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Nvidia – Upcoming Kepler Fix Will Increase Performance In Several Games

Yes i already knew, where did i say i didn't, i knew about it all before it was posted on OCUK, it still does not change the point.

If you had a point, I would accept it but this thread isn't for AMD trolling (I have said it enough) and is for NVidia Kepler users. I thought some good news for those guys would be good and I didn't really expect this level of AMD users participation. If you want to discuss underhand tactics, make another thread and I will be happy to discuss it there.

Hopefully Kepler users have just read the OP and moved on.
If you had a point, I would accept it but this thread isn't for AMD trolling (I have said it enough) and is for NVidia Kepler users. I thought some good news for those guys would be good and I didn't reallt expect this level of AMD users participation.

Hopefully they have just read the OP and moved on.

No you would not accept it because i have already made the point which ALXAndy brought up and seeing as it was in reply to ALXAndy you are saying he has no point also.
And AMD trolling ? i have not mentioned AMD in any manor which would be considered trolling, the most i got to mentioning AMD was when i said the competition.
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I gotta be honest. I haven't noticed any performance loss in my games. but I do use vsync. I run most games at 2k or 3k DSR'd to 1080p. Last drivers actually gave me a increase in alien isolation benchmark LOL.
What point? I see nothing but conjecture and speculation from you. A point would be backed up by some evidence but you bring nothing. Please respect my wishes and make a new thread if you want to discuss possible underhand tactics.

What i do is not down to you, the fact is you choose to ignore what other NV users have been saying for the past year is your problem and its not my job to provide you with anything when i and other have already posted the relevant information in the past.

And even if its your opinion that its all conjecture and speculation its still making a point regardless if you think its true or not. ;)

And that's enough wasting my time with you.
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Was i do is not down to you, the fact is you choose to ignore what other NV users have been saying for the past year is your problem

I gotta be honest. I haven't noticed any performance loss in my games. but I do use vsync. I run most games at 2k or 3k DSR'd to 1080p. Last drivers actually gave me a increase in alien isolation benchmark LOL.

Thanks for posting your own findings Metalmackey :)
I gotta be honest. I haven't noticed any performance loss in my games. but I do use vsync. I run most games at 2k or 3k DSR'd to 1080p. Last drivers actually gave me a increase in alien isolation benchmark LOL.

Please don't post actual user experiences sir, we must listen to redditors and fancy graphs from one game before patches were released.
I gotta be honest. I haven't noticed any performance loss in my games. but I do use vsync. I run most games at 2k or 3k DSR'd to 1080p. Last drivers actually gave me a increase in alien isolation benchmark LOL.

You have 780ti SLI you would be one of the last to notice the issue and even more so with Vsync.
Its the single 780 users who have been making the most noise around the web.
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As an owner of a lonely, lowly 670, I can't say I've noticed any drop in performance with the latest sets of drivers.

That's not to say, however, that I think Nvidia wouldn't have prioritised Maxwell over Kepler knowingly. Quite the opposite.

At least they have acknowledged there's a problem, and are addressing it.
Since many are in denial, here is a video showing the frame rate in Witcher3 between the kepler and maxwell cards...


A 780ti should be as fast or faster than a gtx 970 yet is actually slower than my old 7950.
Nvidia claimed the AMD cards are slow because of weak tesselation engines, in which case a 780Ti should be a lot faster...

If the game is a gameworks you would think it would have been tested on most Nvidia cards for optimisation.
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said it earlier but it got ignored, been using 670's for ages now. Honestly they work great, the only exception is in the last few drivers SLI hasn't been as smooth but I'm still getting great fps
Well done nvidia you got a driver out before AMD... Well done.. well done..considering AMD didnt need a driver as it had perfectly working ones already.. But this is a driver release competition, working or not doesnt matter..so good job nvidia..well done.. lets clap our little hands.

PS: Sorry for the sarcastic comment.. i get a little vicious before my morning coffee
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Well done nvidia you got a driver out before AMD... Well done.. well done..considering AMD didnt need a driver as it had perfectly working ones already.. But this is a driver release competition, working or not doesnt matter..so good job nvidia..well done.. lets clap our little hands.

PS: Sorry for the sarcastic comment.. i get a little vicious before my morning coffee

Haha. If you look at the AMD drivers thread, you will soon feel better about your cards :D
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