In the Derbaur's video he touched upon this article on the Molex website:
In my opinion, this is the crux of the problem. I'm sure it'll transpire that there is an issue with the coating of the pins of the GPU connector, PSU connector as well as any cable adaptors. Many of them don't state the type of coating used.
The problems may be a collection of:
- Poorly applied coatings
- Mixing of coatings (such as gold mated to tin as per the article above)
- Intermetallic compound formation - caused by heat and stress and can result in non-metal elements being formed
- Fretting corrosion - a type of metal fatigue that occurs when two surfaces rub together (vibration, high contact pressure, heating/cooling cycles) causing corrosion and wear
Something is causing an increase in resistance in some wires allowing the current to favour others, and the above are likely candidates.
This should have been mitigated in the design and ruled in the specification so that it was a non-issue but alas...
Choose your power connectors wisely!