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Nvidia – Upcoming Kepler Fix Will Increase Performance In Several Games

I wish I could disable Chrome, but i'm using Firefox.

Exactly. It's not just a chrome issue at all.

Also, don't want to **** on anyone's chips, especially as I own 2 780Tis, but has anyone actually read the article? I wouldn't get too excited from one poorly worded sentence on a forum by manuelG that just mentions "driver fixes"......"not just limited to Witcher 3". That's quite vague really isn't it and certainly doesn't guarantee in my mind that Kepler performance will be totally as it should be.
Downside to market dominance though-you get found out quicker.

The good thing about a bit of subtle deviousness though is once they get found out they quickly fix it, when it comes to sheer incompetence you end up with entire features not working for months on end and no end in sight.
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The good thing about a bit of subtle deviousness though is once they get found out they quickly fix it, when it comes to sheer incompetence you end up with entire features not working for months on end and no end in sight.

ohh you mean like physx performance? sure has taken along time getting that in line and we are still fare off.
Must have dreamt playing Batman Arkham Asylum on my 590 with PhysX and no trouble then lol? Nothing wrong with PhysX performance.

Batman's physx performance wasn't that impressive but was not extremely bad either. Atleast its possible to have stable framerates in that title. But take a look at the borderlands titles and the joke that is physx performance in those. The failed poster child of nvidia physx.. and before some of you starts posting in defense going from 200 to 60 or less(usually less depending on the scenery) due to enabling physx is just not acceptable.

Now ive always thought the tech demos of physx/flex was pretty cool and looked good but its just not used yet to a degree that makes sense and it always comes with a to big of a performance penalty.
Good stuff, at least they've acknowledged there is an issue and intend to fix it, but I guess they don't have the luxury of sitting quietly blaming nvidia :p
Exactly. It's not just a chrome issue at all.

Also, don't want to **** on anyone's chips, especially as I own 2 780Tis, but has anyone actually read the article? I wouldn't get too excited from one poorly worded sentence on a forum by manuelG that just mentions "driver fixes"......"not just limited to Witcher 3". That's quite vague really isn't it and certainly doesn't guarantee in my mind that Kepler performance will be totally as it should be.

Maunuel Guzman is a good guy. If he says there will be a fix, there will be a fix and it was more the nVidia quote being the reason I posted this thread.

As for the conspiracy theories (and why Shankly is in here I will never know, as he flat out refuses to ever own nVidia, so I take that as trolling), I just can't see it. I would put it down to Kepler/Fermi taking a back seat while Maxwell is getting all the love.
AMD getting crap in here for not communicating.. when they do. AMD say they are working to get xfire working asap.... terrible awful awful company. Nvidia say they are working to fix Kepler performance.... fantastic communication.

Fact is that Nvidia have neglected Kepler performance across multiple games for multiple months and the performance got so embarrassingly bad with Witcher 3 they've now been forced to address it MONTHS later than it should have been.

Where has the communication about this problem been for the past 3-4 months the problem has existed, no where. There are several long threads on the Nvidia forum complaining about this problem for months, nothing. Only when it became publicly embarrassing did Nvidia even attempt to help guys who spent up to £800 on those Kepler gpus.

AMD meanwhile with an 'old' driver had great single card performance in Witcher 3 out of the box.

Nvidia have terrible performance on an entire architecture for months, finally get to the point all their kepler users are up in arms on their forum and finally forced to do something about it and Nvidia guys claim this is good support.

Can you imagine what the Nvidia guys would be doing in Witcher/AMD driver thread if AMD had half the performance it had from single card in Witcher 3?

Also there were many excuses when Kepler performance was brought up, it just doesn't have the 980's tessellation performance so it's dropping further behind(ignoring that in the multiple games this is a problem tessellation isn't heavily used of course).

Every time Kepler performance being awful was mentioned there were 5 Nvidia guys defending it as expected or not a problem at all and they've seen nobody else complaining about it. Where are those excuses in this thread after Nvidia have finally admitted the problem?

Should they fix the problem you'll proclaim it as brilliant support while ignoring the multiple months of horrible performance in 4-5 games(that I know of) for cards that cost up to £800.
Well it's not good work, good work would imply there wouldn't ve an issue to fix.

its a recovery to a problem that nvidia might have themselves created, on purpose or not.
"Step 1: Focus on new cards and treat older cards users like 2nd class citizen.
Step 2: Nvidia users with older cards pulling their hair out playing newer titles.
Step 3: Nvidia shout at the top of the mountain telling the world they are working on a fix instead of have it ready, with the fix mentioned in the release note.
Step 4: Free PR opportunties for showing how "awesome" they are in "taking care of their users" (despite they were responsible for the issue in the first place).
Step 5: People will forget about the issue in no time at all, but the idea of Nvidia provide better support to its users than AMD will be further imprinted in their mind, and nobody would care to remember AMD's older cards didn't suffer the ridiculous performance loss for no apparent reason at all."

Saying they'll fix something is still a way away from actually fixing it. And it doesn't seem we have any timescales so should probably assume they'll be ready "when they're ready".
But this is how AMD do it, so it must therefore be the perfect way to release drivers. So that's good.

What is confusing is that Nvidia purposely ruin performance on older cards in order to sell new ones and then inform people they'll fix the old ones. Surely this will hurt sales of new cards?
Still this must be what happened as an AMD owner speculated it that one time. Much like how they said Mantle would be around longer than DX12.

As for not supporting previous generation cards, that seems to be another leaf straight out of AMD's book, so must be the perfect way to move the industry forward and benefit all gamers. Mantle, did that work on 6000 series cards? TrueAudio, did that work on 7000 series cards or even all latest gen cards? Freesync, usable for gaming on 7000 series cards is it?
Let's be honest, I don't think there's any 'conspiracy' going on. Like any company they have ups and downs and they've just dropped the ball for a bit with the drivers.

They probably let Dave from accounts have a crack at the last few driver sets.
Saying they'll fix something is still a way away from actually fixing it. And it doesn't seem we have any timescales so should probably assume they'll be ready "when they're ready".
But this is how AMD do it, so it must therefore be the perfect way to release drivers. So that's good.

What is confusing is that Nvidia purposely ruin performance on older cards in order to sell new ones and then inform people they'll fix the old ones. Surely this will hurt sales of new cards?
Still this must be what happened as an AMD owner speculated it that one time. Much like how they said Mantle would be around longer than DX12.

As for not supporting previous generation cards, that seems to be another leaf straight out of AMD's book, so must be the perfect way to move the industry forward and benefit all gamers. Mantle, did that work on 6000 series cards? TrueAudio, did that work on 7000 series cards or even all latest gen cards? Freesync, usable for gaming on 7000 series cards is it?

This, it's AMD's fault Kepler ran flat.
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