They are all quiet - only got the EVGA to 4,000 plus using Precision, didn't mess about with the other two. The EVGA doesn't even hit 50 percent when stressed.
In fact it do not exceed 42% in sli while stressed, temp 75 max on auto profile. But I would not call them quiet. Before bios flash, fans were @31 even on idle and I was irritated by the noise. I quess owning MSI 780s with Twin Frozr for a year spoiled me. However I find EVGA cooling much more efficient then MSI. I could spin both MSI to 100% and temp would not go under 78 in sli, top card was really straggling, I could feel the heat from the heatpipe from 30 cm. Evga 970s at 50-60% keep themselves at 60C. They are too loud though, I prefer to keep them at 42% max. Next upgrade I have to find myself a compromise