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26 Jul 2006
So, question on Zotac... Didn't some people claim some Zotac Trinities had shipped last week? There was no communication from Gibbo on those nor I received an e-mail with updated position, so just wondering if it was true or not.

I'm so frustrated by this whole thing, if I wasn't 5th in the queue i'd have cancelled the order and bought a 2070 Super. I'm only missing the GPU to finish my build.

I asked if there was any information about non OC Trinity's being shipped as I'm getting no information from here. I asked if I'll likely see my card before AMD release their line-up as availability is more important to me at this point. Even if AMD were slightly behind, it would be quick enough for what I need it for.

I hoped that me saying I was a current Amp Extreme owner who enjoys his card and that's why I went with the Trinity (only version available on 17th) would have got me better answers but nah.

So....... What say you good people at OCUK? I'm 50th in line and did expect a wait (ordered 15:12 - 17/9/20) but my queue position hasn't moved, it seems nobody has for Trinity Non OC. I guess the guy is just telling me that Zotac cards are leaving the building and not specifically the card I was referring to. Why is there no news about the Non OC cards?

@EVH Can you ask Gibbo to see if he can find out some news for those waiting on Zotac Trinity non OC models please? I know, your hands/voices are tied in some strange way but anything is better than nothing. I'm fine with my old 1070 and don't mind waiting, I'm just hunting for a little information as I'm bored.
13 Oct 2020
Why thank you, I thought so too! :p

If the ship heading over i.e. the one fully loaded with our cards gets stopped or boarded by Somali pirates - we could get the forums CS:GO gamers and 30 series customers to form our own seal team six!
All aorus customers in front of me are auto enrolled in operation human Shield! lol
gibbo is first one in!!:p
27 Jul 2015
Right tomorrow will be one month with one email about position in the queue!!!!! I need information to keep my spirits up. I ordered gigabyte eagle as I saw they had stock coming in as it said " stock arriving on the 23rd". Clearly total lies. Now I'm in a predicament. Two weeks until big navi is realised with supposedly similar performance and rtx. Once that happens and you can either order or preorder big navi i recon thousands of preorders for the 3080 on oc and competitors will all at once jump **** to amd. Oc will be inundated with refund requests which will surely take weeks to go through. Shall I cancel now??? Advice please. Order number 195 for eagle

Nvidia has banned any reseller from giving any kind of accurate quotes or numbers hence the code small very small etc. Other sites don't have a forum, but they have produced a table which has very vague information which some appear to prefer. We shipped some last week (no figures or data across 4 different cards) we're expecting some more in two weeks time (again no numbers and across 4 different cards).

Why people think this gives them some greater information is beyond me. OCUK can't explicitly give the information, but they can give sufficient to allow you to work out what's going on via their forum. Nvidia recently forced reddit to take down a post from a Norwegian shop which broke the NDA, they probably won't be getting any more stock now.

Why is OCUK still taking pre-orders? Well maybe they know something you don't like there's big deliveries about to come into the warehouse in the next 4 weeks perhaps? From the opening stock ocuk had on launch day it was nearly three times as much as the closest competitor. The other mans grass might appear greener, but it isn't always so.
25 Jan 2009
East Kilbride, Scotland
Nvidia has banned any reseller from giving any kind of accurate quotes or numbers hence the code small very small etc. Other sites don't have a forum, but they have produced a table which has very vague information which some appear to prefer. We shipped some last week (no figures or data across 4 different cards) we're expecting some more in two weeks time (again no numbers and across 4 different cards).

Why people think this gives them some greater information is beyond me. OCUK can't explicitly give the information, but they can give sufficient to allow you to work out what's going on via their forum. Nvidia recently forced reddit to take down a post from a Norwegian shop which broke the NDA, they probably won't be getting any more stock now.

Why is OCUK still taking pre-orders? Well maybe they know something you don't like there's big deliveries about to come into the warehouse in the next 4 weeks perhaps? From the opening stock ocuk had on launch day it was nearly three times as much as the closest competitor. The other mans grass might appear greener, but it isn't always so.

I have a feeling this is completely accurate, and will be very sad to see all these very negative reviews on Trustpilot etc if this is the case.
It completely makes sense for the lack of information that OCUK is providing and shows it isn’t their fault as they are providing as much information as they can.
1 Oct 2009
Norwich, UK
Nvidia has banned any reseller from giving any kind of accurate quotes or numbers hence the code small very small etc. Other sites don't have a forum, but they have produced a table which has very vague information which some appear to prefer. We shipped some last week (no figures or data across 4 different cards) we're expecting some more in two weeks time (again no numbers and across 4 different cards).

Why people think this gives them some greater information is beyond me. OCUK can't explicitly give the information, but they can give sufficient to allow you to work out what's going on via their forum. Nvidia recently forced reddit to take down a post from a Norwegian shop which broke the NDA, they probably won't be getting any more stock now.

Why is OCUK still taking pre-orders? Well maybe they know something you don't like there's big deliveries about to come into the warehouse in the next 4 weeks perhaps? From the opening stock ocuk had on launch day it was nearly three times as much as the closest competitor. The other mans grass might appear greener, but it isn't always so.

