The issue most of us have is the price difference ocuk is charging in comparison to the competition... £300 extra on most top skus is not on and clearly leaves a bad taste in most people mouth. If the competition ( more than 1 company btw ) can afford to sell them at significantly cheaper prices then why the hell are ocuk charging so much extra ? It is literally driving away your customer base , as I've put previously would have been more than happy to support OCUK with a 5090 sale had the prices been inline with other but that wasn't/ isn't the case so kept my sale with the competitor who is significantly cheaper even with the threat of a price rise ... would have to drop some to make up that £300 differenceAhh yes, the retail stores making single digit % profit (which is then taxed) are the bad guys vs the private scalpers looking for near 3 digit % profit and not paying tax.

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