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Nvidia – Upcoming Kepler Fix Will Increase Performance In Several Games

Cool and what are your plans? Fury or Ti or just waiting it out?

I would be lying if i said i wasn't looking very horny at the 980 ti.. but with most things looks can be deceiving.. kidding aside... the 980 ti looks like an awesome card.. and nVidia releasing this early ahead of Fury or whatever its going to be named makes it a lot more tempting, cause...you know.. a 560 ti cant do **** on a 3440x1440 panel :P. Yet my logic tells me to wait for the response. My gut tells me ...that i'm hungry so i will be right back.
Hang on, are those graphs before of 980 Ti (specifically the Kepler performance) before or after this new driver?

All the reviews ive seen used drivers all the way back to forceware 334.89 for the 780 which is pretty darn old.. So i would take the performance delta in those reviews with a grain a salt unless its stated that it uses the latest and greatest.
All the reviews ive seen used drivers all the way back to forceware 334.89 for the 780 which is pretty darn old.. So i would take the performance delta in those reviews with a grain a salt unless its stated that it uses the latest and greatest.

That's what I thought in which case why are you posting them Final8y? As they're irrelevant now surely with the new driver. I will stand corrected if that isn't the case.
That's what I thought in which case why are you posting them Final8y? As they're irrelevant now surely with the new driver. I will stand corrected if that isn't the case.

The point was that some people were denying that performance was dropping in relation to cards that it should not be in the first place which makes it relevant to my point.

And looking at the NV Feedback with the new driver is nothing to write home about, too many issues reported.



Time to play GTA.
The point was that some people were denying that performance was dropping in relation to cards that it should not be in the first place which makes it relevant to my point.

And looking at the NV Feedback with the new driver is nothing to write home about, too many issues reported.



Time to play GTA.

But they've released a driver to correct it so surely it's obvious performance could have been improved (and was?). I don't see the point of your post when what you're showing has already been established.
I said most of what i was going to say yesterday, if you dont agree with it that's fine by me.

And they have released a driver yesterday/early morning that addressed the performance for Kepler users, so no need for you to keep on really. I would be a little more understanding if you was an NVidia user but as you don't use anything from NVidia, it just comes across as desperate trolling.
Any benchmark comparisons yet?

Well the drivers are out with Kepler improvements for several games :) Well done to the AMD guys for all your hardwork and input! NVidia still got a driver out before AMD :D

Eh? :confused:

AMD released their drivers last week.....

Also, they don't/didn't need to release anything for single GPU users, only the crossfire users.
The point was that some people were denying that performance was dropping in relation to cards that it should not be in the first place which makes it relevant to my point.

And looking at the NV Feedback with the new driver is nothing to write home about, too many issues reported.



Time to play GTA.

A worrying amount of effort put in by somebody who doesn't use Nvidia hardware. Imagine if you used it instead to badger the AMD driver team, you might actually get drivers without terribad performance for games within the launch window for a change.
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Come on we all post in threads of hardware we dont necessarily own.
For me this new driver doesnt help as it crashes on desktop and launching games.
I am glad its being sorted however for most kepler owners :)
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