Thing is we've inferred this information indirectly anyway, you can see the community tracking the official queue positions over time here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nqzTL2tEIl5FLQqZLdTeJ2iLAOBR-yVURCgbsTn5LSU and even prior to having official queue information people were doing this unofficially based on order time/date, order numbers, and reports of shipping on the forum. It's literally impossible to suppress this kind of information.
24 Sep 2020
Nvidia has banned any reseller from giving any kind of accurate quotes or numbers hence the code small very small etc. Other sites don't have a forum, but they have produced a table which has very vague information which some appear to prefer. We shipped some last week (no figures or data across 4 different cards) we're expecting some more in two weeks time (again no numbers and across 4 different cards).

Why people think this gives them some greater information is beyond me. OCUK can't explicitly give the information, but they can give sufficient to allow you to work out what's going on via their forum. Nvidia recently forced reddit to take down a post from a Norwegian shop which broke the NDA, they probably won't be getting any more stock now.

Why is OCUK still taking pre-orders? Well maybe they know something you don't like there's big deliveries about to come into the warehouse in the next 4 weeks perhaps? From the opening stock ocuk had on launch day it was nearly three times as much as the closest competitor. The other mans grass might appear greener, but it isn't always so.
I suspected as much, but can you not just ask Gibbo to state in his update thread that exact figures cannot be given due to NDA? Its the lack of commujicatopn that's causing the anger here. Or is it breaking your NDA to say you are under NDA?
2 Dec 2002
... and will be very sad to see all these very negative reviews on Trustpilot etc if this is the case.

Personally I have no faith in TrustPilot anyway, it is far too easy to buy positive reviews by the 1,000 from China.

On the up side, I am expecting the stock pattern that Gibbo set out right at the start of this to remain accurate, especially as it also ties in with the 'Moore's Law is Dead' video.
12 Sep 2014
Nvidia has banned any reseller from giving any kind of accurate quotes or numbers hence the code small very small etc. Other sites don't have a forum, but they have produced a table which has very vague information which some appear to prefer. We shipped some last week (no figures or data across 4 different cards) we're expecting some more in two weeks time (again no numbers and across 4 different cards).

It's not that vague. They show how many people are in the queue for each card and whenever they update it we can infer how many cards they received and shipped (at most, some cancellations will probably be in there too).
5 Oct 2020
Nvidia has banned any reseller from giving any kind of accurate quotes or numbers hence the code small very small etc. Other sites don't have a forum, but they have produced a table which has very vague information which some appear to prefer. We shipped some last week (no figures or data across 4 different cards) we're expecting some more in two weeks time (again no numbers and across 4 different cards).

Why people think this gives them some greater information is beyond me. OCUK can't explicitly give the information, but they can give sufficient to allow you to work out what's going on via their forum. Nvidia recently forced reddit to take down a post from a Norwegian shop which broke the NDA, they probably won't be getting any more stock now.

Why is OCUK still taking pre-orders? Well maybe they know something you don't like there's big deliveries about to come into the warehouse in the next 4 weeks perhaps? From the opening stock ocuk had on launch day it was nearly three times as much as the closest competitor. The other mans grass might appear greener, but it isn't always so.

Other retailers i've spoken to have been open with figures when i've asked and they don't even have my money. This is why i placed an order elsewhere which they expect to deliver next month. The grass defo seemed greener there but until the card is in my hands i could have just been duped again lol.

Its a poor show if nvidia has made OC sign an NDA on something as silly as numbers but given their close relationship maybe that is the case. My personal thoughts on this are that OC just don't want competitors to know how little stock they are getting. Lets face it though everybody already seems to know.

It's also odd that OC havn't come out and said nvidia have tied their hands. This is effecting OCUKs reputation so they really do need to get a handle on things.

I wish we knew what was going on. The nvidia fiasco documentary will have been filmed and released before many of us get our cards from here lmao
14 Jul 2016
Nvidia has banned any reseller from giving any kind of accurate quotes or numbers hence the code small very small etc. Other sites don't have a forum, but they have produced a table which has very vague information which some appear to prefer. We shipped some last week (no figures or data across 4 different cards) we're expecting some more in two weeks time (again no numbers and across 4 different cards).

Why people think this gives them some greater information is beyond me. OCUK can't explicitly give the information, but they can give sufficient to allow you to work out what's going on via their forum. Nvidia recently forced reddit to take down a post from a Norwegian shop which broke the NDA, they probably won't be getting any more stock now.

Why is OCUK still taking pre-orders? Well maybe they know something you don't like there's big deliveries about to come into the warehouse in the next 4 weeks perhaps? From the opening stock ocuk had on launch day it was nearly three times as much as the closest competitor. The other mans grass might appear greener, but it isn't always so.

That table is a scam and surprising people fall for it. It's just pretty formating.
31 Jan 2008
Personally I have no faith in TrustPilot anyway, it is far too easy to buy positive reviews by the 1,000 from China.
Yeah but who is going to buy bad reviews by the truck load. You can still get a feel for what a company is like by reading review sites. I ignore the good reviews, it's the bad ones I gauge a company by.
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