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12 Jun 2021
wish they’d let other all brands use each other’s software to control
I think there is a software that allows for you to control all RGBs with just one software as long as the Original software comes with SDK but you still have to have them installed which is a pain
17 Jun 2010
Well, where am I supposed to find this channels?
If you are in a queue and have another £800 spare then alerts are probably the best way to get a card. I run a very small gaming discord and we have all managed to get get a 3080 or 3070 in the last 9 months (all running every alert and buying when it pops even if you have one) there are only 10 of us though so its a small sample size. Just check the sites that actually list stock, get a few people doing this and you will get your card.
25 Mar 2021
According to everything I've seen, the 3090 isn't really intended as a gaming card, the 24gb vram really only comes into its own in rendering and other graphically intensive professional output. NVidia still marketed it as a gaming card of course, hoping to prise more money from anyone vulnerable to their wily ways.
24 Mar 2021
According to everything I've seen, the 3090 isn't really intended as a gaming card, the 24gb vram really only comes into its own in rendering and other graphically intensive professional output. NVidia still marketed it as a gaming card of course, hoping to prise more money from anyone vulnerable to their wily ways.
I would be looking to do VR stuff when I have the power. I know that 10GB is plenty for most gaming applications but does it need to be more for VR or does is it make no difference?
13 Jun 2021
I've been in the queue for a TUF RTX 3080 NON-OC since launch day, but having seen Gibbo's (from last week) post recommending anyone above 50 to cancel has been a bit annoying. I understand that is very hard to get a hold of cards, but seeing as I've been in the queue from the beginning, I'm not willing to cancel my order. I've been in need of a card for ages since the 1050 Ti I picked up from eBay just while I've waited for my 3080 just doesn't cut it when I pair it with my 9900K.
2 Dec 2020
Ah ok, Yh it’s annoying that brands require you to use their proprietary software for RGB, I have a gigabyte board so If I upgrade my GPU I’ll need a gigabyte card, wish they’d let other all brands use each other’s software to control

Though corsair's icue has its own host of issues, it does have official plugins to control some Asus things through the one app; I control the light on my strix x570-f gaming through icue, and to my knowledge it can also control asus GPUs.

I think there is a software that allows for you to control all RGBs with just one software as long as the Original software comes with SDK but you still have to have them installed which is a pain

There's one called (iirc) Aurora which has some limited functionality, it's mostly for keyboards and mouse - openRGB on the other hand looks like it can do many more things. I didn't test it out fully, no need to in my scenario, but I can confirm it worked with my corsair light strips. Unsure if it has per-game profile support but it's worth a look if your setup asks you to juggle programs and you don't want to.

Anyone went from 3080 to 90? Feel like 10gb is a bit on small size atm

To my knowledge that 10GB cap has only been hit with Watch Dogs Legion on max at 4K which - at least at launch - was a notoriously bad port and I don't think you can call that indicative of most games. Gearbox claimed Godfall would take 12GB VRAM at max settings on 4K, only for it to launch and people measure it as only demanding 8GB max.
9 Oct 2020
I have a random question- is it worth upgrading to 32GB ram, I currently have 16GB of RAM with my 3080.

A good way to tell if your system could benefit from more ram is to open the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shft+ESC), select "Performance" tab, go to "Memory" and look under "Committed".


If the first number is greater than your total system RAM then yes, you could do with more for a smoother experience to reduce the PC using HD/SSD paging file as RAM.
Have a look a few different times, while a game is open, while browsing with multiple tabs open, etc.
3 Oct 2020
hi, no I had to install Asus creator! but had to remove open rgb as it was stopping the Asus software from working! I don't have a lot of rgb just my keyboard and two fans and mobo, but to have everything working requires three bloody lots of rgb software corsair for keyboard, rgb fusion for the mobo and Asus creator for the 3080 although again rgb in minimum on the gfx card, up till now, open rgb was running it all, meaning I could uninstall all the other stuff! but open rgb doesn't seem to support Asus tuf 3080 as yet, maybe it will soon and if so I'll go back to it as it cuts down on all the other bloatware.:p
I have an ASUS MB and TUF 3080
The icue Corsair software can control them too to make all the rgb work together
9 Apr 2021
A good way to tell if your system could benefit from more ram is to open the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shft+ESC), select "Performance" tab, go to "Memory" and look under "Committed".


If the first number is greater than your total system RAM then yes, you could do with more for a smoother experience to reduce the PC using HD/SSD paging file as RAM.
Have a look a few different times, while a game is open, while browsing with multiple tabs open, etc.
Under committed it says 15.0/21.7 GB this is whilst Fortnite is open and msi afterburner too. What do u think I should do. Stay 16Gb or go 32GB
9 Apr 2021
If you find a good deal on it, I would go 32GB as the 15GB is quite close.
Yeah I think that's pretty close and memory is one of the cheaper upgrades to do. I would go for 16GB more.
Yeah I will upgrade then. Only thing is patriot( the ram company) have upped their prices on **No Competitors **to £115 for 16GB DDR4 3600mhz. When I bought it back in November it was only £93 I think:(. Damn **No Competitors ** and patriot upping their prices!!! Maybe I should by a used kit off eBay? I can’t find any other stores that sell the exact RAM I need
Last edited by a moderator:
13 Oct 2020
Though corsair's icue has its own host of issues, it does have official plugins to control some Asus things through the one app; I control the light on my strix x570-f gaming through icue, and to my knowledge it can also control asus GPUs.

There's one called (iirc) Aurora which has some limited functionality, it's mostly for keyboards and mouse - openRGB on the other hand looks like it can do many more things. I didn't test it out fully, no need to in my scenario, but I can confirm it worked with my corsair light strips. Unsure if it has per-game profile support but it's worth a look if your setup asks you to juggle programs and you don't want to.

To my knowledge that 10GB cap has only been hit with Watch Dogs Legion on max at 4K which - at least at launch - was a notoriously bad port and I don't think you can call that indicative of most games. Gearbox claimed Godfall would take 12GB VRAM at max settings on 4K, only for it to launch and people measure it as only demanding 8GB max.
Hi went into ICUE to try and get Asus3080 tuf to be recognised but not had any luck, enabled plug ins and sdk but still no light control? although it does show gpu temps and fans? I must be missing something? thanks for info though will keep trying. :p
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