Well that post wasn't condescending in the slightest, I don' think anyone here thought OCUK was the manufacturer, we were fed up with the lack of communication. Nice rant though, good way to further alienate your customers.
Totally agree. That update @Gibbo was absolutely awful I'm afraid to say. Basically comes across as "don't blame us, blame manufacturing/Nvidia for supply" which isn't the crux of OcUK's reputation getting hammered over the last month... That post does nothing to soothe your customers' nerves.
It's the fact there has been no fruitful updates and clear communication from OcUK at all, even if there isn't anything particularly good to say. The thread you made posting once or twice a week with a vague number of models coming into stock. It doesn't help OcUK constantly parades how it's Nvidia's top UK supplier and gets great supply, but several competitors seem to get several stock drops throughout the week, yet OcUK are getting very few compared. Has OcUK's buying power / priority been over-stated?
You'll know a particular competitor has provided some very clear info on a table with several updates in the week, even without clear stock numbers it gave everyone an indicator. This was a great tool to show customers and give a better idea of what's going on. I think OcUK's problem is you keep taking pre-orders which has miffed a lot of people. It makes sense to some, but to others it just seems a cash grab whilst OcUK makes bank on the several millions ££ of interest over the next 2-3 months.
I've been a loyal OcUK customer for years, I'll still buy from here if the price is right. But your handling of this launch has been absolutely god-tier awful. Hence the huge outrage on this nearly 600 page thread that just keep going (don't forget the last one that got closed which hit 500+ pages too).