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So now the rumours of non-OC cards getting shafted by Asus in favour of the OC variants might be true?

**** it, I'm ordering a Big Navi card from elsewhere when they go up for order. I'll keep both orders and just cancel whichever one fails to arrive first. The downside is that I'd have wasted my money on a G-Sync monitor, but **** it, 100hz is still good...

in the same boat man, damn g sync has locked me in, but I really hate giving in to corrupt ways of trading more so.
Have just now cancelled my TUF order here. Managed to get one from elsewhere last week, delievered on Sat.
Very happy with it.
Very unhappy with OC's lack of comms.
oh, thanks. So that means that since the 29th September hasn't been any queue changes on the Asus 3080 TUF. Damn.
I got a new system freshly built waiting for the card. Luckily my old one still works more than fine (i7-4770K, 16GB RAM, 980Ti) but my nephew that is meant to inherit it as soon as i got the new one is not going to be happy :D
Mate I literally did the same thing, bought all my parts to build not knowing the scale of how bad this launch was... can I pair my 1060 with an i9-10900k or will I run into some serious issues haha
in the same boat man, damn g sync has locked me in, but I really hate giving in to corrupt ways of trading more so.
Yeah, I totally regret going all-in on Nvidia. The marketing hype and lies fooled me too. Sucks to be stuck in this place, man.

That being said, I'd only lose out on an extra 20hz if I lost out on G-Sync by going Big Navi, and 100hz is still pretty decent, so it could be worse, I guess...
I know I'll never buy nVidia card again. For this kind of practice they did from now on I'll stick with AMD

Trully pathetic market manipulation at its best. Don't blame AIBs nor retailers for stock shortages its not their fault. Ever wondered why MSI was scalping its own customers? Why so little stock is available and now nVidia decided to stop selling their FE cards? Please spread this link wherever possible to let people know what is going on.

Mate I literally did the same thing, bought all my parts to build not knowing the scale of how bad this launch was... can I pair my 1060 with an i9-10900k or will I run into some serious issues haha

Will run fine, I am currently using a 3900x with a GTX 980 and can play all games, hoping my card comes in the next few days ready for the Cold War Beta as I assume that will be the first game that will cause me problems.
if and when my card ships i for one will never be using OC for any of my purchases after the way in which they have handled this situation. Its just pure greed without any thought for the consumer. to top it off when i mentioned but not named a competitor (so followed the rules) who had RTX3090 in stock i was banned for a few days. its absolutely ridiculous. why do OC care if a competitor has some limited stock in place - its not that OC can supply at that instant anyway.

my ban was worth it though as i have had some nice messages stating that my post did allow a couple of members to nap a rtx3090
Mate I literally did the same thing, bought all my parts to build not knowing the scale of how bad this launch was... can I pair my 1060 with an i9-10900k or will I run into some serious issues haha
You will be fine, just bottlenecked by the card. I'm going to do the same and go ahead and buy the other components to finish my build. I'm bored of waiting....I'll just stick my 960 in it until I get the card, so you have one up on me :D
Yeah. I'm #140. Thought I was in a decent position compared to some others that are 1100+ for other cards. I guess Zotac actually have to ship cards for the queue to move though. Maybe they forgot that bit.

26ish Zotac Trinity OC cards seemed to ship last week based on the reports of shipping emails. No non-OC cards though, which seems to be a theme across all the brands so far.
You will be fine, just bottlenecked by the card. I'm going to do the same and go ahead and buy the other components to finish my build. I'm bored of waiting....I'll just stick my 960 in it until I get the card, so you have one up on me :D
ok cool, its my first ever PC build so i'm quite excited to see how it turns out
I left a review for a competitor after they also mucked me about - increasing the price they wanted for the card after placing order. Published my review on Trustpilot and retailer challenged the review stating it was false and that i was not a customer and it was taken down - so i sent proof of transaction with the competitor to trust pilot who reinstated the review. I was amazed by the cheek of the competitor to attempt to get my review taken down
@Gibbo @GIGA-Man the frustration intensifies :(

Please provide an update of when I am likely to get a return on spending my life saving on a Gigabyte Eagle OC, i'm 672 in the queue so feel I may end up giving this RTX 3080 as an heirloom to my distant unborn grandchildren.

Sorry, we want to build enough cards but there is just not enough stock. It's going to be at least two weeks before more Eagle land into the EU region.
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