherwise like for like scenario - there will be some games (especially newer releases) where that translates to a 10-15% bonus ingame that can't be made up even with any amount of overclocking advantage to Kepler due to the nature of the bottleneck.

As to the video I'm not even going to watch it - is it really anything other than yet another sensationalist, poorly understood attack on GameWorks by someone lacking actual technical insight? coz they are getting really boring.
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6 Feb 2010

We know Nvidia is gimping some games so they work badly on AMD hardware but the video also shows the older gen Nvidia cards running quite a bit slower than their AMD counterparts. I know I'd be pretty peeved off if my 290X dropped 20% compared to a 970 or similar over time.
The thing about GameWorks is that- let's "suppose" it really doesn't "delibrately" cripple AMD hardware, however if during any stage of adding the GameWorks features to a game, and it "unfortuntately" break something along the way, they'd only fix what affect their own hardwares, but would not look into the mess they left for AMD because I don't think they are politically correct enough to feel that they should be responsible for fixing problems for AMD, despite the problem could well be caused by their own two hands in the first place.

Just think of it like professional painter painting his own home and accidentally dented the wall, he'd fix the dent himself before putting paint on it; but for someone else's home, if he made a dent, he'd just painting over it as he doesn't feel obligated to fix it- thinking that the plasterer is responsible for fixing this problem that he caused, as it is "not his job".
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Running some of these cards IRL and owning a 780 as I've posted before the 780 benchmark numbers often don't seem to reflect what I see in day to day use. (I'm not shy of spending money on GPUs when I feel the need to so believe me this isn't me being defensive of the 780 - if it wasn't performing to my requirements it would be gone without a second thought).

Doing a little experimenting the other day they often seem to match up with what would happen if you pretended the 780's fairly healthy actual boost clocks out the box (not overclocking) didn't exist and limited them to the on paper reference clocks. Which would suit both AMD and nVidia :S

However - Maxwell does have some changes to the shader architecture that will give it an upto 35% increase in efficiency over Kepler in an otherwise like for like scenario - there will be some games (especially newer releases) where that translates to a 10-15% bonus ingame that can't be made up even with any amount of overclocking advantage to Kepler due to the nature of the bottleneck.

As to the video I'm not even going to watch it - is it really anything other than yet another sensationalist, poorly understood attack on GameWorks by someone lacking actual technical insight? coz they are getting really boring.

The only problem is that the rest of the range which is not the GTX780/GTX780TI. Mates with HD7870/R9 270X cards seem to be doing much better than what I was getting with a pre-overclocked GTX660 which was around reference HD7870 level.

This why when I saw the cheapo B-Grade GTX960 4GB cards with Gigabyte warranty(£40 to £50 cheaper than an R9 380 4GB) I jumped on it(even though my previous cheap GTX960 had to be refunded due to faulty hardware and no replacement stock being available),as I saw the writing on the wall for it.

The GTX780 cards always had enough performance anyway,to get past any performance issues. The mass market cards don't and tended to boost much higher normally meaning there was not as much free performance compared to the GTX780 which tend to boost not as high(just like the GTX980TI).
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4 Feb 2006
Running some of these cards IRL and owning a 780 as I've posted before the 780 benchmark numbers often don't seem to reflect what I see in day to day use. (I'm not shy of spending money on GPUs when I feel the need to so believe me this isn't me being defensive of the 780 - if it wasn't performing to my requirements it would be gone without a second thought).

Doing a little experimenting the other day they often seem to match up with what would happen if you pretended the 780's fairly healthy actual boost clocks out the box (not overclocking) didn't exist and limited them to the on paper reference clocks. Which would suit both AMD and nVidia :S

However - Maxwell does have some changes to the shader architecture that will give it an upto 35% increase in efficiency over Kepler in an otherwise like for like scenario - there will be some games (especially newer releases) where that translates to a 10-15% bonus ingame that can't be made up even with any amount of overclocking advantage to Kepler due to the nature of the bottleneck.

As to the video I'm not even going to watch it - is it really anything other than yet another sensationalist, poorly understood attack on GameWorks by someone lacking actual technical insight? coz they are getting really boring.

Your opinion counts for nothing if you haven't even bothered to watch the video this thread is about.
Unless you can test 10 different gpu's in the same system and the same conditions I wouldn't even start to try and discredit benchmarks you disagree with.

Maxwell is better than Kepler but how does that argument go up against the fact that the recent Fallout 4 results show even the old AMD Tahiti core gpu's beating a TITAN in Fallout 4. In case you didn't know, the Tahiti core 7970 was much slower than a kepler TITAN.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Your opinion counts for nothing if you haven't even bothered to watch the video this thread is about.

Hahahahahahahaahha whatever.

EDIT: Sorry but unless someone tells me this isn't just another poorly informed rant video about GameWorks I'm not going to waste my time on it.
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