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Nvidia – Upcoming Kepler Fix Will Increase Performance In Several Games

Maunuel Guzman is a good guy. If he says there will be a fix, there will be a fix and it was more the nVidia quote being the reason I posted this thread.

As for the conspiracy theories, I just can't see it. I would put it down to Kepler/Fermi taking a back seat while Maxwell is getting all the love.

I agree, From a company standpoint you always want to optimize your newest tech first followed by your slightly older tech which is exactly what's being done here :)
Isn't it a bit suss that they can now put out a new driver that will improve performance on other games aside from Witcher 3?
I guess they got caught out and now have to remove the gimping code which will no doubt restore the performance to what it should have been all along.
At last, one of these pointless amd vs noida, 390x vs 980ti threads has something of more substance and worth talking about.... Dave from Accounting. What a guy. Kudos to him for trying his hand at tech support and driver optimisation. Give Dave a chance.
"Step 1: Focus on new cards and treat older cards users like 2nd class citizen.
Step 2: Nvidia users with older cards pulling their hair out playing newer titles.
Step 3: Nvidia shout at the top of the mountain telling the world they are working on a fix instead of have it ready, with the fix mentioned in the release note.
Step 4: Free PR opportunties for showing how "awesome" they are in "taking care of their users" (despite they were responsible for the issue in the first place).
Step 5: People will forget about the issue in no time at all, but the idea of Nvidia provide better support to its users than AMD will be further imprinted in their mind, and nobody would care to remember AMD's older cards didn't suffer the ridiculous performance loss for no apparent reason at all."

Well I am glad they fixing it because they absolutely should. I am surprised it took them this long to notice!

Nvidia owners shouldn't have to make the fuss they did for this kind of thing to get noticed so not impressed by NVidia for having the issue in the first place but at least they are now fixing it.

They should have been testing the likes of witcher 3 in advance on all their card models and this kind of performance issues should have been picked up.

Hey ho as a 780ti owner (not sure for how much longer) I'm glad they are fixing it.
There sure are a lot of salty AMD fans about here that seem to want to take great offense to the supposed Kepler nerfs on my behalf...

I mean, great that they feel so strongly about cards they don't own but, well, I (and many others) are perfectly happy with the performance I'm getting from my 780s.

If someone had told me a couple of years ago that my 780s would be able to nearly max out Witcher 3 at 1440p I would've laughed them out the building, but it turns out they can do just that. Of course, a lot of that is down to the unfortunate graphics downgrade but still...

And I'm sure some AMD fan will valiantly jump to my defense quoting lots of rubbish graphs made by people with media studies degrees showing that X card is outperforming my 780s in Y game, but problem with that is that I simply do not care. If my cards are performing well (which they are), then I'm happy.

Of course, I won't say no to any Kepler improvements so kudos to Nvidia for pledging to fix any issues people may be having with this series of cards.
What is funny, Surveyor jumps in straight away when anyone has anything bad to say about a pro AMD video (deletes posts that didn't suck up to it) and yet, the trolls are allowed to post what they like in this thread. jokes without being funny!

This thread was meant as good news for Kepler users, not a troll thread for AMD users.
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What is funny, Surveyor jumps in straight away when anyone has anything bad to say about a pro AMD video (deletes posts that didn't suck up to it) and yet, the trolls are allowed to post what they like in this thread. jokes without being funny!

im sorry gregster but ive seen plenty of trolls on both side doing plenty of baiting. Now i cannot speak for Surveyor and his actions on these boards against such as you speak, but you come off as if the nvidia folk here on these boards are always under attack for no reason. I think your better than such a statement friend. The nvidia fans has earned a lot of the flak their getting just as the amd fans has. Both side are corrupted atm with fanatic followings. Someone has to stop the madness by stepping away but no one is because of pride.

Now just to clarify im not trying to be rude, i have nothing against you or the fact that you have an opinion im just not sharing your view of this situation. Cheers m8. Lets have a pint :D
What is funny, Surveyor jumps in straight away when anyone has anything bad to say about a pro AMD video (deletes posts that didn't suck up to it) and yet, the trolls are allowed to post what they like in this thread. jokes without being funny!

This thread was meant as good news for Kepler users, not a troll thread for AMD users.

Do you know I had the exact same thoughts, problem is I think certain people are more trigger happy with the rtm's
im sorry gregster but ive seen plenty of trolls on both side doing plenty of baiting. Now i cannot speak for Surveyor and his actions on these boards against such as you speak, but you come off as if the nvidia folk here on these boards are always under attack for no reason. I think your better than such a statement friend. The nvidia fans has earned a lot of the flak their getting just as the amd fans has. Both side are corrupted atm with fanatic followings. Someone has to stop the madness by stepping away but no one is because of pride.

Now just to clarify im not trying to be rude, i have nothing against you or the fact that you have an opinion im just not sharing your view of this situation. Cheers m8. Lets have a pint :D

So many posts from both need moderating tht get left and some real personal insults and if that is the way it is, cool but I like consistency and not one rule for one and a different for another.

Do you know I had the exact same thoughts, problem is I think certain people are more trigger happy with the rtm's

Could be Stanners.
What is funny, Surveyor jumps in straight away when anyone has anything bad to say about a pro AMD video (deletes posts that didn't suck up to it) and yet, the trolls are allowed to post what they like in this thread. jokes without being funny!

This thread was meant as good news for Kepler users, not a troll thread for AMD users.

Who is Trolling?? Am sorry but am not allowed to post information some users might find interesting? A simple heads up

Read my OP nothing TROLLING init... You need to Chill out abit man..
With reference to the lacklustre performance with from certain NVidia and AMD cards in certain recent games, some of this can definitely be put down to the increased tessellation performance in the the latest cards. This coupled with lack of attention to older generations in driver tweaking pretty much makes up the rest of the story.

OK all fine and dandy, yes it's NVidia fault, yes it's AMD fault. Good everybody happy.

Now can we please have the new cards already......:p:D:p
One wonders how, with the huge team of nvidia driver employees, someone, somewhere didn't flag how Kepler performance was being ignored/downgraded/what you will, in the last couple of revisions.

I'm not getting my tin hat on just yet, just curious how something that should have been picked up...wasn't (or it was, and they were focusing on Maxwell). And that it took outside parties to get Nvidia to acknowledge (at least they did) that there was a problem.

Things can slip through the cracks, they had a whql driver a few years back that messed with the fan controls and could potentially fry a gpu. Shows how useful whql is that even MS didn't pick up on it. Yet some people act like its only worth installing a driver if its MS tested. :confused:
So many posts from both need moderating tht get left and some real personal insults and if that is the way it is, cool but I like consistency and not one rule for one and a different for another.

I agree.. in case it isn't it should be same set of rules for everyone no matter what brand you like.
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