1. Denial and isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance.
I too have moved to the Acceptance phase of this fiasco. I've come to accept that this is not OCUK's fault, it's not the Distributors' fault, nor the AIB manufacturers' fault...
This is soley on Nvidia & Samsung - and I strongly suspect there are NDAs in place choking any reasonable information from reaching us consumers...
What number of GPU cores are typically manfactured by Samsung/TSMC at normal production volume? Are we talking 100s per week? 1000s? 10s of 1000s?
As time moves on it seems more and more likely that Samsung are having trouble manufacturing the GPU cores themselves and Nvidia are using NDAs from the top down to keep everyone quiet.
Why else would AIB Partners be so cagy about shipment details?
MSI's tatic on twitter has been to pass the responsibility down to Retailer to explain - knowing full well they won't have a clue. Companies like OCUK just put an order in with their Distributor, but the Distrubtor knows full well they're not recieveing stock.
Nobody, aside from Nvidia & Samsung I suspect, know the full story and are intentionally keeping everyone quiet for their own PR.